

Butterworth-Heinemann Knowledge Management Books


CategoriesKnowledge Management

Butterworth-Heinemann Knowledge Management Books

Butterworth-Heinemann Knowledge Management books bring leading-edge works authored by key people in the field, to the professional market.

Their list includes titles published in alliance with Knowledge Management Consortium International as well as a number of new titles in change management and HR management.

It is primarily through books that we learn from other people. Often great minds. People who may be distant in time or space. People who have the ability to crystallise and capture the thoughts for which we can only grope. There would be no history, no science, nor literature without books - in short there would be no civilization.

There are a number of links to information about books on this site that in turn include links to Amazon where you can learn more about the book, browse other people's reviews and order the book. Here is a short list of the ones that I have learnt the most from.

You will find information on over 200 books on this website - books that relate to the themes of the site: knowledge, learning, creativity, innovation and personal development.

If you would like to receive an e-mail alert whenever I post information about a new book (i.e. one that has been published in the last 12 months) then please click on the button below and complete the form.

Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management (Dec 2005) by Michael Stankosky 
The Latest in University Research

From Knowledge to Intelligence (Sep 2004) by Helen Rothberg , G. Scott Erickson 
Creating Competitive Advantage in the Next Economy

Information First (Sep 2003) by Roger Evernden , Elaine Evernden 
Integrating Knowledge and Information Architecture for Business Advantage

Introduction to Knowledge Management (Jul 2003) by Todd R. Groff , Thomas P. Jones 
KM in Business

Key Issues in the New Knowledge Management (Jul 2003) by Joseph M. Firestone , Mark W. McElroy 

Knowledge Horizons (2000) by Charles Despres , Daniele Chauvel 
The Present and the Promise of Knowledge Management

Knowledge Leadership (Jun 2005) by Steven A. Cavaleri , Sharon Seivert , Lee Lee 
The Art and Science of the Knowledge-based Organization

Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice (Jul 2005) by Kimiz Dalkir 

Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques (Jan 2005) by Madanmohan Rao 
Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions

People-Focused Knowledge Management (Jul 2004) by Karl Wiig
How Effective Decision Making Leads to Corporate Success

Stealth KM (Mar 2006) by Niall Sinclair 
Winning Knowledge Management Strategies for the Public Sector

The Conductive Organization (May 2004) by Hubert Saint-Onge, Charles Armstrong 
Building Beyond Sustainability

Winning the Knowledge Game (May 2003) by Alastair Rylatt 
Smarter learning for business excellence

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Monday 13 January 2025
06:21 AM GMT