

Lead Yourself by Mick Cope

Be Where Others Will Follow (Sep 2002)



Mick Cope



First Published

September 2002

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ISBN 0738206539 

By same Author(s)

Float You
Know your value?
Personal Networking


Personal Development; Knowledge Networking; Soloing


United Kingdom

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Lead Yourself 





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Lead Yourself by Mick Cope Lead Yourself presents an array of concepts, ideas, and techniques to help you take a greater degree of control over your life. Stimulating you to assess how you think, feel, and behave, it highlights where you need to make changes to become a more effective and fulfilled individual.

Video: Interview with Mireille Jansma and Jurgen Egges of the ING Business Academy in Amsterdam

This is a short video interview with Mireille Jansma and Jurgen Egges of the ING Business Academy in Amsterdam in November 2011 where David Gurteen asks them how they learnt about his Knowledge Cafe concept and how it has played a role in their "Challenging Minds" programme based on Henry Mintzberg's Coachingourselves modules.

Media Information: Image

You will find information on over 200 books on this website - books that relate to the themes of the site: knowledge, learning, creativity, innovation and personal development.

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  Impressions of the 2nd Gurteen Knowledge Conference 26 November 2003 by Shane Godbolt , Tim Dee 
Knowledge is not something you keep in your head, it's a behaviour

  Float You (Jul 2001) by Mick Cope, Carmel McConnell 
How to Capitalize on Your Talent

  Know your value? (Dec 2000) by Mick Cope
Manage your knowledge and make it pay

  Lead Yourself (Sep 2002) by Mick Cope
Be Where Others Will Follow

  Personal Networking (Dec 2002) by Mick Cope
How to Make Your Connections Count

  On personal and social capital by Mick Cope Consultant & Author

  On the strength of a professional network by Mick Cope Consultant & Author

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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