
Past Event

International Conference on Education and New Developments 2019

END 2019


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22 - 24 Jun 2019




Porto, Portugal





International Conference on Education and New Developments 2019
22 to 24 of June, 2019 – Porto, Portugal
= Important Dates =
Please check on our website.
= Conference Goals =
Education, in a global sense, is a right since we are born. Every experience has a formative effect on the constitution of the human being, in the way one thinks, feels and acts. One of the most important contributions resides in what and how we learn through the improvement of educational processes, both in formal and informal settings.
Our International Conference seeks to provide some answers and explore the processes, actions, challenges and outcomes of learning, teaching and human development. Our goal is to offer a worldwide connection between teachers, students, researchers and lecturers, from a wide range of academic fields, interested in exploring and giving their contribution in educational issues.
The International Conference on Education and New Developments 2019 invites you to showcase presentations, from the most diverse countries and cultures, to promote growth in research methods intimately related to teaching, learning and applications in Education nowadays. We wish to illustrate developments and new ways of thinking in these main fields: Teachers and Students; Projects and Trends; Teaching and Learning; Organizational Issues (see below in "Themes of Interest").
= END format =
The conference will cover many types of presentation formats, incorporating Invited Keynote Speakers, oral and thematic showcases. Conference materials will be given to all registered attendees.
A book with selected papers from the conference will be published.
= Themes of Interest =
To develop the conference program END 2019 will address different categories inside the Education area and papers are expected to fit broadly - but not exclusively - into one of the named themes and sub-themes. To develop the conference program we have chosen four main broad-ranging categories, which also cover different interest areas:
• In TEACHERS AND STUDENTS: Teachers and Staff training and education; Educational quality and standards; Curriculum and Pedagogy; Vocational education and Counselling; Ubiquitous and lifelong learning; Training programmes and professional guidance; Teaching and learning relationship; Student affairs (learning, experiences and diversity; Extra-curricular activities; Assessment and measurements in Education.
• In PROJECTS AND TRENDS: Pedagogic innovations; Challenges and transformations in Education; Technology in teaching and learning; Distance Education and eLearning; Global and sustainable developments for Education; New learning and teaching models; Multicultural and (inter)cultural communications; Inclusive and Special Education; Rural and indigenous Education; Educational projects.
• In TEACHING AND LEARNING: Critical Thinking; Educational foundations; Research and development methodologies; Early childhood and Primary Education; Secondary Education; Higher Education; Science and technology Education; Literacy, languages and Linguistics (TESL/TEFL); Health Education; Religious Education; Sports Education.
• In ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES: Educational policy and leadership; Human Resources development; Educational environment; Business, Administration, and Management in Education; Economics in Education; Institutional accreditations and rankings; International Education and Exchange programmes; Equity, social justice and social change; Ethics and values; Organizational learning and change; Corporate Education.
= Types of Contributions =
All submissions are subjected to a blind-review refereeing process and are divided in these categories:
- Oral Presentations
- Posters
- Workshops
- Virtual presentations
- Company Presentation
Corporates can also showcase their products or services in the conference exhibitions area by contacting the secretariat or publicity email (provided below).
= Conference Date and Location =
END 2019 will be held in Porto, Portugal (Hotel HF IPANEMA PORTO) and will occur from 22 to 24 of June, 2019.
= Contacts =
Conference email: [email protected]
Publicity email: [email protected]

What is Knowledge Management? - Eduardo Tome

Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Eduardo Tome. What is Knowledge Management? Shot at ECKM 2006 in Budapest in September 2006.

Media Information: Image

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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