
Past Event

OEB MidSummit


Event Type

Annual conference

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08 - 09 Jun 2017


Hilton Reykjavik Nordica


Reykjavik, Iceland



World-class ICT and Research. A Dramatic setting where Europe Meets America.<br>
Midsummer.... In June 2017, OEB will travel to Iceland for ‘MidSummit&#039; - a<br>
new event for experts, thinkers and innovators. Surrounded by fells, fjords<br>
and geysers, we&#039;ll be talking about tomorrow&#039;s learning under the light of<br>
the midnight sun....<br>
‘MidSummit&#039; is a chance to see the future and help shape it with some of the world&#039;s most inspiring thinkers and entrepreneurs. It&#039;s an opportunity to take part in a discussion about extending the reach of possibility....<br>
‘MidSummit&#039; is about a new engagement between colleagues and friends in a unique environment where anything is possible. It&#039;s about a chance to engage with the future of learning in a country that has already begun to shape it....<br>
Speakers will include, amongst others, workplace learning leader Niyazi Arda Aygul - Isbank (Turkey), neuroscientist Harold Bekkering - Radboud University (The Netherlands), commentators on the digital revolution Andrew Keen, Penn State Chief Academic Learning Officer Larry Ragan - The Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning, Penn State University (USA), education foresight researcher Tryggvi Thayer - School of Education, University Of Iceland, Roger Schank, leading visionary in artificial intelligence and education technology writer Audrey Watters - Hack Education (USA)

What is Knowledge Management? - Jianzhong Hong

Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Jianzhong Hong. What is Knowledge Management? Shot at ECKM 2006 in Budapest in September 2006.

Media Information: Image

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Wednesday 18 September 2024
01:23 PM GDT