

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 45 - 8th March 2004


First Published

March 2004

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

***** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 45, 8 March 2004) *****

As most of you know - I am huge advocate of knowledge cafés. I run my
own in London every 6-8 weeks and for organizations too. In the last
year I have also run several at conferences for Professor Dan Remenyi.

Dan liked the cafe format so much that he has produced a 30 minute
DVD in which he interviews me about the knowledge cafe concept.

The DVD explains the benefits of a knowledge cafe and how to run your
own. It consists of two sections one of which is the conversation
between myself and Dan and the second, a series of slides, which may
be used as a briefing before holding a knowledge-café.

Take a look if you are interested ...

The Knowledge-Café Briefing DVD:

Professor Dan Remenyi:

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - The Oxford Muse
2 - Are you a techno-fetishist or a fluffy-bunny?
3 - Butterworth-Heinemann KM Books
4 - Search Engine for Pictures and Images
5 - KM in Singapore
6 - Managing organizational Complexity
7 - Long Bets
8 - Japanese Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises
9 - So What's so new about the new economy?
10 - Convinicing Workers to Share Knowledge
11 - On daring ideas and chessmen
12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
13 - What's New?

************************ THE OXFORD MUSE ************************

If there is one thing you do in response to this newsletter - take a
look at Theodore Zeldin's recently updated Oxford Muse website.

Apart from being a stunning site (the art is all Theodore's work)
with some amazing thoughts and ideas - what I love are the muse
self-portraits. Take a look at the one by Alan Human - not quite what
you would expect from a "down and out".

The self-portraits remind me of the material found on some of the
better weblogs - they provide a deep insight into the person writing
the blog or the self-portrait and at the same time a clearer insight
into humanity. I think it would be interesting if every blogger wrote
a Theodore Zeldin style self-portrait that was posted prominently on
their weblog as a way to introduce themselves! Better still we
should all have one :-)

Oxford Muse:

Theodore Zeldin:


The role of technology in KM is a controversial one. Dave Snowden
talks of techno-fetishists and fluffy-bunnies - the techno-fetishists
claim that technology is the foundation of KM whilst the
fluffy-bunnies cry "Oh no - its all about people!" Which is true?
Just what is the role of technology in KM? Are you a techno-fetishist
or a fluffy-bunny or maybe you are a techno-bunny!

If you are in or around London on the evening of 25th March then come
along to my London Knowledge Café and reveal the inner you - "bunny"
or "techie"! My Cafe's are free but at some there is a small charge
for coffee.

London Knowledge Café

**************** BUTTERWORTH-HEINEMANN KM BOOKS ****************

Butterworth-Heinemann have one of the best KM book collections around
with titles from Stephen Denning, Verna Allee and more.

I have three of their recent publications sitting on my book shelf:
"Winning the Knowledge Game" by Alastair Ryatt, "Making Sense of
Intellectual Capital" by Daniel Andriessen and "Introduction to
Knowledge Management" by Todd R. Groff and Thomas P. Jones.

Three excellent new books - take a look.

Butterworth-Heinemann KM Books:

Other books on my website:

************* SEARCH ENGINE FOR PICTURES AND IMAGES *************

Google Image Search does a pretty good job of searching for web
images but if you are in need of an alternative try:


Its simple and fast.

************************ KM IN SINGAPORE ************************

If you are interested in the status of KM and its role in small and
medium enterprises in Singapore and the factors that contribute to
the successful implementation of knowledge management in Singapore
then this KM Research Report from Dr. Sattar Bawany may be of
interest to you.


KM in Singapore:

************** MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL COMPLEXITY **************

If you attended my organizational complexity conference last week or
even if you didn't you can find the presentations and materials
available for download on my website (not quite all there yet but
soon will be)

Matt Mower blogged the event and his notes will be posted soon. In
the mean time here are some photos he took: (thanks Matt!)


Although the day went exceedingly well, it started with a hiccup, as
Dave Snowden was not able to make the event in person due to personal
problems. However, Dave being Dave, he delivered his presentation
from his mobile phone sitting in a car somewhere in Birmingham!! It
worked amazingly well :-) So a big thank-you to Dave.

Download Center:

More on Organizational Complexity:

*************************** LONG BETS ***************************

One of my favorite sites for stimulating my thinking about the future
is Long Bets.

Here is one of the predictions from Gregory W. Webster:

"By 2020 a wearable device will be available that will use voice
recognition capability and high-volume storage to monitor and index
conversations you have or conversations which occur in your vicinity
for later searching as supplemental memory"

Want to challenge Gregory to a Bet on this Prediction? Then see:


And oh by the way 88% of people who have voted on this prediction
agree with it!

More on the Future:


The winners of the 4th annual MAKE Japan study are: Toyota Motor,
Honda Motor, Kao, Nissan Motor, Canon, Sony, IBM
Japan and Fuji Xerox.

A free Executive Summary of the 2003 MAKE Japan study is available
contacting Teleos at [email protected]


KM in Japan:

************ SO WHAT'S SO NEW ABOUT THE NEW ECONOMY? ************

Although a few years old - a great keynote speech from George Pór on

Knowledge -> Intelligence -> Wisdom: Essential Value Chain of the New

that I recently discovered on the web:


George Pór:


"Even in the best of times, it's a battle to convince employees to
participate in knowledge management programs. But in tough times, the
tendency is for employees to horde what they know. Here's how some
companies convinced individuals to share best practices"

This is an interesting article in CIO Magazine from December last


More on Knowledge Sharing:

***************** ON DARING IDEAS AND CHESSMEN *****************

I recently came across this quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
the German philosopher ... love it :-)

"Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward; they may be beaten,
but they may start a winning game."

On daring ideas and chessmen:


****************** GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-CALENDAR ******************

My website now contains such a comprehensive listing of knowledge
related events that it is no longer possible to display them in this
knowledge-letter. The list below only shows major events or ones of
special interest that will be held in the next 3 months. You can see
the complete list on my website by following the Gurteen-Knowledge
Calendar link below.

Gurteen-Knowledge Calendar:

Story at Work
09 Mar 2004, London, United Kingdom

Introductory Usability Evaluation
11 Mar 2004, Kingston ACT, Australia

The Adaptable Enterprise Summit 2004
15 Mar 2004, London, United Kingdom

European Business Information Conference (EBIC 2004)
16 - 19 Mar 2004, Lisbon, France

Re-Designing Your Intranet 2004
16 - 19 Mar 2004, Sydney, Australia

SCIP04 International Conference & Exhibit
22 - 25 Mar 2004, Boston, MA, United States

Identifying and Managing Unstructured Information
23 - 25 Mar 2004, Sydney, Australia

Gurteen Knowledge-Café (25 March 2004)
25 Mar 2004, London, United Kingdom

The e.learning age Symposium
29 - 30 Mar 2004, London, United Kingdom

KM Challenge 2004
30 - 31 Mar 2004, Sydney, Australia

Knowledge and Value Network Strategies
01 - 02 Apr 2004, Sydney, Australia

Benchmarking your intranet
20 - 21 Apr 2004, London, United Kingdom

Communities at Work
27 Apr 2004, London, United Kingdom

CROinfo 2004 Knowledge Management Conference
03 - 04 May 2004, Zagreb, Croatia

Culture begins across the channel
04 May 2004, London, United Kingdom

Workspace at Work
18 May 2004, London, United Kingdom

************************** WHAT'S NEW? **************************

The following pages have been added to my website within the last
month. It does not include all of them as the list is typically quite
long. You can follow the What's New link below to my website for the
full list.

What's New:

Book: Changing Conversations in Organizations by Patricia Shaw

Book: Organizational Survival in the New World by Alex Bennet, David

Category: Flexible Working

Quotation: On building character by Phillips Brooks

Quotation: On making flexible working work by Andy Lake

Quotation: On the time that is given us by J.R.R. Tolkien

Weblog Entry: Self-portraits and Blogging

******* S U B S C R I B I N G & U N S U B S C R I B I N G *******

You may s u b s c r i b e to this newsletter, via the following link:


or you can e-mail your request to s u b s c r i b e or u n s u b s
c r i b e to
mailto:[email protected]

***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help
you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and
interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning,
Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology. It is
produced in association with the Knowledge Management Forum of Henley
Management College, Oxfordshire, England

You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for
resale or profit and the following copyright notice is included
intact: "Copyright 2004, David Gurteen, All rights reserved."

David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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