

Intellectual Capital


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Related CategoriesKnowledge Management
Related PeopleGöran Roos, Karl-Erik Sveiby, Leif Edvinsson, Thomas A. Stewart, Victoria Ward
WikipediaIntellectual Capital
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Corporate Longitude: Navigating the Knowledge Economy

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The pages on this website are categorized into one or more of nearly 100 categories (themes or topics). This page below displays a list of other pages that belong to the Intellectual Capital category. You may view the list of pages belonging to another category by selecting the category in which you are interested from the drop-down 'Categories' menu at the top of this page.

Annual Conference
  European Conference on Intellectual Capital
Annual conference held in Europe in March/April

  International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management (ICICKM)
Annual conference held in globally in October or November

Blog Post
  Leif Edvinsson, Intellectual Capital and the Reform Club
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 19 June 2002

  Bill Capital
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 3 July 2002

  Ultimately, a CKO's job should be to fire himself ...
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 14 September 2002

  Lawrence Lessig at the Rochester Institute of Technology, March 24th 2006
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 20 May 2006

  21st century management (Dec 2010) by Moria Levy 
A personal blog

  Corporate Longitude (Mar 2002) by Leif Edvinsson
Navigating the Knowledge Economy

  Effective Knowledge Work (Oct 2011) by Klaus North , Stefan Gueldenberg 
Answers to the Management Challenges of the 21st Century

  Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig
How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity

  Intangible Management (Jun 2002) by Ken Standfield 
Tools for Solving the Accounting and Management Crisis

  Intellectual Capital (Oct 1998) by Thomas A. Stewart
The New Wealth of Organizations

  Intellectual Capital for Communities (Jan 2005) by Leif Edvinsson, Ahmed Bounfour 
Nations, Regions, and Cities

  Intellectual Capital in Organizations (December 2014) edited by Leif Edvinsson, Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos 
Non-Financial Reports and Accounts

  Knowledge and Knowledge Systems (Oct 2007) by Eliezer Geisler 
Learning from the Wonders of the Mind

  Knowledge Asset Networking (Dec 2002) by Dimitris Apostolou , Ron Young, Gregoris Mentzas , Andreas Abecker 
Beyond the Process-centred and Product-centred Approaches

  Knowledge Capital (Oct 2003) by Jay L. Chatzkel 
How Knowledge-Based Enterprises Really Get Built

  Knowledge Management Practice in Organizations (January 2014) by Ulla de Stricker , Cynthia Shamel , Connie Crosby , Gordon Vala-Webb , Deborah Keller , Karen Huffman , Constance Ard 
The View from Inside

  Leading Issues in Innovation Research (Sep 2011) edited by Danièle Chauvel 

  Making Innovations Happen (July 2015) by Ravi Arora 
Fostering innovations by inducing foresight

  Making it Real: Sustaining Knowledge Management (Apr 2013) by Annie Green 
Adapting for Success in the Knowledge Based Economy

  Making Sense of Intellectual Capital (Jan 2004) by Daniel Andriessen 
Designing a Method for the Valuation of Intangibles

  Managing Intellectual Capital in Practice (Mar 2006) by Göran Roos, Stephen Pike , Lisa Fernstrom 

  Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do (Feb 2012) by Euan Semple
A manager's guide to the social web

  Perspectives on Intellectual Capital (Feb 2005) by Bernard Marr 
Multidisciplinary Insights Into Management, Measurement, and Reporting

  The Effective Manager (Feb 2009) by Sarah Cook 

  The Innovation SuperHighway (Nov 2002) by Debra M. Amidon
Harnessing Intellectual Capital for Collaborative Advantage

  Value Networks and the True Nature of Collaboration (Feb 2011) by Verna Allee, Oliver Schwab 

  Wikipatterns (Dec 2007) by Stewart Mader 
A practical guide to improving productivity and collaboration in your organization

  Winning the Knowledge Transfer Race (Oct 2005) by Michael J. English , William H. Baker 
Using your Comaopny's Knowledge Assets to Gain Competitive Advantage

  Intellectual Capital [57 items]

  Academic Conferences International
Academic Conferences International

  Asia Pacific Intellectual Capital Centre

  Intellectual Capital Network

  Intellectueel Kapitaal Magazine
Dutch based Intellectual Capital Magazine

  PMA - Intellectual Capital Group

Past Event
  12th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning
05 - 06 Nov 2015, ACPIL 
The Institute for Knowledge and Innovation Southeast Asia (IKI-SEA) of Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

  9th European Conference on Intellectual Capital
ECIC 2017
06 - 07 Apr 2017, Academic Conferences 
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal

  10th European Conference on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital
ECIIC 2018
19 - 20 Apr 2018, ACPI 
Thomas More - Campus De Vest, Mechelen, Belgium

  10th European Conference on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital
ECIIC 2019
23 - 24 May 2019, ACPI 
University of Chieti-Pescara, Pescara, Italy

  16th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning 5-6 December 2019, Sydney, Australia
05 - 06 Dec 2019, Academic Conferences and Publishing International 
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

  Göran Roos Director of Intellectual Capital Services

  Karl-Erik Sveiby Consultant & Professor in Knowledge Management

  Leif Edvinsson Professor of Intellectual Capital, University of Lund, Sweden

  Thomas A. Stewart Journalist & Author

  Victoria Ward Sparknow

  Social Strategies in Action: Driving Business Transformation (August 2013) by Dr Bonnie Cheuk 

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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