

Conversation is the single greatest learning tool in your organization by William O’Brien


AuthorWilliam O’Brien  Former CEO of the Hanover Insurance Company
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Conversation is the single greatest learning tool in your organization -- more important than computers or sophisticated research.

As a society, we know the art of small talk; we can talk about how the Red Sox are doing or where we went on vacation.

But when we face contentious issues -- when there are feelings about rights, or when two worthwhile principles come in conflict with one another -- we have so many defense mechanisms that impede communications that we are absolutely terrible.

William O’Brien  Former CEO of the Hanover Insurance Company

Video: Sydney Harbour Knowledge Cafe

On 25th October 2007 I ran a Knowledge Cafe in Sydney. It was hosted by Annalie Killian of AMP on the 25th Floor of their building overlooking Sydney Harbour.

The Cafe was on the theme "What will be the impact of Social Tools within Organizations?" which I co-facilitated with Helen Paige who is regional director of the Gurteen Knowledge Community in Adelaide. About 70 people attended. It was a great evening.

Media Information: Image

Quotations are extremely effective at capturing and concisely communicating thoughts and ideas. They can be inspirational but more importantly quotations can help us reveal and assess the assumptions, values and beliefs that underlie the ways in which we perceive the world.

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Quotations from William O’Brien:

 Conversation is the single greatest learning tool in your organization -- more important than computers or sophisticated research.

As a society, we know the art of small talk; we can talk about how the Red Sox are doing or where we went on vacation.

But when we face contentious issues -- when there are feelings about rights, or when two worthwhile principles come in conflict with one another -- we have so many defense mechanisms that impede communications that we are absolutely terrible.

William O’Brien , Former CEO of the Hanover Insurance Company

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Sunday 26 January 2025
11:40 AM GMT