

The World Café by Juanita Brown, David Isaacs, Margaret J. Wheatley

Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter (Apr 2005)



Juanita Brown; David Isaacs; Margaret J. Wheatley


Berrett-Koehler Publishers



First Published

April 2005

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ISBN 1576752585 

By same Author(s)

Turning to One Another

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Conversation; Dialogue; Knowledge Cafe; World Cafe

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The World Café by David Isaacs, Juanita Brown, Margaret J. Wheatley The World Café is a flexible, easy-to-use process for fostering collaborative dialogue, sharing collective knowledge, and discovering new opportunities for action. World Café originators Juanita Brown and David Isaacs outline seven core design principles and provide practical tips and tools for convening and hosting "conversations that matter," even with very large groups.

Each chapter features actual stories of Café dialogues from business, education, government, and community organizations across the globe, demonstrating how the World Café approach can be adapted to many different settings and cultures.

Based on living systems thinking, this is a proven approach for fostering authentic dialogue and creating dynamic networks of conversation around your organization or community’s real work and critical questions -- improving both personal relationships and people’s capacity to shape the future together

Video Playlist: The World Cafe

This is a playlist of several short video clips about the World Cafe.

Media Information: Image

  The Art of Powerful Conversations by David Isaacs, Juanita Brown, Eric E. Vogt 
Catalyzing Insight, Innovation, and Action

Blog Post
  Conversation as a core business process
Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 24 October 2002

  The Future of Knowledge (Oct 2002) by Verna Allee
Increasing Prosperity through Value Networks

  The World Café (Apr 2005) by Juanita Brown, David Isaacs, Margaret J. Wheatley
Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter

  Conversation [127 items]
Business is a conversation because the defining work of business is conversation - literally.

  Dialogue [91 items]

  World Cafe [9 items]

Media File
  Video Playlist: The World Cafe
Video Playlist: The World Cafe

  David Isaacs

  Juanita Brown

  On conversational leadership by Thomas J. Hurley and Juanita Brown 

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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