
Past Event

KM Australia 2015

The Discovery and Re-Discovery of Knowledge


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Ark Group Australia

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04 - 06 Aug 2015


Rydges Melbourne


Melbourne, Australia


Knowledge Management



4-6 August 2015, Rydges Melbourne
Two-day Connected Congress and Six Post-Forum Workshops
The New Face of Knowledge Management

Innovation (Strategy and Discovery) – Agile KM – Manage Change – Collaboration & Learning – Embedding KM – Creating Value, Measuring and Gaining Buy-In – KM Culture – Gamification in KM – The Barriers of KM - Program-Base Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management is making a resurgence in all areas. Organisations are realising that they must retain the knowledge not just from retiring baby boomers, but also from Gen Y and Millennials, who tend to move organisations with more frequency than past generations.

These factors brings a reinvention of Knowledge Management as new processes and strategies for collaboration and learning are developed using enhanced and adapted KM practices—giving organisations the opportunity to reap real benefits.

High performing organisations have realised the critical role of knowledge and collaboration in stimulating creativity and enhancing innovation and performance.

Current Leaders for KM Australia 2015

Cirque De Soleil - Canada
Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business,
Westminister College – USA
Bill Kaplan, Founder and Principal,
Working KnowledgeCSP LLC – USA
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
Birchip Cropping Group
Intelligent Answers
University of Southern Queensland
Australian Securities & Investment Commission
Institute of Public Administration Australia
ANZ Bank
Social Media Navigator
State Trustees
Woods Bagot
University of Melbourne
JLT Australia

You will find information on hundreds of events such as conferences, workshops and courses on this website - events that relate to the themes of the site: knowledge, learning, creativity, innovation and personal development.

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

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Knowledge Community


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