

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 54 - 9th December 2004


First Published

December 2004

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

*** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 54, 9 December 2004) ***

You will have no doubt noticed that you are receiving a few more
emails from me each month - especially if you live in the UK or
Europe. Let me explain what I am doing as I am trying not to send
anyone emails they do not want!

I have two separate mailing lists. One for the 'Knowledge-Letter' and
another for 'Updates' - mainly information about my conferences and
workshops but also about products such as the Global Knowledge Review.

I distribute the knowledge-letter once a month and the updates no
more than 3 times a month. The updates are also targeted by country -
so if you don't live in the UK or Europe you will not receive an
update relating to one of my UK conferences for example. So at most,
on average, if you live in the UK, you should only receive 1 e-mail
from me a week - elsewhere in the world even less.

I hope this keeps e-mail to a minimum and does not overload you :-)
But if you do not wish to receive the updates at all - just email me
with "no updates" in the subject field and I will remove you from the
updates list. And of course if you no longer wish to receive the
newsletter or updates - simple put 'unsubscribe' in the subject field.

Also take a look at my RSS feeds:


*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Global Knowledge Review
2 - The Intranet Roadmap
3 - Knowledgeboard Advertisement
4 - Google Desktop Search
5 - Gurteen Knowledge Events for 2005
6 - MSN Search Beta
7 - Are you a librarian?
8 - Learning to Fly
9 - MSN Launches Spaces (Weblogs)
10 - Pierre Omidyar - Founder of eBay
11 - 20 Years of Lotus Notes
12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
13 - What's New?

******************** GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE REVIEW ********************

We have had lot of great feedback on the Global Knowledge Review and
after 3 issues it is shaping up nicely - thanks to all the great work
by our contributors.

As a continuation of our special introductory promotion of the GKR,
the November issue is available to download for FREE for a limited


I have also created a weblog:


and an associated RSS feed:


The weblog is designed to keep you informed when the GKR is published
each month; its contents; access to free articles; the occasional
free publication; promotional offers and other events and activities
related to the journal.

Alternatively you may sign up to be alerted by e-mail each month by
completing the form on the GKR webpage:


You will also find details of the published issues at:


********************* THE INTRANET ROADMAP *********************

It was great to meet up with James Robertson from Australia last week
while he was in London for Online 2004. I missed him when I was in
Sydney a few years back but this time we got to meet when he popped
in to join me for a drink at the end of my "Learning to Fly"

Meeting with him reminded me that he had recently sent me a copy of
his Intranet Roadmap product - a tool that provides a comprehensive
methodology that describes all the activities required to develop an

If you have responsibility for intranet development - it looks a
great product and is well worth taking a look:


while there take the time to browse James' site - you will find it
packed with articles and white papers on intranet development and
more besides - its a really great resource site. James is also a
contributor to the GKR.

***************** KNOWLEDGEBOARD ADVERTISEMENT *****************

KnowledgeBoard had a great November: Lilia's Personal KM
workshop,Patricia's CoPs report, Chris' analysis on trust and Google,
Han's culturalsurvey results, RODEO online event, website
improvements (new RSS feed), and more. December brings a new SIG on
Learning, Karl Wiig online (14th), and our review of David's 'flying'


********************* GOOGLE DESKTOP SEARCH *********************

If you have not heard about Google's new Desktop Search tool then see



or here from Google themselves:


The new tool allows you to scan your computer for information in the
same way you use Google to search the web. It looks pretty cool but I
have yet to play with it myself as it does not run with Windows 98
which I am still running on my PC - must tell Santa I need a new PC
for Christmas :-)

*************** GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE EVENTS FOR 2005 ***************

As you know, much of my activity focuses on helping people to
transform the way they work and the way that they manage and interact
with other people in their organizations.

To this end, I have been working exceptionally hard these last few
weeks with Bizmedia and some great facilitators to put together a
number of events for early 2005.

I think these events are outstanding but of course I would say :-)
but take a look and judge for yourselves:

Managing Creativity and Innovation through the Meeting Process
Gurteen Learning Event with Chris Penrose Ransley
20 January 2005, London, England

Getting Buy-in : How to ensure your organizational initiatives succeed
Gurteen Learning Event with Jon Thorne
22 February 2005, London, England

The Seven Cs of Coaching: The Definitive Workshop on Collaborative
Gurteen Learning Event with Mick Cope
9 - 10 March 2005, London, England

Making Knowledge Work
2 day Global Knowledge Conference
17 - 18 May, London, England

Personal Innovation and Problem Solving
Gurteen Learning Event with Sheila Moorcroft
7 July 2005, London, England

************************ MSN SEARCH BETA ************************

Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer recently said at the company's annual
meeting, "we will catch up and surpass Google".

On 11th November, Microsoft rolled out a beta version of their new
search engine with an index of over 5 billion web documents. A bit
more about it here:


Try it out below, it has some interesting features but to my mind has
a ways to go to catch up with Google in terms of appropriate search
matching but its bound to get better.


********************* ARE YOU A LIBRARIAN? *********************

Are you a librarian? Do you know how to set up an RSS feed? No? Maybe
you should! Read on :-)


If you have yet to take a look at RSS and understand what it is about
and install your own RSS news reader - its high time you did :-)

More information on RSS:

************************ LEARNING TO FLY ************************

My Learning to Fly workshop, with Chris Collison and Geoff Parcel,
last week in London was a huge success with almost 70 participants.
We are still putting all the materials from the event together and
will be making them available to the delegates and anyone else who
may be interested in the next week or so.

I was impressed with the "Peer Assist" and "Creating a Knowledge
Asset" processes that Chris and Geoff took us through during the day
and which we broke into groups to actually conduct.

But more than anything else I was excited by the work done by Geoff
with the United Nations on helping people to develop their capacity
to respond to HIV/AIDS worldwide where these techniques have been

We have several signed copies of the book "Learning to Fly" left - if
you would like to order a copy please email [email protected] The
price is GBP19.99 plus p&p.

Learning to Fly Conference:

***************** MSN LAUNCHES SPACES (WEBLOGS) *****************

Hmm ... this is turning out to be a very techie edition ... but so
much going on in the techie world ... not only has a Microsoft got a
new search engine but they are now providing a blogging service -
again in beta - seems it is also integrated with MSN's Messenger and



*************** PIERRE OMIDYAR - FOUNDER OF EBAY ***************

Pierre Omidyar is the founder of eBay and a philanthropist. An
interesting guy - doing even more interesting things. Take a look at
this recent interview in Business Week:


and at his website:


and while on the subject of philanthropy - ever wonder what Bill
Gates does with all his spare 'dosh'. Take a look at the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation:


the foundation has given away over $7bn in grants since its

******************** 20 YEARS OF LOTUS NOTES ********************

Its over 12 years since I returned from working for Lotus Development
in Cambridge Mass. While there one of the guys I worked with and
greatly respected was Barry Briggs - we don't communicate as such but
I keep up with his thoughts, ideas and insights via his weblog.


One of the products I was involved with in those days was Lotus
Notes. Well it seems that 20 years ago on Dec 7th 1984 that Ray Ozzie
and Mitch Kapor signed an agreement that began the development of
Notes and 5 years later Notes in 1989 it was released to the world.
Today it is in use by more than 100 million people worldwide. And it
was Barry who drew my attention to this:


But take a look also at what Ray has got to say on the subject in "A
technologist looks back, looks ahead":


Ray Ozzie:

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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