Denham GreyKnowledge Consultant |
Denham Grey is a Knowledge Management consultant from Indianapolis with a passion for virtual teams, knowledge ecology, communities of practice, distance learning and building corporate memory.
Blog Post Knowledge is embodied in people gathered in communities and networksGurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 10 October 2002 Knowledge Audits Gurteen Knowledge-Log, David Gurteen, 2 April 2003 Category Personal Knowledge Management [32 items]Quotation On knowledge sharing by Denham Grey Knowledge ConsultantOn knowledge, people, communities and networks by Denham Grey Knowledge Consultant Quotations from Denham Grey: What counts is intrinsic motivation, what matters is how you couple and evaluate personal identity when you hire, how you nuture and assist folks to strengthen their identities in the workplace. Never under estimate the 'pull' of leadership example and the need to model quality sharing behavior. This works faster, gives lasting results and puts the emphasis where it matters most, NOT the push of rewards, but the pull of indentity, the support of engagement and the bonds of belonging. Denham Grey, Knowledge Consultant Knowledge is embodied in people gathered in communities and networks. The road to knowledge is via people, conversations, connections and relationships. Knowledge surfaces through dialog, all knowledge is socially mediated and access to knowledge is by connecting to people that know or know who to contact. Denham Grey, Knowledge Consultant
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