

Mental Models


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Related CategoriesParadigms; Beliefs
Related PeopleEllen J. Langer
External Linkshttp://www.tcd.ie/Psychology/Ruth_Byrne/mental_mod ... 
http://www.lauradove.info/reports/mental%20models. ... 
http://www.idiagram.com/ideas/models.html ... 
WikipediaMental Models
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The Fifth Discipline by Peter M. Senge Mental models are the ideas that shape our thinking and our behaviour. They are based on observation and experience. They are the maps we draw from past experiences and that we use for future explorations. They form our beliefs as we apply them to real life.

In short our mental models guide all our actions and give meaning to the events we experience in life.

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The pages on this website are categorized into one or more of nearly 100 categories (themes or topics). This page below displays a list of other pages that belong to the Mental Models category. You may view the list of pages belonging to another category by selecting the category in which you are interested from the drop-down 'Categories' menu at the top of this page.

  The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge

  The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook by Peter Senge, Richard Ross , Bryan Smith , Charlotte Roberts , Art Kleiner 
Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization

  The Power of Mindful Learning (1997) by Ellen J. Langer

  The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (1989) by Stephen Covey
Restoring the Character Ethic

  Understanding Computers and Cognition by Terry Winograd , Fernando Flores 
A New Foundation for Design

  Mental Models [19 items]
Mental models are the ideas that shape our thinking and our behaviour.

  Mental Model Musings
Systems Thinking

  The Dangers of Media Violence
Article by Karl Wigg

  Ellen J. Langer Professor of Psychology at Harvard

  On accepting reality by John-Roger 

  On assumptions and choice of method by Cooperrider & Srivastra 

  On people, stimuli and sensations by Thomas S. Kuhn (1922 - 1995) Scientist

  On prejudice by Peter Senge MIT-based author, researcher & educator

  On teachers and delusion by John Holt (1923 - 1985) American Educator

  On the correctness of models by George Box 

  On the purpose of science by Edward De Bono (b. 1933) Psychologist & Author

  On theory & observation by Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
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Sunday 16 February 2025
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