

Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management edited by David Gurteen

(Apr 2012)



David Gurteen


Academic Publishing International



First Published

April 2012

External Links

http://www.academic-bookshop.com/ourshop/prod_1999004-lt009g ... 


Knowledge Management; Social Business

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Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management 





You may order this book from Academic Publishing International

You may order this book from Academic Publishing International

  Achieving Business Objectives by David Gurteen
We should be talking about Achievement Management - not Knowledge Management

  An Etiquette for Computer-Based Communication by David Gurteen

  Building Learning into Everyday Work by David Gurteen

  Creating a Knowledge Sharing Culture by David Gurteen
Article I wrote for Knowledge Management Magazine in 1999

  Evangelising Knowledge Management by David Gurteen

  Impressions of the 2nd Gurteen Knowledge Conference 26 November 2003 by Shane Godbolt , Tim Dee 
Knowledge is not something you keep in your head, it's a behaviour

  In Conversation: Learn to Listen and to Tell the Truth by David Gurteen
A short article on conversation

  Introduction to After Action Reviews by David Gurteen

  Knowledge Management and Real Conversation by David Gurteen

  Knowledge, Awareness and Understanding by David Gurteen

  Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation by David Gurteen
A popular article of mine from the Journal of Knowledge Management in 1998

  Lotus Notes Ultra Rapid Application Development by David Gurteen

  New Ways of Working in the Networked Organization by David Gurteen

  The Discipline of Dialogue by David Gurteen

  The Gurteen Knowledge Café: A conversation with David Gurteen by Anna McAvoy 

Blog Post
  Creative conversation in an English country pub ...
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 20 August 2002

  KnowledgeBoard Workshop: The role of conversation in KM
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 24 October 2002

  Conversations, blogs and related musings
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 30 October 2002

  Workshop at KM Asia 2006, Singapore
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 13 January 2007

  A talk by Dr David Vaine on 4th generation knowledge management!
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 16 November 2009

  Blogging and tweeting from the recent HKKMS Conference in Hong Kong
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 4 April 2010

  KM UK 2010: Lifetime achievement award for services to KM
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 23 June 2010

  Gurteen Knowledge: 10 Years in KM
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 23 June 2010

  More Knowledge Cafe conversations
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 22 August 2010

  A good video collection of interviews with a number of KM people
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by on 20 February 2011

  We must stop doing things to people
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by on 24 May 2011

  Visionary knowledge management: Trends and Strategies
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 22 January 2012

  Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 28 May 2012

  Social Knowledge Management: A conversation with David Gurteen
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 23 October 2012

  Video: Social Knowledge Management: A conversation with David Gurteen
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 26 November 2012

  KM Europe is relaunched
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 20 February 2013

  The 3 Davids of KM: Knowledge Management Workshops
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 23 July 2013

  Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management (Apr 2012) edited by David Gurteen

  Knowledge Cafe [185 items]
A means for a group of people to have an open, creative conversation.

  Knowledge Worker [14 items]

  Personal Knowledge Management [32 items]

  David Gurteen's Biography

  Dialogue by David Gurteen

  Gurteen Knowledge Cafe Tip Sheet by David Gurteen

  Helping Children Prepare for their Work Future
An Interview with Jo Singel by David Gurteen

  How to run a Knowledge Café by David Gurteen

  Intranet Document Management by David Gurteen

  Participatory Conferences by David Gurteen
Turning conferences into more exciting and engaging learning environments

  River Cafe

  Software Quality by David Gurteen

  Gurteen Knowledge Community

Mail Post
  Announcement of New Book: Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management
Posted to Gurteen Mail Log by David Gurteen on 8 May 2012

Media File
  David Gurteen APM Conference May 2016
David Gurteen APM Conference May 2016

  David Gurteen Winn Wednesday : April 2017
David Gurteen Winn Wednesday : April 2017

  Video: Introduction to the Knowledge Cafe by David Gurteen

Past Event
  The Passion Cafe: Discovering your Passion
A Gurteen Knowledge Cafe on Passion (17 July 2012)
Tue 17 Jul 2012, Gurteen Knowledge
Regents College , London, United Kingdom

  Knowledge by Walking About
A Gurteen Knowledge Cafe
Tue 09 Jul 2013, Gurteen Knowledge
Cass Business School, London, United Kingdom

  Mobile Working - Friend or Foe?
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe
Thu 05 Feb 2015, Gurteen Knowledge
Hoborn Bars , London, United Kingdom

  7th Iranian Knowledge Management Conference
KM Iran 2015
17 - 18 Feb 2015, IInternational Center for Science, High Technology & Environmental Sciences 
Shahid Beheshti International Conference Center, Tehran, Iran

  Cloud Computing: What are the implications for the future?
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe
Thu 16 Apr 2015, Gurteen Knowledge
The Rubens at the Palace , London, United Kingdom

  How can we improve our business conversations?
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe - Farnborough
Tue 21 Apr 2015, Gurteen Knowledge
BAE Systems , Farnborough, United Kingdom

  How can we transform our corporate culture to empower people to be entrepreneurial and adventurous?
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe - Farnborough
Mon 15 Jun 2015, Gurteen Knowledge
Fluor , Farnborough, United Kingdom

  Changing the world with empathy
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe
Tue 30 Jun 2015, Gurteen Knowledge
ProFinda , London, United Kingdom

  Accelerating change by inspiring people to reflect on the foundations of their beliefs, attitudes and behaviours
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe
Tue 21 Jul 2015, Gurteen Knowledge
Westminster Business School , London, United Kingdom

  Do your little bit of good
Thurs 1st Oct, Mon 2nd Nov, Mon 30th Nov 2015, Gurteen Knowledge
St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace , London, United Kingdom

  What should I do with the rest of my life?
A Gurteen Knowledge Cafe
Wed 04 Nov 2015, Gurteen Knowledge
Regents University , London, United Kingdom

  What can we do to increase the passion, learning and interaction in Communities of Practice?
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe - Farnborough
Wed 25 Nov 2015, Gurteen Knowledge
Fluor , Farnborough, United Kingdom

  This Café believes that one day soon businesses will become truly social
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe - Farnborough
Mon 22 Feb 2016, Gurteen Knowledge
BAE Systems , Farnborough, United Kingdom

  Multiple perspectives: electrons and people in an energy system
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe
Tue 10 May 2016, Gurteen Knowledge and SCiO
RedQuadrant , London, United Kingdom

  How do we become better teachers of our knowledge?
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe - Farnborough
Tue 08 Nov 2016, Gurteen Knowledge
Fluor , Farnborough, United Kingdom

  What can you do to make your Workplace Happier?
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe @ House of Commons (June 2018)
Thu 21 Jun 2018, Gurteen Knowledge
Portcullis House , London, United Kingdom

  How do you feel about fear?
Tue 05 Feb 2019, Gurteen Knowledge
Fieldfisher , London, United Kingdom

  Why is conversation so damned important?
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe
Wed 10 Jul 2019, Gurteen Knowledge
Westminster Business School , London, United Kingdom

  Conversational Leadership Workshop
20 - 22 Sep 2019, Nancy Dixon - John Hovell - David Gurteen
The Elvetham , Hartley Wintney, United Kingdom

  The University of the Future
Gurteen Knowledge Cafe at Regents University (February 2020)
Wed 26 Feb 2020, Gurteen Knowledge
Regents University , London, United Kingdom

  London Knowledge Cafe: British Library
Details yet to be announced
Thu 23 Apr 2020, Gurteen Knowledge
The British Library , London, United Kingdom

  David Gurteen Knowledge Management Facilitator

  The 10/5 story by David Gurteen
A true personal & somewhat humorous story concerning 'managing by objectives' from a few years back

  About David Gurteen

  David Gurteen's Publications

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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How to contact me

My Blog

Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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