

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 55 - 16th January 2005


First Published

January 2005

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

*** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 55, 16 January 2005) ***

Well, its 2005! A happy new year to you!

Clearly though for many hundreds of thousands of people on the Indian
Ocean rim - it was not a happy new year at all. I got much of my news
of the devastation through weblogs that were quickly set up after
the disaster. These weblogs not only become a major source for
gathering information about the tsunami but also a source for
channelling relief measures and hosting details of people missing
after the earthquake. Take a look at these links and you will get
some idea of the marvellous work that some very dedicated people put in.




It has also been wonderful to see all the money raised around the
world by individuals to provide aid but it is not enough. I think
this lead article "The issue is our humanity, not God's divinity."
from the New Statesman sums it up the best for me.


"It would be wrong to belittle the generosity of many westerners -
often those who, by the standards of their own societies, are hard up
- and wrong, too, to deny that it may be more uplifting to give
voluntarily than to be forced to contribute through taxation. Yet the
hard truth is that, if we really wish to help developing countries,
we have to do more than deny ourselves a few glasses of wine. We have
to pay more for the goods we buy from those countries; allow them
more favourable terms of trade; forgive them many billions of pounds
in debt; permit them to manufacture and sell cheaper medicines;
require multinationals to repatriate more of their profits; welcome
economic migrants more warmly; pledge a fixed proportion of our
national income in aid for years to come. All these are within the
power of governments, rather than individuals, and all would have
uncomfortable implications for western consumers, western jobs,
western businesses, western financial institutions and western
economies in general."

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Global Knowledge Review
2 - Remember: Knowledge is power
3 - Advice for a Young Musician
4 - Quote of the Day by Email
5 - Global Knowledge Events for 2005
6 - 10 Tech Trends for 2005
7 - Learning to Fly
8 - Copernic Desktop Search
9 - Newspapers Should Really Worry
10 - New Book Email Alerts
11 - Bill gross - snap!
12 - Wikipedia faces frowing pains
13 - Gurteen News Log
14 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
15 - What's New?

******************** GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE REVIEW ********************

The February 2005 issue of the Global Knowledge Review will be
published early the week of the 17th January. As ever, you will find
one of the articles online and a brief summary of all of the others.


The September issue is still available to download for FREE see:


***************** REMEMBER: KNOWLEDGE IS POWER *****************

I just love Dilbert! See here for a rather humorous KM related


If you have an RSS News Reader there is also a Dilbert RSS Feed:


****************** ADVICE FOR A YOUNG MUSICIAN ******************

One of my favorite weblogs that I have mentioned many times in the
past is Hugh Macleod's Gapingvoid.

If you have a son or daughter looking to follow a creative career
(not just music) than this page is full of great advise,


******************* QUOTE OF THE DAY BY EMAIL *******************

You all know how much I love quotations. Well for sometime you have
been able to receive a quote of the day by an RSS feed but now you
can also receive them via e-mail. See:


On of my favorite quotes from Scott Peck:

"Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest
truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we
transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult - once we
truly understand and accept it - then life is no longer difficult.
Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no
longer matters."

Scott Peck:

*************** GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE EVENTS FOR 2005 ***************

We have now rebranded the "Gurteen Knowledge Events" that I have been
running in partnership with Bizmedia as "Global Knowledge Events".
Format and content remains very much unchanged i.e. designed to
enable networking, engagement, interaction and creative conversation.
These are just some of the events planned for the first half of the

Getting Buy-in: How to ensure your organizational initiatives succeed
A Global Knowledge Workshop with Jon Thorne
22 February 2005, London, England

The Seven Cs of Coaching: The Definitive Workshop on Collaborative
A 2-day Global Knowledge Workshop with Mick Cope
9 - 10 March 2005, London, England

Managing Creativity and Innovation through the Meeting Process
A Global Knowledge Workshop with Chris Penrose Ransley
16 March 2005, London, England

Making Knowledge Work
A 2-day Global Knowledge Conference
17 - 18 May, London, England

Personal Innovation and Problem Solving
A Global Knowledge Workshop with Sheila Moorcroft
7 July 2005, London, England

******************** 10 TECH TRENDS FOR 2005 ********************

Fortune Magazine has published 10 Tech Trends to watch in 2005.
Number one is "Why There's No Escaping the Blog". Take a look at the
Kryptonite story. Still not talking business weblogs seriously? :-)


************************ LEARNING TO FLY ************************

My Learning to Fly workshop, with Chris Collison and Geoff Parcel in
London before Christmas was a huge success. We have now put all the
materials from the event together and it is available to delegates
and anyone else who may be interested for download.

Download Center:

Learning to Fly Conference:

******************** COPERNIC DESKTOP SEARCH ********************

After I mentioned Google's desktop search tool last month - Martin
Röll and several others pointed me to Copernic. Martin tells me that
its is much more powerful than Google's tool and easier to use. It
also indexes PDFs which Google doesn't do yet. Take a look:


**************** NEWSPAPERS SHOULD REALLY WORRY ****************

So what is the effect of the Internet having on reading habits of
people. Should newspapers really worry?

It seems that a September study by the Online Publishers Association
found that 18- to 34-year-olds are far more apt to log on to the
internet (46 percent) than watch TV (35 percent), read a book (7
percent), turn on a radio (3 percent), read a newspaper (also 3
percent) or flip through a magazine (less than 1 percent).

Wow! Take a look at the full article from Wired News:


********************* NEW BOOK EMAIL ALERTS *********************

I keep a pretty good track of new KM books when the are published and
post them on my site. So if you would like to receive an e-mail alert
whenever I post information about a new book (i.e. one that has been
published in the last 12 months) on my website then see here:


And if you are a book publisher or author and would like to request
that I post information about a book on my website then see here:


********************** BILL GROSS - SNAP! **********************

How many of you remember HAL - a natural language add-in for 1-2-3
from the early 80s? Yes I am showing my age :-) Well how about Lotus
Magellan - a desktop search engine and file management tool from the
late 80s. Both products way-ahead of their time!

Well both HAL and Magellan were developed by a very creative guy
called Bill Gross whom I had the pleasure of working with back then
making sure his great new software products could be easily
translated and support the character sets and cultural features of
many other countries. (My job title was International Czar!)

Well Bill has gone on to be what I guess you would call a serial
entrepreneur. Here is a little bit about him:


But take a look at his new baby:


Given Magellan - his new work is not a surprise - a very innovate
search engine (yes yet another one!)

Well,well worth a look!

***************** WIKIPEDIA FACES FROWING PAINS *****************

I've talked a lot about Wikipedia in the past. Well the English
language version is now up to 440,000 entries. But with that growth
comes a challenge - "how do you validate its content?"

"Any member of the Wikipedia community can write an entry, which then
can be edited by other members. Entries are never finished, given
that anyone can make edits to any of them. But that also means there
is no final authority who signs off on the accuracy of entries;
veracity is assumed to come from the self-policing nature of the
community. "

See this article in Wired News:


*********************** GURTEEN NEWS LOG ***********************

I have resurrected the "News Log" weblog on my website. This is part
of my site where you can publish your own press release or other news
item relevant to my website and its visitors.

The news item is not automatically posted but is held in a waiting
list until I have checked it out.


If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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