

Business Management


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Related CategoriesKnowledge Management; Leadership; New Ways of Working; Organizational Culture; Organizational Learning
Related Termsmanagement , organizational management 
Related PeopleArie de Geus, Charles Handy, Dave Ulrich, Gary Hamel, Homa Bahrami, Hugh Wilmott, Michael Porter, Peter F. Drucker, Thomas H. Davenport, Tom Peters, Peter Drucker 
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Introducing Management, 3Ed by Kate Williams Business or organizational management is the process of getting activities done efficiently with and though others. Management functions include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Management roles include interpersonal, informational, and decisional (negotiators) roles.

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The pages on this website are categorized into one or more of nearly 100 categories (themes or topics). This page below displays a list of other pages that belong to the Business Management category. You may view the list of pages belonging to another category by selecting the category in which you are interested from the drop-down 'Categories' menu at the top of this page.

Blog Post
  We need "Managers 2.0"
Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 20 January 2008

  We are volunteers not conscripts
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 24 May 2011

  Future Proofing (Feb 2002) by David Birchall, George Tovstiga

  Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1985) by Peter F. Drucker
Practice and Principles

  Introducing Management, 3Ed (May 2006) by Kate Williams 
A Development Guide

  Management Challenges for the 21st Century (1982) by Peter F. Drucker
Tasks, Responsibilites, Practices

  Managing in Turbulent Times (1980) by Peter F. Drucker

  Only the Paranoid Survive (1996) by Andrew S. Grove 
How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company

  Post Capitalist Society (1993) by Peter F. Drucker

  The Future of Management (Sep 2007) by Gary Hamel

  The Individualized Corporation (Oct 1997) by Sumantra Ghoshal , Christopher A. Bartlett 
A Fundamentally New Approach to Management

  Business Management [67 items]


  Aston Business School - Knowledge Management 
Aston Business School. Birmingham, UK

  BusinessWeek Online
US business magazine online website

  Cass Business School
Cass Business School, London, UK

Central & East European Management Development Association

  Chartered Management Institute (UK)

CIO Magazine


  Cranfield University
University & Management College (UK)

  Fast Company Magazine
US magazine

Forbes Magazine

  Fortune Website
US business magazine website

Personal & organizational effectiveness consultancy

  Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review Magazine

  Harvard Business Review Archives
HBR Archives

  Harvard University
Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts (US)

  Henley Business School
Henley Business School (UK)

  Institute of Management Consultants (Singapore)

  Management Skills & Development Magazine

  Open University Business School
Open University Business School

  Singapore Institute of Management
Singapore Institute of Management (SIM)

  The Dialogue Group
Management Consultancy specializing in "Dialogue."

  The Work Matters! Webcast
Tom Peters' "The Work Matters!" webcast

  The W. Edwards Deming Institute
The W. Edwards Deming Institute

  Tom Peters' Website
Tom Peters' main website

  Warwick Business School
Warwick Business School (UK)

  Arie de Geus Retired Royal Dutch/Shell Group Executive

  Charles Handy (b. 1932) Social Philosopher & Management Consultant

  Dave Ulrich Human Resource Management Educator & Consultant

  Gary Hamel Management Consultant

  Homa Bahrami

  Hugh Wilmott Diageo Professor of Management Studies, The Judge Institute of Management

  Michael Porter (b. 1947) American Strategist

  Peter F. Drucker (b. 1909) American Management Consultant

  Thomas H. Davenport Director of the Accenture Institute for Strategic Change

  Tom Peters Consultant & Author

  On figuring out if you are dead by Tom Peters Consultant & Author

  On letting people become their best by Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011)

  On management and making things difficult for people by Peter F. Drucker (b. 1909) American Management Consultant

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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