

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 63 - 14th September 2005


First Published

September 2005

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 63, 14 September 2005) **
Last week I spent two days at the 6th European Conference on
Knowledge Management at the University of Limerick in Ireland. It was
a really great event with a strong community feeling and I met many
people who are part of the Gurteen Knowledge Community whom I had not
met face to face before - I always enjoy that.

I also met Gabriela Avram and Carla Verwijs - both KM bloggers - see
their blogs below. And also got chance over a glass of wine to have a
long conversation with Larry Prusak who was a keynote speaker - I
have huge respect for Larry - if you can get to see him at KM Asia
2005 - do so - he's a great speaker with some deep insights into KM.

I also ran a k-cafe (my main purpose for being there) on the theme
"What are the most useful field of research in the field of KM that
should be pursued in the next 3-5 years?". Gabriela took notes and
they should be posted on her weblog soon. Gabriela and I also took a
quite a few photos - some of which we have already posted on Flickr.

ECKM 2005: The 6th European Conference On Knowledge Management

Gabriela Avram

Carla Verwijs

Larry Prusak


*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Social Software Seminar in Oxford
2 - MSc in Knowledge Management
3 - Making Knowledge
4 - Results of August Poll
5 - KnowledgeBoard Update
6 - Upcoming Major Conferences
7 - Google Maps
8 - Cynefin Complexity Course
9 - KM Jobs
10 - Sponsored Links & Banner Ads
11 - KM Timeline
12 - Gurteen Event Calendar
13 - What's New?

*************** SOCIAL SOFTWARE SEMINAR IN OXFORD ***************

I am always telling you about Theodore Zeldin and how much I admire
his work. You also know I go on a great deal about the power of
social software and social tools.

Well if you are UK based you have the opportunity to meet Theodore
and enjoy one of his 'conversational dinners' (I wish I had thought
of this!) all as part of a day long seminar at Templeton College,
Oxford on "Social Computing and The Organization".

Take a look, I'll be there (and some other interesting people in the
audience too - Euan Semple, Ton Zylstra, Lee Bryant to name three)
and it looks like being a really fantastic day and evening. Its also
very keenly priced at GBP200 + vat which includes lunch and dinner.

When you book, please mention my name as I am interested in knowing
who will be attending from my community.

The event:

Theodore Zeldin

Conversational Dinners

Social Networking

****************** MSC IN KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ******************

There seem to be more and more KM courses these days. Recently I was
invited to join the advisory board for the Hull Business School MSc
in Knowledge Management here in the UK. Take a look - it looks good -
the programme is aimed at both recent graduates, with little or no
working experience, and those who have been working for a while.


*********************** MAKING KNOWLEDGE ***********************

Some interesting thoughts from Denham Grey on how we create knowledge


******************** RESULTS OF AUGUST POLL ********************

Take a look at the results of the August poll on weblogs.

120 people voted in the poll. What surprised me was that 27% of you
own a weblog but still 21% do not understand them or think them a
waste of time.

This months poll is on Wikis.


********************* KNOWLEDGEBOARD UPDATE *********************

What do you think are good stories, and how do they work in


****************** UPCOMING MAJOR CONFERENCES ******************

A few great conferences coming up :

Connect & Collaborate
Social Networking & Collaboration Inside the Enterprise
27-28 Sept, New York City

KM Asia
John Seely Brown, Larry Prusak and Dave Snowden
25-27 Oct, Singapore

Knowledge Content & Collaboration Europe (KCC Europe)
7-8 Nov, Amsterdam

************************** GOOGLE MAPS **************************

Well I am sure by now you will have taken a look at Google Maps by
now and also Google Earth. Both awesome applications.



But what you should know about Google Maps is that they have an API
(applications program interface) that allows web programmers to
integrate the maps into their websites. The code is JavaScript and it
is so easy that you can get something up and going in minutes.

If you are using the Firefox browser take a look at what I am
experimenting with:



Essentially all I needed to do this was to modify my web database to
store latitude and longitude and "zoom factor" for each page type
such as city, country region, sub-region or meeting place. The code
itself did not take me more than a few hours to adapt for my site.
Still a bit of work to do - but its looking good. I think its only a
matter of time before Google Maps are embedded into everything on the

I am still struggling to work around a bug in Internet Explorer that
prevents the maps working in Microsoft's browser. But hey if you are
using IE - now might be the time to switch to Firefox :=)


******************* CYNEFIN COMPLEXITY COURSE *******************

The University of Greenwich (London) are hosting another 4-day
Complexity Course with Dave Snowden - with a distinct focus on
knowledge and narrative aspects. 10-13th November including social

If you quote "Gurteen" you will receive a 10% Discount if booked
before 30th September.

I'll be there and look forward to meeting one or two of you who have
already booked.


**************************** KM JOBS ****************************

If you missed my announcement of my new job section on my website
last month see here:


A few more jobs have been posted since then.

***************** SPONSORED LINKS & BANNER ADS *****************

I am always looking to open up my site and my ways of working to make
it transparent. To this end I have tagged all the pages on my site
that are 'sponsored' in some way see:


I also allow you to see all the active and indeed inactive banner ads
on my site and their associated statistics see:


************************** KM TIMELINE **************************

My website pages are categorized in a number ways - principally by
category or theme:


and by country and city:


but also by person - there is no single page showing pages by person
but you will find pages associated with a person linked to from that
person's profile page see Tom Peter's for example:


but I am now experimenting with a categorization by time - a
time-line see:


Its great having a Lotus Notes driven website - it makes the
implementation of these features quite trivial.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
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