
Past Event

The Passion Cafe: Discovering your Passion

A Gurteen Knowledge Cafe on Passion (17 July 2012)


Event Type

Knowledge Cafe


Gurteen Knowledge


Tue 17 Jul 2012


Regents College 


London, United Kingdom

Who can Attend





Knowledge Cafe; Knowledge Management


David Gurteen



Date: Tuesday 17th July 2012 6:00pm - 9:00pm. This is a free event. Please arrive at 6:00pm or shortly after, which will give you time to settle in and meet other people. Refreshments will be available. The cafe itself will start prompt at 6:30pm.

Theme: What triggers your passion?

The purpose of this Knowledge Cafe is to help people recognise of the benefits gained in their lives when there is self-awareness of their inner passion.

To help seed the KCafe conversation two professional Tango dancers will explain how the course of their careers changed as they discovered their passion for Tango dancing.

Pursing your passion though does not necessarily mean changing careers. You can discover and manifest your passions in your everyday live and in your work.

So the theme of the Knowledge Cafe is "Discovering your passion" and the question for the evening "What triggers your passion?"

Speaker: Alida Acosta

Alida is currently involved in empirical research in Social Decision Making. She is specifically interested in mapping the way people follow to engage in cooperative behaviour. Asking questions such as:

* Are we consistently looking for more of what we have got already?

* In which circumstances are people willing to team up for a win/win outcome which is lower than the outcome from win/lost strategy?

* How is this framework shaping the way we approach our relationships and marriage?

The Tango Dancers: Nathalie and Bruno

Nathalie: I started dancing when I was 5. My first steps as a dancer were incidentally my teacher's first steps as an instructor and naturally, we grew together in our craft and as people for 15 years (within which time I grew considerably in height too!). I started with basic ballet technique and then went on to study modern and contemporary dance. My career started in Marketing, mainly in Tokyo - communication planning to be precise.

I started tango in 2000, at first for fun, then it became a little more important when I was prepping for my first dance. The thing that kept me going back for more though was my enjoyment of the classes and because I liked socialising with the friends I had made there. After my first trip to Buenos Aires, I carried on tango out of sheer addiction: to the music, to the embrace, to the deep tango culture, to the beauty of the dance and the emphasis on the ‘here and now'. I decided to setup Tanguito, to bring this joy to everyone in London.

Bruno: I met Nathalie in the US where we both were following an MBA. I started as a computer engineer in Tokyo and further developed skills in Marketing - especially digital marketing, which has been my main focus for many years. I went on to develop digital agencies in Tokyo and London, and soon found myself interested in Social Media and mobile marketing.

After doing some charity work in Buenos Aires, I trained to become a tango instructor and eventually setup Tanguito,an Argentine Tango Academy in London, with Nathalie. I have since then managed the school, its marketing and business development. Tango became a passion when I realised it's probably the best antidote to stress and a great way to meet new people.

Hosts: Peter Sharp and Laura Kerr, Regent's College

Regent's College
Inner Circle
Regent's Park
London, NW1 4NS

Map and directions: http://www.regents.ac.uk/contact/how_to_find_us.aspx

Room: Please sign in and ask for directions at the reception.

Note: And don't worry you will not be asked to dance :-)

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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