

Science Order & Creativity by David Bohm, F. David Peat



David Bohm; F. David Peat



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ISBN 0415171830 

By same Author(s)

Changing Consciousness
On Dialogue


Philosophy; Creativity; Dialogue; Science

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Science Order & Creativity 





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Science Order & Creativity by David Bohm, F. David Peat

Video: BLU Lesson 1: How do you make people share by David Gurteen

One of six BLU lessons on 'how do you make people share' by David Gurteen.

In April 2005, BLU, the UK's Business Link University which no longer exists hired Fifty Lessons  to produce a series of video stories for them to which I (David Gurteen) was invited to contribute. This is one of those stories.

Media Information: Image

Blog Post
  Developing knowledge management for Pursuing Perfection in healthcare
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 16 July 2002

  Changing Consciousness by David Bohm

  On Dialogue (Oct 1996) by David Bohm

  Science Order & Creativity by David Bohm, F. David Peat

  Dialogue [91 items]

  Books by David Bohm
Details of books by David Bohm

  David Bohm (1917 - 1992) American Physicist & Philosopher

  On communication by David Bohm (1917 - 1992) American Physicist & Philosopher

  On sharing meanings freely by David Bohm (1917 - 1992) American Physicist & Philosopher

  On the ability to perceive or think differently by David Bohm (1917 - 1992) American Physicist & Philosopher

  On the difference between information and meaning by Warren G. Bennis 

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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