



LocationUnited States
CategoriesCommunities of Practice
PeopleEtienne Wenger

Etienne Wenger
CPsquare is an international community of practice on communities of practice. We are a non-profit membership organization that brings together practitioners from all sectors, including industry, government, education, and civic and non-profit organizations.
Our goal is to advance the practice of community-based approaches to learning and knowledge. We seek both practical know-how and a deeper understanding of the principles underlying our practice. To this end, we foster exchanges among practitioners, collect resources, and conduct practice-development projects.

CPsquare members include community coordinators, technologists, consultants, academics, and executives. Members have organized sub-communities—called “practice groups”—on a number of topics, including: the role of the coordinator, collaborative technologies, and launching a knowledge initiative.

Other practice groups are focusing on sector-specific issues in areas such as education, healthcare, and government. Practice group members solve problems together in “case clinics,” and they learn and work together to build, share, and apply new tools and frameworks.

Practice groups are the heart of CPsquare and leverage the broader ecology of CPsquare resources, including:
  • Events—such as our regular “hot-topic” teleconferences and annual community gathering
  • Educational offerings—such as the “Foundations Workshop
  • Online workspace—called the Members’ Workspace—for accessing and publishing articles, cases, tools, presentations, and event transcripts; or for looking up members with shared interests and discussing ideas together.

We believe communities of practice are at the heart of any organization’s knowledge strategy. We also believe communities of practice serve purposes that go beyond single organizations—helping to foster learning, innovation, and community in all areas of our lives.
We launched in February 2003. Our community is growing rapidly and as reported in the recent CPnews, we are learning much along the way. We hope you will join us.

Video: Daniel Pink on the surprising science of motivation

Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think.

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Etienne Wenger Communities of Practice Consultant
If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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Saturday 15 February 2025
07:47 PM GMT