

Jo Singel



Organizational Development; Children; Education; Leadership; Learning


United States, New York City

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Jo Singel 



Jo Singel
Jo began her professional career working at Estee Lauder, Gulf & Western Ind., and General Instrument Corp, focusing on Public Relations and Human Resources respectively.

She transitioned into her own business in the early 80's and founded Jonathan Lawrence Associates an executive search and management consulting firm. JLA's clients included many of New York City's premier financial institutions, Healthcare and general industry companies. Focused on IT, HR and Financial recruitment, JLA also worked with clients on building "environments for collaboration and learning".

In the late 90's, she transitioned again to return to a corporate position at JPMorgan Chase where she was Vice President in the Leadership and Organizational Development group. There she had been involved in Knowledge Management, Leadership Development, Organizational Learning and Corporate Culture Change. During the 8 years she was at JPMC, she was instrumental in implementing numerous change initiatives with broad, organizational impact. Working closely with senior leadership, she created, organized and facilitated Communities of Practice, Knowledge Broker Networks and built Knowledge Management systems designed to enhance productivity and organizational efficiencies based on scale, elimination of waste and redundancy. She also led numerous change projects designed to energize collaboration, transform work environments, focus business processes, and engage people in building effective platforms for organizational learning and individual growth and self-development.

Recently, she has re-engaged her passion around working with women professionals and is launching a new business entity. Her program, "Success Strategies for Women" will focus on the promotion, development and enhancement of the inherent leadership talent in every woman. Jo will continue with her public speaking and consulting career - helping people and business clients achieve their "area of excellence" in whatever it is they do.

Jo is currently self-publishing a personal memoir and will continue to seek opportunities to work with children and schools in ways that build leadership skills and promote individual empowerment.

Google Video Search

  Helping Children Prepare for their Work Future
An Interview with Jo Singel by David Gurteen

GKR Article
  Every Day Miracles, Leaning and the Human Condition by Jo Singel
The Global Knowledge Review - September 2004

  Jo Singel

  On being impactful and the human condition by Jo Singel

  On expressing feelings by Jo Singel

  On KM initiatives and deep change by Jo Singel

Quotations from Jo Singel:

 In order for any of our interventions to be impactful, we must face certain truths about the human condition: the need to be right; to be in control and to look good.

Jo Singel

 What I've come to understand and appreciate is that expressing feelings to trusting people is both a public act and a responsibility. It is cleansing, healing and critical to our own growth and to those around us, including our families and communities.

Jo Singel
The Dandelions of Woodlawn Avenue

 KM initiatives should be designed to disrupt current established: belief systems; unexamined assumptions; hypocrisies and entrenched thinking in order to create deep change in people/organizational systems.

Jo Singel

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Friday 25 October 2024
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