

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 78 - 5th December 2006


First Published

December 2006

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

*** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 78, 5 December 2006) ***

I am delighted that Ed Mitchell has agreed to act as a facilitator
for the Gurteen Knowledge Forum. Some of you may know Ed as a former
editor of KnowledgeBoard.

I have been wanting to get the Forum kick-started for some time as
although many of you have joined - without a facilitator forums tend
to quickly fall into disuse and mine is no exception :-)

We have decided to kick off with a discussion theme. Ed has more to
say about it on the Forum but basically we would like your thoughts
and experiences of Web 2.0 and Social Networking Tools.You will find
the forum here:


And oh yes - have a great Christmas and New Year - will be back in 2007!

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - MyBlogLog
2 - Hong Kong and Dubai
3 - Participation Culture
4 - Gurteen Conversations now in Flash
5 - Singapore Visit
6 - Measures, Targets and Rewards
7 - Latest Online Poll
8 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
9 - Dave Pollard & London Knowledge Cafe
10 - Whence goeth KM? asks Dave Snowden
11 - First Russian KM Conference
12 - KM Event Highlights

*************************** MYBLOGLOG ***************************

I recently discovered MyBlogLog - a social network for blog readers!

MyBlogLog allows anyone with a weblog or a personal website like mine
to build a community around their site - a bit like MySpace for

If you look at one of my web pages you will find a new panel at the
top left hand column of the page that shows a little table of photos
of people who have recently visited my site. If you click through on
a photo you get to see their profile and a whole load more.

I have been wanting to build a feature like this into my site for the
last 5 years or more. MyBlogLog has provided me a solution for free
and for a few hours of my time - the actual coding literally took a
few minutes. Take a look. Better still join up :-)


********************** HONG KONG AND DUBAI **********************

On Friday I am off to Hong Kong via Dubai. In Hong Kong I am running
a Knowledge Cafe at the KMAP 2006 conference and then a second public
Knowledge Cafe for my Community.

And then on the way back in Dubai I am running a "Effective Knowledge
Worker" workshop.

Should be a lot of fun:-) If you are in either of these locations and
would like to meet up - drop me a line.

KMAP Conference

Hong Kong Knowledge Cafe

Knowledge Worker Workshop in Dubai

********************* PARTICIPATION CULTURE *********************

Thanks to Social Tools and Web 2.0 concepts and technologies the web
seems to be exploding with life recently. One great thing about Web
2.0 is the emergence of a so called Participation Culture.

Thanks to a mention in David Wilcox's weblog you can find a in-depth
'presentation' below. This is very powerful.

Participation Culture

David Wilcox

************** GURTEEN CONVERSATIONS NOW IN FLASH **************

Many of you have taken a look at the multi-media interviews and
knowledge cafe presentations that I have created with I-T-L over the
past year.

These have now all been converted to Flash format which means they
are faster and slicker and avoid any problems you may have had with
Windows Media Player. Take a look:


************************ SINGAPORE VISIT ************************

At the start of October I visited Singapore for KM Asia and KM
Singapore and also ran a Knowledge Cafe.

They were three tremendous events and I met many people - some for
the first time like Jerry Ash, Raksha Sukhia and Alex Bennet. For me
such events are more about the people I get to meet than the
presentations themselves.

I was exceptionally pleased with my Knowledge Cafe that was hosted by
the Singapore National Library Board with about 40 people turning up.

And my workshop participants at KM Asia were just fantastic!

You will find photos and videos of my trip here:


***************** MEASURES, TARGETS AND REWARDS *****************

Some KM topics never seem to die and are discussed endlessly in KM
Forums and at KM Conferences. One such topic or maybe its three
intertwined topics is "Measures, Targets and Rewards".

A few weeks back I gave a short talk on the subject at an internal KM
Forum for a large professional services firm. It was along the lines
of "these are the things you need to think about" rather than here
are all the answers!

You can take a look at the slides here. And no you don't need to
download them - they are hosted by a nifty free Flash based
application that allows you to embed Powerpoint presentations in a
webpage. Cool!


********************** LATEST ONLINE POLL **********************

My recent poll on podcasting shows that almost of a quarter of you
don't know what a podcast is! If you were one of those then the
Wikipedia entry is as good a place to start as any:


But for the full results of the poll see


and for the new poll this month on "What drives your engagement at
work?" see


************ LESSON OF THE MONTH FROM FIFTY LESSONS ************

This month's 50lessons video is "Effecting Change Through Active
Engagement With Stakeholders" by Dr Wendy Thomson, Former Head, The
Office of Public Services Reform.

This is very pertinent as KM Is fundamentally about change management
and the biggest challenge is getting understanding and buy-in from
the various stakeholders.

In the "Ideas for Action" section there is a great suggestion:

Look beyond the Powerpoint presentation by banning them in meetings.
Encourage people to talk freely rather than relying on pre-prepared
prompts. Ask colleagues to use images, quotes and real-life
experiences to make their point instead of text-heavy Powerpoint


************* DAVE POLLARD & LONDON KNOWLEDGE CAFE *************

I was delighted to meet Dave Pollard last week at Online Information
2006 in London where I chaired the Social Tools stream at which he
was speaking. I have been a fan of Dave and his weblog for five years
or more.

But given he was in the UK I took the opportunity to invite him to
speak at my London Knowledge Cafe. David Wilcox blogged it and did a
short video interview with Dave see:


Dave Pollard's Weblog

************** WHENCE GOETH KM? ASKS DAVE SNOWDEN **************

Take a look here at this great little blog posting by Dave Snowden on
"Is KM dead?" - greatly enhanced by a slew of trackbacks and comments.


Its so good to see a Dave blogging :-)

****************** FIRST RUSSIAN KM CONFERENCE ******************

When I was at KM Asia I met up with Jerry Ash and learnt that he was
attending the first KM Conference in Russia.

You will find more in my weblog here including a link to a short
write up by Gary Colet.


********************** KM EVENT HIGHLIGHTS **********************

This section highlights some of the major KM events taking place
around the world in the next 3 months and ones in which I am actively
involved. You will find a full list on my website where you can also
subscribe to both regional e-mail alerts and RSS feeds which will
keep you informed of new and upcoming events.


RSS Feeds:

KMAP 2006
11 - 13 Dec 2006, Hong Kong, China
I will be running a conference knowledge cafe. My first time to China
so eager to meet lots of people.

The Knowledge Worker
Learning, Sharing & Collaboration: The keys to success in the
knowledge based organization
18 December 2006, Dubai, UAE
I will be running my 'effective knowledge worker' workshop in Dubai
on my way back from Hong Kong and hopefully a regional knowledge cafe

Braintrust International 2007 - Annual Knowledge Sharing Summit
26 - 28 Feb 2007, Cambridge,Maryland, United States
I will be running a knowledge cafe workshop at this event. Looks like
being a great event - more on this later. Their website is up - go
take a look.

******* S U B S C R I B I N G & U N S U B S C R I B I N G *******

If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter or if you wish to
modify your e-mail address or make other changes to your membership
profile then please see here:


Also see this page if you wish to become a community member and
receive this monthly newsletter.

***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help
you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and
interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning,
Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology.

It is produced in association with the Knowledge Management Forum of
Henley Management College, Oxfordshire, England.


You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for
resale or profit and I am attributed.

David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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How to contact me

My Blog

Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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