

The Intelligent Company by Bernard Marr

Five Steps to Success with Evidence-Based Management (Nov 2010)



Bernard Marr 


John Wiley & Sons



First Published

November 2010

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ISBN 0470685956 

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The Intelligent Company by Bernard Marr Today′s most successful companies are Intelligent Companies that use the best available data to inform their decision making. This is called Evidence–Based Management and is one of the fastest growing business trends of our times. Intelligent Companies bring together tools such as Business Intelligence, Analytics, Key Performance Indicators, Balanced Scorecards, Knowledge Management, Reporting and Strategic Decision Making to generate real competitive advantages.

As information and data volumes grow at explosive rates, the challenges of managing this information is turning into a losing battle for most companies and they end up drowning in data while thirsting for insights. This is made worse by the severe skills shortage in analytics, data presentation and communication.

This latest book by best–selling management expert Bernard Marr, will equip you with a set of powerful skills that are vital for successful managers now and in the future. Increase your market value by gaining essential skills that are in high demand but in short supply.

Loaded with practical step–by–step guidance, simple tools and real life examples of how leading organizations such as Google, CocaCola, Capital One, Saatchi & Saatchi, Tesco, Yahoo, as well as Government Departments and Agencies have put the principles into practice.

The five steps to more intelligent decision making are:

Step 1: More intelligent strategies – by identifying strategic priorities and agreeing your real information needs
Step 2: More intelligent data – by creating relevant and meaningful performance indicators and qualitative management information liked back to your strategic information needs
Step 3: More intelligent insights – by using good evidence to test and prove ideas and by analysing the data to gain robust and reliable insights
Step 4: More intelligent communication – by creating informative and engaging management information packs and dashboards that provide the essential information, packaged in an easy–to–read way
Step 5: More intelligent decision making – by fostering an evidence–based culture of turning information into actionable knowledge and real decisions

  Perspectives on Intellectual Capital (Feb 2005) by Bernard Marr 
Multidisciplinary Insights Into Management, Measurement, and Reporting

  The Intelligent Company (Nov 2010) by Bernard Marr 
Five Steps to Success with Evidence-Based Management

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
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