

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 58 - 9th April 2005


First Published

April 2005

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

***** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 58, 9 April 2005) *****

If you have been following my work over the last few years via my
knowledge-letter and website then you may have noticed some change in
my focus.

Both website and newsletter are still a rich mix of material on
personal development, learning, creativity, innovation, technology
trends, knowledge sharing, collaboration and more. But increasingly I
find myself being drawn more and more to social and cultural issues.

That's not to say that technology has been edged out - there is so
much going on in the techy world right now and given my roots - it is
hard to avoid writing about the juicy technological morsels I come
across - much of which drives the development of my website and the
way I interact with other people anyway.

Just an observation but I hope you like the evolution as I have a
feeling it will accelerate.

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Primarily Public Domain
2 - Sponsoring Making Knowledge Work
3 - Henry David Thoreau's Blog
4 - Personal Learning
5 - Open Leader
6 - June KM Conference in Barcelona
7 - Are you an idealist?
8 - Answers on the back of a postcard please
9 - If you saw it from a satellite
10 - Free Culture
11 - Interview with Wikipedia Founder
12 - This is delicious
13 - Another conference in the sun
14 - Ozzie jumps to Microsoft
15 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
16 - What's New?

******************** PRIMARILY PUBLIC DOMAIN ********************

I am undertaking a huge long term project to re-vamp my website.
Primarily I want to tag every resource (text, images, video,
documents etc) with a 'copyright' licence.

If the 'work' does not belong to me then I wish to state the licence
under which I am using it., e.g. public domain, fair use, or a
creative commons licence etc. Or if the 'work' is mine then to state
the conditions under which anyone else may use it.

I am drawing hugely in my inspiration on the work of Wikipedia and
Creative Commons.



I was thinking applying the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial License to most of my material until I came
across this site from Flemming Funch.


In it he dediicates his work to the public domain:

"Everything I've written here is dedicated to the Public Domain. The
quotes from other people's writings, and the pictures used might or
might not be copyrighted, but are considered fair use. Thus, overall,
this weblog could best be described as being: Primarily Public

This might just influence me to be even more open. Interestingly this
led me to this site:


It's purpose: Define simple ways for placing into the public domain
as much material as practically possible, and a moral culture for
making use of such material.

There is some very exciting work indeed going on this field!

You will find some of my bookmarks on the subject here:


*************** SPONSORING MAKING KNOWLEDGE WORK ***************

If you are interested in sponsoring my next conference "Making
Knowledge Work" on 17-18 May in London that I am running with
Bizmedia then you may download the event prospectus from my download


Full details of the event

****************** HENRY DAVID THOREAU'S BLOG ******************

There were bloggers long before PCs were ever imagined. I recently
came across this blog by Henry David Thoreau via Bill Ives:


Thoreau, though long dead, is one of my mentors so to find him
blogging is such a treat :-)

Bill Ives

Henry David Thoreau

*********************** PERSONAL LEARNING ***********************

I love the work and insights of Denham Grey. Its one of the reasons I
signed him up as a contributor to the Global Knowledge Review. He
wrote recently in his blog on 'personal learning'. Here are a few
clips that resonated with me:

"The key to learning is not the medium nor the message, it is the
quality of the dialog with your peers that really matters."

"More is learned on the playing fields and in discourse with peers
than from the sage on the stage. Even in very structured training
situations, it is the breaktime conversation, the secondhand
explanation from a colleague that situates the new concept, validates
its importance and sanctions its legitimacy."

This last clip explains the rationale behind my knowledge cafes and
behind the events that I run with Bizmedia. I have had my fill of
'sages on the stage' and my events are my small way of trying to
balance this. Pretty much every session in my next conference "Making
Knowledge Work" is a facilitated session - the speakers are not
speakers but facilitators - facilitating conversion amongst the
participants. For me - this is the way to learn!


Denham's posting links to a brilliant personal story by Theodore
Marchese that for me captures what is wrong about traditional
teaching methods:

The New Conversations About Learning

Denham Grey

Making Knowledge Work

************************** OPEN LEADER **************************

You all know how much I love the open-source concept which has lead
to 'open-source everywhere'. Well the concept seems to be growing by
the day:


Open-source everywhere

**************** JUNE KM CONFERENCE IN BARCELONA ****************

I will be attending this KM Conference in June in Barcelona where I
will be running a knowledge-cafe. Would be great to meet some of you
there :-)

Transforming Knowledge Management Forum
Strategic pan-European Senior Executive Forum
15 - 16 Jun 2005, Global Benchmarking Group
Barcelona, Spain

********************* ARE YOU AN IDEALIST? *********************

One of my favorite bloggers is Euan Semple. I guess because I feel he
is so much like me in his values and view of the world. Recently he
posted an entry entitled "I am an Idealist" in which he talks about a
thing called a 'temperament sorter' that he came across:

The Temperament Sorter is a an assessment tool created to uncover a
person's innate tendencies, preferences, and motivations to arrive at
an integrated view of their personality.

Euan came out as an idealist :

"Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with
personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who
they are and how they can become their best possible self -- always
this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their
imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists
are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education
or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or
the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in
life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill
their potentials."

I have yet to take the test myself but suspect I will come out the
same. Why not try it for yourself :-)

The Obvious

Temperament Sorter


Each month, I publish one article from the Global Knowledge review
online. In March, the article was "Answers on the back of a postcard
please" by Chris Collison. This is how he starts:

A few months ago, I was given a golden opportunity to engage
Centrica's executives in the topic of knowledge management. I had a
two-hour slot at one of their twice yearly top management events, to
educate, inspire and gain the support of their top 60 directors. How
could I maximise my chance (perhaps only chance?) to engage this
diverse group?


Other past articles

More on the Global Knowledge Review

**************** IF YOU SAW IT FROM A SATELLITE ****************

I talked a little about Google Maps last month. But things move
quickly. Just take a look at this latest update which includes aerial
photos. The seamlessness of the maps and the aerial photos and the
ability to pan around and zoom in makes this system truly awesome.


Funny the connections, you make in your mind. The title of this item
is actually a short phrase from a song called "How Long" from "World
in Motion" By Jackson Browne. Here is the context:

If you saw it from a satellite
With its green and its blue and white
The beauty of the curve of the earth
And its oceans below
You might think it was paradise
If you didn't know
You might think that it's turning
But it's turning so slow

It is both a sad and beautiful song though ultimately inspirational.

Full lyrics:

Jackson Browne, How Long, World in Motion

************************* FREE CULTURE *************************

Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down
Culture and Control Creativity (2004) is a book by law professor
Lawrence Lessig that was released on the Internet under the Creative
Commons Attribution/Non-commercial license in March 2004.

The printed version of the book was published by Penguin Books, thus
becoming the first CC-licensed book released by a major mainstream

Free Culture

Lawrence Lessig

Creative Commons Attribution/Non-commercial license

Open Source Culture

*************** INTERVIEW WITH WIKIPEDIA FOUNDER ***************

Rob and Dana Greelnee of Web Talk Radio interview Jimmy Wales, the
founder of Wikipedia. Started in 2001, the site is currently working
on more than 500,000 articles in the English version alone. In 22
other languages there are at least 10,000 articles.



*********************** THIS IS DELICIOUS ***********************

My Firefox browser has crashed twice now losing all my book marks
with it. Upsetting but not sufficient reason to stop using it . But
just the motivation I need to start using a social bookmarks manager.
Two huge advantages:

1. I wont lose my book marks anymore and will be able to access them
from other PCs.

2. I get to share my bookmarks with other people and get access to
theirs too.

And also as I have just discovered in writing this months news letter
if I want to point people to further reading on a subject then not
only do I have Wikipedia to reference but also my own set of social
book marks for that topic. Love it :-)

del.icio.us is a social bookmarks manager. It allows you to easily
add sites you like to your personal collection of links, to
categorize those sites with keywords, and to share your collection
not only between your own browsers and machines, but also with


Denham Grey on social book marking

***************** ANOTHER CONFERENCE IN THE SUN *****************

I will possibly be attending this conference in Rhodes in July where
I will involved in their 'talking circles' - another form of

The Fifth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change
in Organizations 2005
19 - 22 Jul 2005, Common Ground Conferences
University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece

Talking Circles:

What ever your interest, take a look at the website - some beautiful
photos of Rhodes.

******************* OZZIE JUMPS TO MICROSOFT *******************

On March 10, Microsoft announced that it had acquired Groove Networks
and that the company's founder, Ray Ozzie, would assume the role of
chief technical officer, reporting to Bill Gates, with responsibility
for influencing corporate-wide communication and collaboration
offerings and associated platform infrastructure.

Some commentary:

Gates and Ozzie interview on video (only works in IE)

Ray Ozzie

What a bomb-shell, Ray was the brains behind Lotus Notes and in 1997
left IBM/Lotus to found Groove Networks - though maybe not too
surprising given Microsoft was a substantial investor in Groove.

****************** GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-CALENDAR ******************

My website contains such a comprehensive listing of knowledge related
events that it is no longer possible to display all of them in this
knowledge-letter. The list below only shows major events or ones of
special interest that will be held in the next 3 months. You can see
the complete list on my website by following the Gurteen-Knowledge
Calendar link below.

Gurteen-Knowledge Calendar:

3rd Annual Conference on Re-designing your Intranet
13 - 14 Apr 2005, London, United Kingdom

Personal Networking - Shared or Selfish Success
13 Apr 2005, London, United Kingdom

FOR: Maintaining an Effective Framework for Compliance
18 - 19 Apr 2005, London, United Kingdom

The Delphi Summit 2005
19 - 21 Apr 2005, Litchfield Park Arizona, United States

Dave Snowden - Networking an Organisation
20 - 21 Apr 2005, Sydney, Australia

Innovation Leadership
21 Apr 2005, London, United Kingdom

Drug Safety Knowledge Management (US InterAction Meeting)
25 - 26 Apr 2005, Phildelphia, United States

Social Computing Symposium 2005
25 - 26 Apr 2005, Seattle, United States

Competia European Symposium 2005
27 - 28 Apr 2005, Barcelona, Spain

The Expanding Presence of Knowledge Management
05 - 06 May 2005, St. Louis, United States

Creativity - your company's untapped asset
11 May 2005, London, United Kingdom

12 - 19 May 2005, Pari - Tuscany, Italy

CROinfo 2005 Knowledge Management Workshop
13 May 2005, Zagreb, Croatia

Merging Cultures Workshop
19 May 2005, London, United Kingdom

Innovation Leadership
19 May 2005, London, United Kingdom

Cynefin Certification Programme
25 - 26 May 2005, Toronto, Canada

Drug Safety Knowledge Management (Swiss InterAction Meeting)
30 - 31 May 2005, Basel, Switzerland

Communities & Technologies 2005
13 - 16 Jun 2005, Milan, Italy

New Science/New Paradigms
23 - 30 Jun 2005, Pari - Tuscany, Italy

************************** WHAT'S NEW? **************************

The following pages have been added to my website within the last
month. It does not include all of them as the list is typically quite
long. You can follow the What's New link below to my website for the
full list.

What's New:

Book: Listening to the Volcano (05 Mar 2005) by David Hutchens

Category: Open Space Technology

Quotation: On doing what you are afraid to do by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Visit: Margaret Wheatley in UK at HRD 2005 , 12 Apr 2005, London,
United Kingdom

Weblog Entry: Meeting the Acute Need for Entrepreneurial Skills

******* S U B S C R I B I N G & U N S U B S C R I B I N G *******

You may s u b s c r i b e to this newsletter here:


To u n s u b s c r i b e mail
mailto:[email protected]

***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help
you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and
interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning,
Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology.

It is produced in association with the Knowledge Management Forum of
Henley Management College, Oxfordshire, England.


You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for
resale or profit and I am attributed.

David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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