

Corporate Longitude by Leif Edvinsson

Navigating the Knowledge Economy (Mar 2002)



Leif Edvinsson



First Published

March 2002

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ISBN 0273656279 

By same Author(s)

Intellectual Capital for Communities
Intellectual Capital in Organizations

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Intellectual Capital; Knowledge Management



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Corporate Longitude: Navigating the Knowledge Economy Corporate Longitude describes Leif 's approach to the corporate longitude problem. It does not provide a definitive compass for our organizational and personal behavior. Nothing could – no matter what the self-improvement gurus may tell you. Instead, he hopes, Corporate Longitude offers different ways of looking at problems.<p>

He believes that it is only through new perspectives that we can gain new insights. And it is only through new perspectives that we will be able to chart the uncertain waters of our futures. Join him in his travels.

Video: Gurteen Mini-interview with Valarie Walters

Gurteen Mini-interview with Valarie Walters of the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago on how they run the Knowledge Cafe. Shot at KM World & Intranets, San Jose, November 2007.

Media Information: Image

Blog Post
  Leif Edvinsson, Intellectual Capital and the Reform Club
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 19 June 2002

  Bill Capital
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 3 July 2002

  The Knowledge City
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 25 August 2003

  Corporate Longitude (Mar 2002) by Leif Edvinsson
Navigating the Knowledge Economy

  Intellectual Capital for Communities (Jan 2005) by Leif Edvinsson, Ahmed Bounfour 
Nations, Regions, and Cities

  Intellectual Capital in Organizations (December 2014) edited by Leif Edvinsson, Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos 
Non-Financial Reports and Accounts

  Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 21 - 4th March 2002

  The New Club of Paris

  Leif Edvinsson Professor of Intellectual Capital, University of Lund, Sweden

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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