
Past Event

Knowledge by Walking About

A Gurteen Knowledge Cafe


Event Type

Knowledge Cafe


Gurteen Knowledge


Tue 09 Jul 2013


Cass Business School


London, United Kingdom

Who can Attend





Knowledge Cafe; Knowledge Management


David Gurteen



Date: Tuesday 9 July 2013, 6:00pm - 9:00pm. This is a free event. Please arrive at 6:00pm or shortly after, which will give you time to settle in and meet other people.

Knowledge by walking about

Cass Business School has been working for more than a decade on developing an innovative method in knowledge management, which is built on walking through urban areas.

This approach is called the dérive (drifting) based on a method devised by the French writer Guy Debord.

The method has been used by Professor Clive Holtham with several thousand Cass Business School students and executive learners, and is now also being used in other areas of high level professional development, including teacher training and nursing, both in the UK and internationally.

This is the first time that the event has been offered publicly at Cass.

There will be refreshments and short briefing about the task on arrival, followed by the walk in small teams, returning to Cass to present the team's finding.

This is not a guided tour, a tourist walk, or a treasure hunt.

It is a specifically designed method of management learning. It is an evolution of "Management by Walking About" as developed at Hewlett-Packard, involving "noticing", conversation and storytelling.

The event will take place regardless of weather conditions, so please come with appropriate protection in case of rain etc.

Schedule for the evening:
  • 18:00 networking and refreshments
  • 18:20 briefing (so please arrive by 18:15)
  • 18:30 walk starts in small groups of 3 or 4
  • 19:45 walk finishes, return to room
  • 19:45 short 2 mins presentations by each group
  • 20:30 close

Speaker: Clive Holtham, Professor of Information Management; Director; Cass Learning Laboratory

After taking a Masters degree in management, he trained as an accountant and was Young Accountant of the Year in 1976. Following six years as a Director of Finance and IT, he moved to the Business School in 1988. His research is into the strategic exploitation of information systems, knowledge management and management learning.

He has managed a number of large applied research projects including a major research project for the Institute of Directors, examining the IT needs of executives and as research director of the European Union's 1.6m euro study PRISM (Measurement and Reporting of Intangibles). Professor Holtham has been one of the leading architects of the "electronic boardroom", involving the use of information technology by executives in meetings.

He has been an adviser to the European Parliament on e-learning, and was named as one of the UK's top 3 "e-tutors of the year" by the Times Higher Education Supplement in 2001. As part of the conceptualisation of the new building for the business school, he extensively researched the nature of space for knowledge work.

He was appointed as the inaugural Director of the Cass Business School Learning Laboratory in 2002. In 2003 he was awarded a UK National Teaching Fellowship as one of the 20 leading university teachers in the UK. He was co-founder and a board member of the innovative informal learning network knowhownonprofit.org. He is author of a large number of publications, and lectures, broadcasts and consults in the UK and internationally. He was a founding member of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, the City of London's 100th livery company.

Sponsor: Professor Clive Holtham , Cass Business School

Cass Business School
City University London
106 Bunhill Row

Room: Please report to reception and pick up your security badge. They will direct you to the room.

Location: http://www.cass.city.ac.uk/more-about-cass/about-the-school/location-and-facilities

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Gurteen Knowledge Cafe: SMARTlab
The University of East London

Knowledge Cafés as KM Tools
KM India 2010

Gurteen Knowledge Cafe
KMPAP 2006 in Hong Kong
Introduction to the Knowledge Cafe Greenwich 2006
Knowledge Management Egypt
Cairo 2010
The Gurteen Knowledge Cafe Amsterdam 2009

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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