Earlier in the year I made my first trip to Moscow and those of you who have heard my stories know it was an 'interesting' experience. The trip wasn't quite a KM one as I ran a Knowledge Cafe at an
Intranet conference but it was a challenge to run a kcafe where the conversation at the tables was in Russian and the large group conversation had to be turned into a report back session and the feedback translated for me . None the less it was a success and only reinforced my view that if you have a good topic and an engaged bunch of people you cannot go too far wrong!
Then just a week or so ago I learnt from
Jerry Ash while at
KM Asia 
in Singapore that he,
Richard Cross and
Chris Collison were participating in the first
Russian KM Conference and now I have just came a cross a short
trip report from
Gary Colet.
Some interesting comments that the organizers had not really grasped what KM was all about and I suspect many of the participants too. Also Gary's comment about 'ordering' people to share brought a chuckle from me! Well worth a read for the insights.