What are creativity and innovation? There are several definitions. Often they are not distinguished. They are simply seen as part of the process by which knowledge is developed and transformed into business value. This is a perfectly acceptable definition but like the failure to differentiate between information and knowledge - it is not very useful for practical purposes.
A more useful approach is to view creativity as the process of generating ideas whilst seeing innovation as the sifting, refining and more critically - the implementation of those ideas. Creativity is about divergent thinking. Innovation is about convergent thinking. Creativity is about the generation of ideas and innovation is about putting them into action.
Creativity – coming up with new ideas - is not enough. We need innovation - the taking of new or existing ideas and putting them into action. This requires the application of existing knowledge and the development of appropriate new knowledge. Coming up with new ideas is the food of innovation. Innovation is a far tougher proposition than creativity.
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Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation by David Gurteen A popular article of mine from the Journal of Knowledge Management in 1998 Virtual Value - Conversation, ideas and the creative economy by Alex McKie Interesting article on creative conversation Blogging ideas Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 19 June 2002 Creative conversation in an English country pub ... Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 20 August 2002 On sharing ideas Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 23 August 2002 Where do ideas come from? Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 12 February 2003 Build something cool in 24 hours Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 25 August 2005 Ever thought of writing a book on a mobile phone? Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 3 December 2007 Zero rupee note that Indians can slip to corrupt officials who demand bribes Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 19 February 2010 Why Crowded Coffee Shops Fire Up Your Creativity Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 27 June 2012 Disregard Others! Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 26 October 2017 Cognitive Surplus (Jun 2010 ) by Clay Shirky Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age Creativity in Business (1989 ) by Michael Ray , Rochelle Myers Extraordinary Minds (1997 ) by Howard Gardner Portraits of Exceptional Individuals and an Examination of Extraordinariness Hare Brain Tortoise Mind (1997 ) by Guy Claxton Why intelligence increases when you think less Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1985 ) by Peter F. Drucker Practice and Principles Jamming by John Kao The Art and Discipline of Business Creativity Re-imagine! (Oct 2003 ) by Tom Peters Science Order & Creativity by David Bohm , F. David Peat Six Thinking Hats (1985 ) by Edward De Bono The Circle of Innovation (1997 ) by Tom Peters You Can't Shrink your Way to Greatness The Grace of Great Things (1990 ) by Robert Grudin Creativity and Innovation The Rise of the Creative Class by Richard Florida And How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962 ) by Thomas S. Kuhn The Tom Peters Seminar by Tom Peters Creativity [110 items] Dialogue by David Gurteen Edward deBono's Web Edward deBono's website Knowledge Management News KM website & e-zine The Creativity Web Creativity resource center The DaVinci Institute The Thinking Page Source of information on improving organizational & individual thinking Asian Symposium on Creativity & Innovation Management From Imitation to Innovation 21 - 26 Feb 2016, IKI-SEA Institute of Knowledge & Innovation - South East Asia W District - www.w-district.com, Bangkok , Thailand Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate John Kao American Author on Creativity Robert Grudin Author Gadfly by Socrates (469 BC - 399 BC) Greek Philosopher John Cleese on open and closed thinking modes On assumptions and choice of method by Cooperrider & Srivastra On change by Bruce Barton On choice, love and passion by Nadia Boulanger On common sense by Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate On creative activity by Arthur Koestler On creative extremists by Martin Luther King (1929 - 1968) American Civil Rights Leader On creativity by Norman Podhoretz On creativity and meaning by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Professor of Pschology, Chicago University On creativity and relationships by Thomas Disch On difficulty and opportunity by Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate On discovering new lands by André Gide On discovering new oceans by Andre Gide On discovery, seeing and thinking by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893-1986) Nobel Laureate in Physiology On disolving of the old ways by Margaret J. Wheatley Speaker, Writer, Consultant & President of The Berkana Institute
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