

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 68 - 8th February 2006


First Published

February 2006

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

*** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 68, 8 February 2006) ***

Starting in March, I plan to produce a monthly video of a
conversation between myself and a key person from the 'knowledge

I will be producing them in collaboration with Brad Meyer whose
company (I-T-L) produced the Verna Allee and Dave Snowden knowledge
assets that I talked about recently.

The people I will be talking with will frequently be well known or
influential in their field or somewhat lesser known but each with
have a strong point of view on a particular subject. The idea will be
to give you a few minutes to learn about them, what they are doing,
what they are about and to be informed and inspired by them.

If you have a specific person or topic you would like to see featured
in these videos, please let me know.

I have already held interviews with Martyn Laycock of the London
Knowledge Network and Bob Buckman which will be released later.

But take a look here and you will get to see me on video explaining
the types of people I am looking to have 'conversations' with :-)


*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Kiki Laxton joins the Gurteen Knowledge Forum
2 - Advertisement: KM Training in Switzerland
3 - Mystery of the disappearing discussion groups
4 - Cynefin Practitioners Course
5 - Knowledge Surfacing
6 - Advertisement: KMRP Journal
7 - An alternative view of storytelling
8 - What do you think of small group work?
9 - Gates Memo on Services
10 - Contactivity 2006
11 - Gurteen Knowledge Cafes
12 - More headaches for the music industry
13 - Gurteen Event Calendar
14 - What's New?


Have you joined the Gurteen Knowledge Forum that I set up just before
Christmas yet? Its slowly getting established with a 118 members now.

But to help things along I have asked a great friend of mine Kiki
Laxton if she would moderate and facilitate the forum and I am
delighted to say she has agreed. I am sure Kiki will bring some life
to the forum though she may not pick up the reins immediately as her
second baby is due any day now!!! :-)

But for now take a look at the forum - 10 new messages were posted in


You will find an RSS feed here:



Certified Knowledge Management (CKM) Training in Switzerland

The CKM classes of Douglas Weidner (International KM Institute)
provide a unique workshop experience of quality material and
instruction. This was confirmed by my interaction with Douglas in
the first CKM class we ran in Switzerland in 2005. Very few have the
mastery to cover the depth and breadth of knowledge management topics
that Douglas brings his instructor skills to bear on to share key
understandings with workshop participants.

The next Certified Knowledge Manager class (delivered in English)
will take place in Basel on March 20-24. A brochure can be downloaded

Barry Hardy



Over the last few weeks there has been quite a commotion in the KM
world over the sudden disappearance of several KM discussion groups
that were hosted by Yahoo - including ActKM, KM Malaysia and

The good news is that ActKM is back up online and also KM Malaysia
but NCSI-KM-Forum still seems to be down.

I won't attempt to explain the history here but its all a bit scary
as Yahoo brought down ActKM without any notification and at first
failed to respond to emails. Although the issue has been resolved
ActKM has now moved to a new forum over which they have control.

You will find the new ActKM discussion list here:


***************** CYNEFIN PRACTITIONERS COURSE *****************

The University of Greenwich in London is running a three-and-a-half
day Cynefin Practitioners Course with Dave Snowden March 16-19.

I attended this course last November and can hugely recommend it.
Dave Snowden's Cynefin Framework and his philosophy and insights
really opened my mind to a whole new way of seeing the world. This is
one course worth travelling for and the venue and the integral social
programme make it a lot of fun!

If you are not familiar with Dave' work - you will find a lot about
him on my website. For more details:


And if you are a member of my community there is a 10% discount.

********************** KNOWLEDGE SURFACING **********************

I ran a knowledge cafe at the Bob Buckman Knowledge Sharing Workshop
at the University of Greenwich last week. I have heard Bob speak many
times and a lot of what he has to say at first seems simple - but the
more I hear it - the more profound it becomes. Funny :-)

I learnt a lot from the day but had one little insight. We talk a lot
about the concept of 'knowledge sharing' and its a term I often use
to describe what goes on in a knowledge cafe - though I have never
felt totally comfortable with it.

In the afternoon - it hit me - when we have conversations - we not
only share knowledge but we 'surface our knowledge' As Dave Snowden
often says "we know more than we can say". But in conversation such
as in a knowledge cafe - we articulate things we didn't know we knew
- we 'surface' our knowledge.

Bob Buckman

****************** ADVERTISEMENT: KMRP JOURNAL ******************


First published in 2003, KMRP provides an exciting and accessible
source of high-quality,peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of KM
relating to both people and technology. To view a free online issue
go to:

Two introductory offers for the Gurteen Knowledge Community:

- 10% discount on a personal subscription
Take out a 2006 subscription to KMRP: Four print issues PLUS the
online archive from 2003.

- Special MBA Student Rate
Utilize KMRP in your studies. Online access to KMRP for only GBP10.00

For further information on KMRP and these offers go to:

************** AN ALTERNATIVE VIEW OF STORYTELLING **************

When you have a spare minute and want some distraction - here is an
alternative view of 'organizational storytelling'.


its the third video but the others are equally outrageous :-)

I mailed the link to Dave Snowden - thinking he would find it amusing
- which he did - as he thought it was far too close to the truth in
many organizations!

************ WHAT DO YOU THINK OF SMALL GROUP WORK? ************

My January Poll asked the question "Does your organization have a KM
initiative underway? " Looks like about 47% of you have - which is a
little higher than I expected. But also interestingly 24% of you had
no idea!

This months poll is one of great interest to me. Over the years, at
conferences and workshops, I have often been involved in 'small
group' work - where people work in small teams on a collaborative
task and then someone reports back. Personally I have always felt
that they do not work too well - maybe the instructions are not
clear or one or two people tend to dominate the group and others
retreat into themselves. But let me know what you think as my view
may be colored.


******************** GATES MEMO ON SERVICES ********************

You may have missed this from last year. On November 1, Microsoft
chairman Bill Gates and Chief Technology Officer Ray Ozzie unveiled
publicly Microsoft's Live.com services strategy

"This coming "services wave" will be very disruptive. We have
competitors who will seize on these approaches and challenge us -
still, the opportunity for us to lead is very clear. More than any
other company, we have the vision, assets, experience, and
aspirations to deliver experiences and solutions across the entire
range of digital workstyle & digital lifestyle scenarios, and to do
so at scale, reaching users, developers and businesses across all

The Strategy:

The Memo:

*********************** CONTACTIVITY 2006 ***********************

Contactivity 2006 is KnowledgeBoard's 2006 multi-network gathering.
For more information and to experience KnowledgeBoard's revamped
website see:


Even if you cannot get along to this event - it is in London on 10-11
April at the University of Greenwich and at GBP50.00 quite
inexpensive. Do a take a look as KnowledgeBoard is working hard to
make this a radically different event to any that you may have
attended - not quite an "unconference" but with many of its features.

I will be there and will be running some form of knowledge cafe on
the second day but like the rest of the programme which is 'emergent'
i.e. defined by the participants - it won't be clear until the day.
This should be a great learning experience for all involved!

******************** GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE CAFES ********************

Don't forget, I now have several knowledge cafes up and running:
London, Manchester, Bristol, New York and Adelaide.

The inaugural knowledge cafe in Bristol takes place on 16th Feb and I
will be there to help kick-it off. Debbie Lawley who will be heading
it up was captured on video at my last London Knowledge Cafe - you
can meet her here:


And then on the 9th March, the Adelaide, Australia knowledge cafe
will be starting up with Helen Paige see


Steve Hales in Manchester has also just set out a programme for the
year and I will be posting details on my site soon:


I also have three coming up in London see:


As these get up to speed and I roll out a few more - I am sure they
are going to be great fun!

************* MORE HEADACHES FOR THE MUSIC INDUSTRY *************

It seems to me that things only get worse for the music industry by
the day. Take a look at this report from Peter Cochrane on Silicon.com

"MP3 players, and iPods in particular, are now being sold and traded
complete with content on auction sites and across bars and tables.
And it isn't just a few individuals who are engaged in this trade,
there are now companies specialising in 'nearly new' pre-loaded


******************** GURTEEN EVENT CALENDAR ********************

My website contains such a comprehensive listing of knowledge related
events that it is no longer possible to display them all. The list below

shows only the major events or ones of special interest that will be held
in the next month or so. You can see the complete list on my website or

subscribe to my e-mail event alert for your region:


Two top events I will draw your attention to:

BrainTrust International 2006
20 - 22 Feb 2006, San Francisco, United States

Library + Information Show 2006
26 - 27 Apr 2006, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Gurteen Event Calendar:

Practical Knowledge Management
21 - 22 Feb 2006, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge Management In Higher Education
22 - 24 Feb 2006, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

Creating Value from Intellectual Capital
22 Feb 2006, London, United Kingdom

Thinking the Unthinkable
23 - 24 Feb 2006, Kilkenny, Ireland

Gary Klein Masterclass
23 - 24 Feb and 10 Mar 2006, Singapore City, Singapore

Knowledge Management for Professional Services
27 Feb - 01 Mar 2006, Sydney, Australia

One Day Conference on Disruptive Innovation
27 Feb 2006, Toronto, Canada

Knowledge Sharing for Success in Outsourcing
28 Feb 2006, London, United Kingdom

Working in a Wired World
02 - 03 Mar 2006, Sydney, Australia

Allrussia Forum "Corporate Intranet Systems 2006"
02 - 03 Mar 2006, Moscow, Russia

Know-How Management Master Class for Legal Practice
09 - 10 Mar 2006, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge Management in Practice
14 - 17 Mar 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa

Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities
20 - 22 Mar 2006, Coventry, United Kingdom

General Online Research 2006 (GOR06)
21 - 22 Mar 2006, Bielefeld, Germany

American Creativity Association 2006 International Conference
22 - 25 Mar 2006, Austin, United States

Blogs, Wikis and RSS
29 - 31 Mar 2006, Sydney, Australia

E-Gov Knowledge Management Conference 2006
19 - 21 Apr 2006, Washington DC, United States

***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help
you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and
interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning,
Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology.

It is produced in association with the Knowledge Management Forum of
Henley Management College, Oxfordshire, England.


You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for
resale or profit and I am attributed.

David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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