

David Birchall

Director of Research & Educational Technologies, Henley Management College



Author, Educator, Speaker

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Knowledge Management; Information Technology


United Kingdom


Books by David Birchall 


Books by David Birchall 


David Birchall

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David Birchall 



David Birchall
Professor David Birchall is Director of Research, Director of Educational Technologies, Director of the Centre for Business in the Digital Economy and Chair of the Research Committee.

He teaches and researches aspects of work in the digital economy at Henley Management College, England. He is a regular speaker on e-business, knowledge management, IT and learning and new forms of organization.

He has held a number of senior posts at Henley Management College including Director of Corporate Programmes and Director of Graduate Studies. He has research interests in the areas of innovation practices in organizations and organizational implications of IT. 'Creating Tomorrow's Organization - Unlocking the Benefits of Future Work' published by FT Pitman provides a modern executive insight into the new ways of organizing work. 'The New Flexi Manager' by International Thomson Publishing aims to help its readers cope with, and adjust to, the very exciting changes taking place for managers in the world of business. His latest book Future Proofing has been published by Wiley-Capstone.

He currently directs projects funded by the European Union, UK Government Departments and several commercial organizations and regularly addresses conferences and seminars worldwide. His recent projects include EU funded 'Innovation Management for SMEs'. He has particular expertise in the development of systems to support remote learners and is a founding member of both the Future Work Forum and the Knowledge Management Forum at Henley.

He has consulted and lectured throughout the world on aspects of innovation, technology and organization, capabilities and organizational learning, and knowledge management.

He joined Henley in 1974 and has been a Professor since 1983.

Google Video Search

  Future Proofing (Feb 2002) by David Birchall, George Tovstiga

  Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 22 - 2nd April 2002

  Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 21 - 4th March 2002

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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