

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 74 - 7th August 2006


First Published

August 2006

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

**** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 74, 7 August 2006) ****

Its summer time in the northern hemisphere and here in the UK here we
are having our hottest summer for many years. So as many of you will
be on holiday and I seem to have more than enough to do - I am
keeping this knowledge letter short :-)

One key thing to tell you all though. I am changing my email address
from [email protected] to
david.gurteen@gurteen.com to help
reduce the 1,000 + spam emails I receive each day! If you have a
weblog or website of your own and have a similar problem - see the
item below on address munging - I think you will like it :-)

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
2 - Dave Snowden Update
3 - The Zurich Knowledge Cafe
4 - Gurteen Media Player
5 - The Gurteen Perspective
6 - Collaborative Working Workshops
7 - KM Event Highlights
8 - Address Munging
9 - Web Identity Verification
10 - Event Calendar

************ LESSON OF THE MONTH FROM FIFTY LESSONS ************

This month's video lesson is "It Takes Time" from John Stewart - a
former director of McKinsey's.

In KM circles we are always talking about the need for culture change
but are not always terribly realistic about the time it takes. John
explains that getting people to change they way they behave and think
can take at least five years.


********************** DAVE SNOWDEN UPDATE **********************

Many members of my community are huge followers of Dave Snowden's
work and you may know that there has been lot of change going on in
Dave's life these last 2 years or so since he left IBM.

I have been meaning to interview him but somehow have never quite
found the time. So until I do - take a look at his new website


where you will discover that Dave is blogging!! But read beyond his
blog - the new site has a lot of good additional material that
describes what Dave is up to :-)

******************* THE ZURICH KNOWLEDGE CAFE *******************

I recently ran a knowledge cafe in Zurich. About twenty people
attended and it was a great evening and I met some wonderful people.

Chris Pallaris of the International Relations and Security Network
(ISN) hosted the cafe and not only did I get to know him well and
love his energy and enthusiasm for KM but he was keen to run further
cafes in Zurich. So I am delighted to have appointed Chris as the
regional director for the Gurteen Knowledge Cafe in Zurich.

Chris will be running the first (or maybe its really the second)
knowledge cafe in Zurich in the autumn when everyone has returned
from their holidays. If you would like to know more about the Zurich
Cafes see:


There are now six Gurteen Knowledge Cafes running around the world:


********************* GURTEEN MEDIA PLAYER *********************

A little while back I told you about the media player I had
integrated into my website. Well, I have recently updated it to make
it easier to browse the videos and over the last few months have
added some great additional material.

Take a look, I think you will love it :-)


******************** THE GURTEEN PERSPECTIVE ********************

A month or so back I wrote a thought leader for Inside Knowledge
Magazine entitled "Stop apologizing for knowledge management!"


Graeme Burton, the magazines editor, liked it so much he asked me to
write a regular column - to which I have agreed. The column is called
"The Gurteen Perspective" and the first article was published in the
July edition of the magazine. Interestingly it is "On Perspective".
You can find it in full here:


**************** COLLABORATIVE WORKING WORKSHOPS ****************

Debbie Lawey is the regional director for the Gurteen Community in
Bristol. She is also the founder of Willow Learning and I have a huge
respect for the works she does. Willow learning specialize in
developing skills in collaboration, virtual working, learning in the
workplace and knowledge management. They help people develop skills
that enable them to innovate and build strong cohesive teams.

They have recently made available some new courses that includes
training for community skills, virtual team management, best
practice in virtual communication and facilitation skills. Debbie is
also doing some interesting work with Chris Collison of Learning to
Fly fame :-)

Take a look at

********************** KM EVENT HIGHLIGHTS **********************

This section highlights some of the major KM events taking place
around the world in the next 3 months and ones in which I am actively
involved. You will find a more comprehensive list at the end of this

KM Australia 2006
14 - 16 Aug 2006, Sydney, Australia
I won't be attending this event but it looks like being a really good
conference including a panel of international experts to facilitate a
review of KM, CM, and collaboration.

ECKM 2006: The 7th European Conference on Knowledge Management
04 - 05 Sep 2006, Budapest, Hungary
I will be co-presenting a session on Social Networking Tools and
running a knowledge cafe of sorts based on Socratic Dialogue.

Social Network Tools and their Business Application
20 - 21 Sep 2006, London, United Kingdom
I have been working with Unicom to help put this event together and
keep it business focused. I will also be chairing it. Check it out -
this should be a really good event judging by the speaker line-up.

The European Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Forum
28 - 29 Sept 2006, London, United Kingdom
Another great yearly KM event that I spoke at last year. This year I
will be facilitating conversations at one of the tables.

CROinfo 2006 Knowledge Management Conference
11 - 13 Oct 2006, Porec, Croatia
I will be giving a keynote and running a workshop at this event.

************************ ADDRESS MUNGING ************************

If you have a weblog or website and do not like the idea of e-mail
crawlers scouring your site for your email address to add to some
spammers address list then take a look here:


I discovered it when I googled for a solution to the problem for my
own site - not really expecting to find anything but then delighted
to find the perfect solution.

******************* WEB IDENTITY VERIFICATION *******************

There are several things I would love to see on the web. The first is
a system that eliminates spam (I can dream). The second is a good
micro-payments system and by that I mean one that can handle cents or
tenths of cents.

But the third is an identity verification system. Well its seems
Microsoft has something afoot called InfoCard:


If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
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