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learning 2.0 

Related Categoriese-Learning; Education; Personal Development
Related Termsteaching , learning 2.0 
Related PeopleAlice Miller, Carol Gorelick, David A. Garvin, David Bohm, Diana Laurillard, Edgar Schein, Ellen J. Langer, Etienne Wenger, Jean Liedloff, Jo Singel, John Holt, Michael Schrage, Peter Senge, Stephanie Burns
External Linkshttp://www.ntlf.com/html/lib/quotes.htm 
del.icio.us Tags learning 
Flickr Photo Tags learning 

Real learning gets to the heart of what it means to be human. Through learning we re-create ourselves. Through learning we become able to do something we never were able to do. Through learning we reperceive the world and our relationship to it. Through learning we extend our capacity to create, to be part of the generative process of life. There is within each of us a deep hunger for this type of learning.
Learning 2.0 is an emerging approach to learning that turns away from teaching as something that is “done to learners” - and instead, embraces methods in which learning becomes “an on-going and participatory process of transforming information and experience into knowledge".

Credit: Adapted from a definition by Denise Withers.

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The pages on this website are categorized into one or more of nearly 100 categories (themes or topics). This page below displays a list of other pages that belong to the Learning category. You may view the list of pages belonging to another category by selecting the category in which you are interested from the drop-down 'Categories' menu at the top of this page.

Annual Conference
  World of Learning Conference and Exhibition (WOLCE)
Annual conference held early October in Birmingham, England

  Building Learning into Everyday Work by David Gurteen

Blog Post
  Extreme programming, early learning, project management and KM!
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 1 August 2002

  The lessons of warfare
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 23 September 2002

  Japanese Research Lessons
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 24 November 2002

  Do we really need schools?
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 3 October 2007

  Learning goes social too
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 23 February 2008

  Service Learning
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 5 November 2008

  The end of mass universities
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 20 January 2010

  Improving understanding
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 25 November 2010

  Fearing doing something
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 21 February 2011

  Why are so few KM events done over the web?
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 27 March 2011

  The notion of an emerging global one world classroom
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 12 November 2011

  Any theory of adult learning which does not place care at its centre is simply wrong.
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 30 March 2012

  Education as a public act has tremendous power
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 22 August 2012

  Blogs are potent teaching and learning tools
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 26 November 2012

  Learning Circles @ Plan Zimbabwe
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 25 June 2014

  A Concise Guide to the Learning Organization (1998) by Mike Pedler , Kath Aspinwall 
Managing Change and Learning is the No.1 Task - Wherever you Work

  Action Learning (1995) by Krystynia Weinstein 
A Practical Guide for Managers

  Action Research (1988) by Jean McNiff 
Principles and Practice

  E-Moderating (Apr 2000) by Gilly Salmon 
The Key to Teaching and Learning OnLine

  Hare Brain Tortoise Mind (1997) by Guy Claxton 
Why intelligence increases when you think less

  How Children Fail (1964) by John Holt

  How Children Learn (1967) by John Holt

  Learning in Action (Apr 2000) by David A. Garvin
A Guide to Putting the Learning Organization to Work

  Performance Through Learning (Apr 2004) by Carol Gorelick, Kurt April , Nick Milton
Knowledge Management in Practice

  Punished by Rewards (Sep 1999) by Alfie Kohn
The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes

  The Continuum Concept by Jean Liedloff
In Search of Happiness Lost

  The Future of Knowledge (Oct 2002) by Verna Allee
Increasing Prosperity through Value Networks

  The Power of Mindful Learning (1997) by Ellen J. Langer

  Understanding Computers and Cognition by Terry Winograd , Fernando Flores 
A New Foundation for Design

  Learning [143 items]

  CGST Lesson Cards, Collection 1
Lesson Cards from the NHS Clinical Governance Support Team

  CGST Lesson Cards, Collection 2
Lesson Cards from the NHS Clinical Goverance Support Team

  CGST Lesson Cards, Collection 3
Lesson Cards from the NHS Clinical Goverance Support Team

  Helping Children Prepare for their Work Future
An Interview with Jo Singel by David Gurteen

GKR Article
  Every Day Miracles, Leaning and the Human Condition by Jo Singel
The Global Knowledge Review - September 2004

  Wearing our knowledge on our sleeves by Greg Timbrell 
The Global Knowledge Review - October 2004

  Answers on the back of a postcard please ... by Chris Collison
The Global Knowledge Review - March 2005

  Cambridge University
Cambridge University, England

KM resources

European Corporate Learning Analyst

Fifty Lessons
The Fifty Lessons digital library holds more than 500 individual lessons from 100 executives

Personal & organizational effectiveness consultancy

Curriculum Development & Instructional Design Resource

  Harvard University
Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts (US)

  Innovation Associates

  Management Skills & Development Magazine

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  MHA Institute

  Open University Business School
Open University Business School

  Oxford University
Oxford University, England

  Pari Centre for New Learning

  Richard Karash

Singapore Training & Development Association

  Stanford University

  The Society for Organizational Learning

Media File
  Banner Ad: Salvo Global’s 4th Annual Global Learning Academy 2013
Salvo Global’s 4th Annual Global Learning Academy 2013

  Banner: Global Learning Summit 2013
Global Learning Summit 2013

  Dilbert on Learning from Mistakes
Dilbert Comic Strip on Sharing Ignorance

Past Event
  Solving tough Problems using Action Learning
20 - 21 Jan 2015, Go Ahead Learning Solutions 
Block 17, Knowledge Village, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  The Learning Assembly Australia 2015
Learning through Innovation, Collaboration and Knowledge
17 - 19 Feb 2015, Ark Group Australia
Rydges Swanston, Melbourne, Australia

  8th Annual Global Learning Summit
15 - 17 Apr 2015, Salvo Global 
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

  Global Conference for Training & Development
19 - 21 Oct 2015, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University 
Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University (PNU) , Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

  Learning & Development World Congress 2016
25 - 29 Jan 2016, Equip Global Singapore 
Singapore, Singapore City, Singapore

  The 9th Annual Global Learning Summit
Re-imagining Learning: Meeting Future Skills Challenges and New Growth Opportunities
07 - 09 Mar 2016, Salvo Global 
Raffles City Convention & Exhibition Centre, Fairmont, Singapore, Singapore

  IV International Congress EDO
Situated Learning And Connected Learning: Implications For Work
11 - 13 May 2016, EDO-UAB 
Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada, Barcelona, Spain

  Training & Development Asia - Singapore
Asia's dedicated conference to Learning & Development
22 Jun - 23 Apr 2016, Human Resources Magazine 
Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore City, Singapore

  The 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL 2016
ECGBL 2016
06 - 07 Oct 2016, Academic Conferences 
University of West Scotland, Paisley, United Kingdom

  OEB 2016
22nd global, cross-sector conference on technology supported learning and training
30 Nov - 02 Dec 2016, ICWE GmbH 
Hotel InterContinental Berlin, Berlin, Germany

  6th Learning & Development World Congress 2017
21 - 24 Feb 2017, Equip Global Singapore 
Singapore City, Singapore

  The 6th International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education challenges, LTEC
LTEC 21-24 August, 2017, Beijing, China
21 - 24 Aug 2017, Dario Liberona 
Beijing Conference Center, Beijing, China

  Chief Learning Officer, Spring 2018
15 - 17 May 2018, Corinium Global Intelligence 
San Francisco, United States

  12th European Conference on Games Based Learning
ECGBL 2018
04 - 05 Oct 2018, Academic Conferences and Publishing International 
SKEMA Business School, Sophia Antipolis, France

  Chief Learning Officer Forum, Fall
The Premier Meeting Place for the Executive L&D Community
27 - 29 Nov 2018, Corinium 
Boston, MA, United States

  Learning & Development Executive Summit 2019
03 - 05 Feb 2019, Opal Group 
TBD, Orlando, FL, United States

  Learning & Development Executive Summit Fall 2019
03 - 05 Nov 2019, Opal Group 
New York, United States

  OEB Global 2019
The global, cross-sector conference and exhibition on technology supported learning and training
27 - 29 Nov 2019, OEB Global 
InterContinental Hotel, Berlin, Germany

  Alice Miller Psychotherapist

  Carol Gorelick Co-founder of Solutions for Information & Management Services, Inc

  David A. Garvin Harvard Business School Professor

  David Bohm (1917 - 1992) American Physicist & Philosopher

  Diana Laurillard Professor of Educational Technology at the Open University, UK

  Edgar Schein

  Ellen J. Langer Professor of Psychology at Harvard

  Etienne Wenger Communities of Practice Consultant

  Jean Liedloff Author

  Jo Singel

  John Holt (1923 - 1985) American Educator

  Michael Schrage

  Peter Senge MIT-based author, researcher & educator

  Stephanie Burns Australia Based Learning Educator

  Conversation is our most powerful learning technology by Jay Cross 

  Everything that happens to you is your teacher. by Polly B. Berends 

  Learning is all about connection by Peter Senge MIT-based author, researcher & educator

  Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. by Oscar Wilde  (1854 - 1900) Playwright & Wit

  On a good educational system by Ivan Illich (1926 - 2002)

  On advice by Peter Block (b. 1940) American author, consultant, & speaker

  On children and learning by John Holt (1923 - 1985) American Educator

  On creative activity by Arthur Koestler 

  On designing space to enhance collaborative learning by John Seely Brown Ex. Director of Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (Parc)

  On destroying the love of learning in children by Alfie Kohn Author, Speaker & Educator

  On doing that which I cannot do by Pablo Picasso  (1881 - 1973)

  On education by Melanie Alfonso  Mother, Teacher, Nurse, Housemaid - Queens, NYC, NY

  On education by Robert Frost 

  On educational curriculums by Charles Handy (b. 1932) Social Philosopher & Management Consultant

  On hot stove lids by Mark Twain  (1835 - 1910) American Author

  On ignorance in action by Goethe 

  On irreverence to studies by Jacob Chanowski 

  On knowledge and learning by John Milton  (1608 - 1674) Poet

  On learned and leisurely hospitality by Ivan Illich (1926 - 2002)

  On learning by Henry Ford  (1863 - 1947) Car Maker

  On learning by Ivan Illich (1926 - 2002)

  On learning and adapting by Peter Senge MIT-based author, researcher & educator

  On learning and being taught by Winston Churchill  (1874 - 1965) British Politician

  On learning and mistakes by Abraham Maslow (1908 - 1970) American Psychologist

  On learning and survival by W. Edwards Deming (1900 - 1993) Quality Guru

  On learning by doing by Sophocles 

  On learning by exposure to living by David P. Gardner 

  On learning from history by George Santayana 

  On learning in the 21st century by Alvin Toffler  (b.1928) Futurist

  On learning through mistakes by Igor Stravinsky 

  On learning wisdom by Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC) Chinese Philosopher

  On learning, doing and teaching by Richard Bach Richard Bach (1977), IIllusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

  On lecturing and hypocrisy by Donald Clark 

  On letting children take control of learning for themselves by Colin Hannaford 

  On lifelong learning by Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate

  On living and learning by Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001) Author

  On making mistakes by Natine Sanger 

  On mistakes by James Joyce  (1882-1941) Irish Novelist

  On modes of acquiring knowledge by Roger Bacon  (c. 1214 - 1294) English Philosopher

  On not defining learning too narrowly by Chris Argyris 

  On obstacles to discovery by Daniel J. Boorstin 

  On pain by Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931) Lebanese-American Poet Philosopher & Artist

  On real learning by Peter Senge MIT-based author, researcher & educator

  On receiving wisdom by Marcel Proust 

  On single-minded views by Ellen J. Langer Professor of Psychology at Harvard

  On teachers and delusion by John Holt (1923 - 1985) American Educator

  On the aim of education by Herbert Spencer (1820 - 1903) British Philosopher

  On the curious child by John Holt (1923 - 1985) American Educator

  On the disinclination to learn from others by Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001) Author

  On the educational value of television by Groucho Marx 

  On the importance of involvement

  On the meaning of tao by John Heider  Author

  On the reader of his own self by Marcel Proust 

  On the sport of learning by Kent Greenes 

  On the universe and stupidity by Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate

  On thought by Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931) Lebanese-American Poet Philosopher & Artist

  On trying to force a child by John Holt (1923 - 1985) American Educator

  On what do we mean by learning by Jiddu Krishnamurti

  You can't make people learn! by Stephen Downes 

  Permision Is Not Required To Learn New Things by Christopher Locke
A story from a Tokyo coffee shop about the freedom to do what we wish

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

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Saturday 8 February 2025
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