

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 67 - 10th January 2006


First Published

January 2006

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

*** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 67, 10 January 2006) ***

It seems a little late but let me say I hope you had a great
Christmas and to wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.

I am not particulary one for new year's resolutions but here is a
thought for you.

"Think of one knowledge sharing behaviour you might adopt that could
make a significant difference to your organizational performance in
2006 and commit to it!"

I am sure you can think of several but pick one and make a note of
it. Maybe place it somewhere to remind you of it each day. And if
you feel inclined, post it as a response to my entry in the Gurteen
Discussion Forum so others can see it and be inspired by it :-)


*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Knowledge Sharing with Bob Buckman
2 - Tagging
3 - Advertisement: KMRP Journal
4 - The Unconference
5 - Polls!
6 - Braintrust International 2006
7 - The end of the techie?
8 - Knowledge Cafes in England and Australia
9 - Listening to Podcasts
10 - Gurteen Knowledge Goodies
11 - Asian Cities & Regions of the Future
12 - Weblogs: the top ten mistakes
13 - Gurteen Event Calendar
14 - What's New?

************** KNOWLEDGE SHARING WITH BOB BUCKMAN **************

I would like to tell you about a really great workshop coming up in
London in a few weeks time. It is a "Knowledge Sharing" Masterclass
with Bob Buckman built around a recent in-depth case study of Bob's
work at Buckman Labs by Martyn Laycock of the London Knowledge

You may well know of Bob or will have heard me talk about him. He is
arguably the first CEO to have lead a knowledge-based corporate
strategy. He personally pioneered collaboration around the globe to
solve customer problems and create new business.

I have heard Bob speak many times and met him on several occasions.
He is a fantastic guy and I hugely respect him. If you want to know
what works and what doesn't come along to this workshop.


And if London is just too far away or you cannot make it for other
reasons - learn more about Bob Buckman here


**************************** TAGGING ****************************

The concept of "tagging" - especially so-called "social tagging", I
believe is going to be huge. If you wish to learn more about these
concepts and their importance start reading Bill Ives weblog here:


And what ever you do click though on David Weingberger's article on
"Tagging and Why it matters".

But also take a look at the concept of "memography" recently
introduced to me by Bob Doyle. Imagine being able to create globally
unique meme/idea identifiers that can be embedded in web pages.Then
for example, when planning a trip to London, England and using Google
to search for London - you can search for the "London, England" meme
and thus avoid London, Ontario and the works of Jack London :-)

When this takes off and I am sure it will - it will be hugely
powerful indeed.


****************** ADVERTISEMENT: KMRP JOURNAL ******************


KMRP's first issue of the year is due in February. One of the
highlights of this issue is an article by Dianne Ford and Sandy
Staples, who develop an important new construct related to knowledge
sharing, the Perceived Value of Knowledge (PVK).

Keep up-to-date with the latest contents from KMRP by registering
for the free E-Alerts service. As soon as an issue is published ,
the table of contents will be sent to you by email.

1. Go to www.palgrave-journals.com/nams/svc/register
2. Select KMRP from the list of Palgrave Macmillan Journals
3. Confirm your details when prompted

For more information on the journal go to


*********************** THE UNCONFERENCE ***********************

For the last few years I have been running knowledge cafes and
conferences that were inspired by my frustration with traditional
conference and speaking formats.

Too often traditional conferences are "chalk and talk" and "death by
powerpoint" and I wanted to get away from this format and create
meetings that were a lot more interactive, participative, and
conversational - where the participants (note I have never called
them delegates) got to engage with the subject matter.

At the same time it was good to notice that other people were
adopting this format too and that many more conferences and seminars
were becoming 'participative events'. Well once this new form of
'conference' is given a label then maybe its time has really come and
so I was delighted to just read this posting of David Gammels on

This is how an "unconference" compares with a traditional
"conference". I love it


David Gammel's weblog

**************************** POLLS! ****************************

If you have not done so yet - take a look at the "Polls" page on my


December's poll was on RSS Feeds and I am surprised that 37% of
respondants did not have a clue what an RSS feed was. January's poll
on KM Inititaives, I think may prove interesting too - take a look :-)

***************** BRAINTRUST INTERNATIONAL 2006 *****************

If California does not seem too far away for a conference then take a
look at the 8th Annual BrainTrust International 2006 Knowledge
Management Summit scheduled for February 20-22, 2006 at the Hotel
Nikko in San Francisco.

This looks like being a great event with opportunities to learn from
the experiences of Fluor Corporation, Lucent Technologies, Best Buy,
Caterpillar, Hallmark Cards, Samsung, Pricewaterhouse Coopers and
others. And a chance to hear from Verna Allee, Nancy Dixon, Rob Cross
and other key speakers.

For more information or to register visit


******************** THE END OF THE TECHIE? ********************

This is a great little article about a recent report from Gartner.

"Good technical skills won't be enough for workers who want to hold
onto their jobs in IT, as staff need to show off new business skills
to attract employers."

If you are a "techie" take note - on the other hand if you are a
business person you should be putting some time aside to brush up on
your IT knowledge and how it can help your business.

How could weblogs, RSS feeds or podcasts help in the marketing and
support of your products for example? Techie or marketeer - you
should know :-)



I am really delighted to announce the start up of two more Gurteen
Knowledge Cafes.

The first, in Bristol, England will be headed up by Debbie Lawley who
until recently was a Knowledge Manager with Orange. I have known
Debbie for some years through the Henley Knowledge Management Forum
and have always been impressed with her enthusiasm and energy.

The second will be run by Helen Paige in Adelaide, Australia. I met
Helen this summer in London when she was visiting Europe. Helen has a
passion for KM and like Debbie is full of energy and ideas.

Both these new cafes will be starting up in February and is a great
start to 2006 :-)

Look here for more information and to register to be kept informed of
Knowledge Cafe events in your region:


Knowledge Cafes are now held in London, Manchester, Bristol , New
York and Adelaide and I also hope to get a few more up and running in

********************* LISTENING TO PODCASTS *********************

I have just received a Video iPod for Christmas. Not that downloading
music to it was my driving rationale - it was to receive podcasts -
automatic downloads of audio and video news files that I can now
listen to in the car or wherever.

I used it for the first time last night driving into London -
listening to a New Scientist audio podcast - playing the iPod through
my car stereo via a cassette adapter.

The whole system works a dream. My laptop uses iTunes to
automatically download podcasts that I have subscribed to and when I
connect my iPod to the laptop they in turn are automatically
downloaded and I can listen to or watch them later

As I discover or even create my own 'knowledge' feeds - I'll keep you
updated :-)


******************* GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE GOODIES *******************

As you may know my website provides a host of special features. Here
are a few that you might have missed. The most popular is "quote of
the day" to which over 1,000 people subscribe.

Quote of the Day
Receive a quotation by e-mail on a day of the week of your choosing

Event Alerts
Receive e-mail alerts for new conferences & workshops in your region

New Book Alerts
Receive e-mail alerts for recently published books

Email Courses
Subscribe to short e-mail courses by e-mail

Download Center
Download articles and presentations from my website

LinkedIn for Groups 
Join the Gurteen Knowledge Community Group on LinkedIn for Groups 

Discussion Forum
Join the Gurteen Knowledge Discusion Forum

RSS Feeds
Subscribe to a number of RSS feeds from my site

************* ASIAN CITIES & REGIONS OF THE FUTURE *************

This is an intersting little report where Hong Kong earns the title
of Asian city of the future with India and Australia picking up the
regional honours:



***************** WEBLOGS: THE TOP TEN MISTAKES *****************

If you have a weblog or are thinking of starting one then this
article from Jakob Nielsen is a 'must read'. Some obvious things not
to do and some great ideas to do !


Some other good web design tips too at the bottom of the page.

******************** GURTEEN EVENT CALENDAR ********************

My website contains such a comprehensive listing of knowledge related
events that it is no longer possible to display them all. The list
below shows
only the major events or ones of special interest that will be held
in the next
month or so. You can see the complete list on my website. Better still
subscribe to my e-mail event alert for your region:


Gurteen Event Calendar:

Developing executive leaders in the public sector
17 - 19 Jan 2006, London, United Kingdom

Developing a knowledge-sharing culture
19 - 20 Jan 2006, London, United Kingdom

Get Unstuck & Get Going
22 Jan 2006, London, United Kingdom

"Knowledge Management: What has Wisdom got to do with it?"
24 Jan 2006, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge Management : foundation programme
31 Jan 2006, London, United Kingdom

02 - 03 Feb 2006, Geneva, Switzerland

Anthony Robbins London
03 - 06 Feb 2006, London, United Kingdom

BrainTrust International 2006
20 - 22 Feb 2006, San Francisco, United States

Knowledge Management In Higher Education
22 - 24 Feb 2006, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

Thinking the Unthinkable
23 - 24 Feb 2006, Kilkenny, Ireland

***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help
you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and
interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning,
Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology.

It is produced in association with the Knowledge Management Forum of
Henley Management College, Oxfordshire, England.


You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for
resale or profit and I am attributed.

David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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