

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 24 - 6th June 2002


First Published

June 2002


Sheila Moorcroft, Henry David Thoreau, Martin Luther King , Mahatma Gandhi

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.


I published the first issue of this newsletter on 30th May 2000 and
distributed it to about 300 people. Now at the 24th issue and 2 years
later I am distributing it to over 6,000 people globally.

Talking to some of you - you love my knowledge-letter but have never
actually visited my website.

It is packed with KM related resources - over 1,500 pages in total - short
profiles on almost 200 people; 300 or so quotations; short reviews on over
150 books with links to Amazon; stories; articles; events; over 500 links
and more besides.

Pages are heavily cross-linked and are categorized by theme (category) and
by country and with the search facility - items of interest are easy to

What might surprise you - is its scope - from Socrates to Einstein to
Stephen Covey - it takes a very broad perspective on knowledge and
knowledge management. Take a look!

The Gurteen Knowledge-Website:

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - What is the job of a Knowledge Worker?
2 - Talk on Creative Conversation
3 - Blogs and Knowledge Management
4 - Not by technology alone
5 - Finding your own voice
6 - Knowledge Management in Australia
7 - Harvard Business Publishing
8 - Henry David Thoreau
9 - Knowledge Management 2003
10 - The Starfish Story
11 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar

************ WHAT IS THE JOB OF A KNOWLEDGE WORKER? ************

So what's the job of a knowledge worker? Well here is one definition from
Christopher Locke writing in The Cluetrain Manifesto.

"Business is a conversation because the defining work of business is
conversation - literally. And 'knowledge workers' are simply those people
whose job consists of having interesting conversations."

The ClueTrain Manifesto:

Christopher Locke:


***************** TALK ON CREATIVE CONVERSATION *****************

Much is talked and written about Knowledge Management but one fundamental
truth is overlooked time and time again: knowledge begins and ends with
the individual, it is intrinsically personal.

There are two fundamental issues we face as knowledge workers that limit
our potential. The first roadblock is the primary problem of how to better
collaborate, to better share our knowledge and to better learn from our
experiences. The second concerns how we make wise decisions and take
appropriate action - to do the "right thing well enough" rather then the
"wrong thing perfectly".

There are no single solutions to problems such as these but one element is
too often missed and that is the role of conversation. This talk will
explore the role of conversation in a knowledge driven organization and
look at some of the mindsets and tools that can lead to 'real'
conversation and the consequent business benefits.

If you are in London, Tuesday 18th June 2002 then come along at 6:30
to the Coffemachine Lecture at the City University Business School
(recently renamed the Cass Business School) in the Barbican to hear a
talk that I am giving on the subject of 'Creative Conversation'.
Coffeemachine talks are open to anyone and are free.


Resources on Conversation:

**************** BLOGS AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ****************

Interested in how Blogs might assist KM? Then take a look at these links.

K-Logs (Knowledge Management Weblogs):

Life On The Internet: Could Blogging Assist KM?:

Grassroots KM through Blogging:

******************** NOT BY TECHNOLOGY ALONE ********************

By Sheila Moorcroft, Business Futures

This week I made a presentation at PREST’s Foresight Workshop on the Use
of Social Foresight. Until now, national foresight programmes around the
world have included only minimal societal information: the UK’s next round
will however include social foresight concepts.

I believe social foresight is essential. How technology is used, where it
might fit into our lives, work, products, production and service
provision, transport etc, which technologies we should invest in are, to
my mind, all ultimately defined by the type of society in which we live
and the priorities and values we wish to embed in our way of life and

So too for any company.

The challenge is that while capturing and using demographic data is
relatively easy, values and lifestyles, social challenges and issues,
cultures and corporate values are much more amorphous: and they are the
nuts and bolts of social foresight. They require systems thinking rather
than straight line forecasts, they are often ill defined and open to
widely varied interpretation unlike more clearly definable technologies.
They are also critical to successful new product development. Futures
research provides important ways to capture and integrate softer knowledge
and insights.

PREST(Policy Research in Engineering, Science & Technology):

PREST Foresight Workshop:

Sheila Moorcroft:

******************** FINDING YOUR OWN VOICE ********************

When I first started my website and later this newsletter, I was a little
hesitant to freely express myself - to speak in my 'own voice'. I had
spent too long in the corporate world and felt that I had to write in
'corporatese" - rather formal; passive in voice; rigid; lacking in
emotion and highly polished.

As I wrote, I slowly started to write in a more personal open style almost
without realizing it. I was just more at ease being myself and not
pretending to be someone different. Then an old friend mailed me to tell
me that he wanted to hear more of "David Gurteen" and less of the formal
stuff - that it was my own personal experiences and opinions that made my
newsletter interesting.

That did it! I decided consciously - what I to some degree I had already
adopted unconsciously - to be myself. To talk about things of personal
interest to me. To talk in my voice. And most importantly not to feel
uneasy about it. In short to be myself!

Later I discovered the "The Cluetrain Manifesto" and found that David
Weinberger said it all for me.

I think we all need to find our own voice - just be ourselves and not try
to be what we think is expected of us. We would get a lot more enjoyment
out of what we do for starters and in turn be much more effective
knowledge workers.

Its also what blogging is all about.

The ClueTrain Manifesto:

David Weinberger:


*************** KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA ***************

I have almost 200 readers in Australia and it is one of my fastest growing
groups - mainly in the public sector - which I find fascinating.

Well this item is just for you - The Ark Group have recently opened an
office in Sydney and are running a number of interesting KM events - in
particular David Snowden's Storytelling Masterclass in Sydney, Perth and

Also note the KM Asia 2002 conference and exhibition to be held in
Singapore on 16 - 18th July.

Ark Group:


KM Asia 2002

****************** HARVARD BUSINESS PUBLISHING ******************

Harvard Business Publishing have recently completely revamped their
website and renamed it Harvard Business Online. Its choker-block full of
management resources - with more than 8,000 titles for personal managerial
development, teaching, or training, including case studies.

You can view KM resources by clicking on Management which is listed under
the General topic index (left hand column of the site). Knowledge
Management is a sub-topic under Management. Take a look.

Harvard Business School Publishing:

Harvard Business Review:

Harvard Business Review Archives:

********************** HENRY DAVID THOREAU **********************

There are many people who have influenced the world for the better - their
influence often surviving long after their death.

Henry David Thoreau's work on Civil Disobedience profoundly influenced
Gandhi's nonviolent civil disobedience movement that won independence for
India from the British in 1948 almost 100 years after Thoreau's death.

His work also influenced Martin Luther King Jr's civil rights movement;
the opposition to the Vietnam War in the United States and to recent
demonstrations for civil rights in the former Soviet Union and China.

I was recently informed of a new Thoreau website 'The Thoreau Reader" by
Richard Lenat. It is packed with Thoreau resources and has a number of his
essays online - including Civil Disobedience.

Henry David Thoreau:

Civil Disobedience and Other Essays:


******************* KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 2003 *******************

Over 1,000 visitors including 125 conference delegates attended the recent
KM 2003 held by Bizmedia in London. Speaker highlights were an impressive
keynote speech from Dr Etienne Wenger, who discussed the cultivation of
Communities of Practice; a lively debate deliberating the next phase of
KM, led by Ron Young and Dave Snowden, and a challenging session from
Patrick Lambe of Straits Knowledge focusing on 'ignorance management'.

You can find a fuller report at the link below. Dates for your diary next
year are 1 - 2nd April 2003.

Knowledge Management 2003:

Etienne Wenger

David Snowden

********************** THE STARFISH STORY **********************

Take a look at this short story with a message on my website and then
click on my search link - you will come up with thousands of similar
stories - people who have taken the basic story and reworded it -
embellishing it - putting a slightly different spin on it.

I suspect its now impossible to trace the roots of the original story.The
web never ceases to amaze me.

The Starfish Story:


****************** GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-CALENDAR ******************

As ever, a lot of activity world-wide on the conference scene.

Gurteen-Knowledge Calendar:

Innovation Masterclass
10 Jun 2002, London, United Kingdom

IBM Software Symposium 2002
10 - 14 Jun 2002, Vienna, Austria

Henley Knowledge Management Forum Annual Conference
11 - 12 Jun 2002, Henley, United Kingdom

KnowledgeBoard Online Workshop: The Coach Approach in KM with Carole
13 Jun 2002,

The 10th International Conference on Thinking
15 - 19 Jun 2002, Harrogate, United Kingdom

Knowledge 2002 Summit
17 - 19 Jun 2002, Monte-Carlo, Monaco

Storytelling Masterclass
17 Jun 2002, Brussels, Belgium

Creative Conversation: Talk by David Gurteen (FREE)
18 Jun 2002, London, United Kingdom

Global KM eXchange 2002
25 - 27 Jun 2002, New York, United States

Establishing the Business Benefits of Intranet Content Management
26 - 28 Jun 2002, London, United Kingdom

KnowledgeBoard Online Workshop: KM Pitfalls and Challenges with David
04 Jul 2002,

KM Gov
11 - 12 Jul 2002, Washington DC, United States

The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics,Cybernetics & Informatics
14 - 18 Jul 2002, Orlando FL, United States

KM Asia 2002
16 - 18 Jul 2002, Singapore

Powering the Intelligent Enterprise
23 - 25 Jul 2002, Johannesburg, South Africa

Knowledge Management Intranet Site Visits
25 - 26 Jul 2002, Melbourne, Australia

Taxonomies in Action
29 - 30 Jul 2002, London, United Kingdom

Storytelling Masterclass 2002
29 - 30 Jul 2002, Perth, Australia

Storytelling Masterclass 2002
01 - 02 Aug 2002, Auckland, New Zealand

Knowledge Management Intranet Site Visits
06 - 07 Aug 2002, Sydney, Australia

Knowledge Management 2002 Conference
07 - 09 Aug 2002, Sydney, Australia

Storytelling Masterclass 2002
26 - 27 Aug 2002, Sydney, Australia

KM Summer School
02 - 06 Sep 2002, Sophia Antipolis, France

Knowledge Management & EIP Forum
10 Sep 2002, London, United Kingdom

Benchmarking and Developing your Intranet
10 - 11 Sep 2002, Brussels, Belgium

Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems
16 - 18 Sep 2002, Crema, Italy

Storytelling Masterclass
19 Sep 2002, London, London

9th Annual Competitive Intelligence Executive Summit, East
22 - 26 Sep 2002, Orlando FL, United States

The 3rd European Conference on Knowledge Management ECKM 2002
24 - 25 Sep 2002, Dublin, Ireland

Implementing the Balanced Scorecard
24 - 25 Sep 2002, London, United Kingdom

26 - 29 Sep 2002, Palm Springs CA, United States

The World Open Learning Conference & Exhibition (wolce 2002)
02 - 03 Oct 2002, Birmingham, United Kingdom

World Knowledge Forum 2002
16 - 18 Oct 2002, Seoul, South Korea

The Strategic Intelligence Gathering of Great Minds
21 - 23 Oct 2002, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Professor Michael Porter on Competitive Strategy
24 Oct 2002, London, United Kingdom

KnowledgeBoard Online Workshop: The role of conversation in KM with David
24 Oct 2002,

KMWorld 2002
29 - 31 Oct 2002, Santa Clara CA, United States

European Conference on e-Learning
04 - 05 Nov 2002, Uxbridge, United Kingdom

KM Europe 2002
13 - 15 Nov 2002, London, United Kingdom

David Norton on the Balanced Scorecard
13 Nov 2002, London, United Kingdom

Storytelling Masterclass
18 Nov 2002, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Fourth International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge
02 - 03 Dec 2002, Vienna, Austria

Steering Your Business in an Uncertain Economy Using Competitive
09 - 13 Mar 2003, West Coast, United States

Knowledge Management 2003
01 - 02 Apr 2003, London, United Kingdom

****************** SUBSCRIBING & UNSUBSCRIBING ******************

If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter, please click the link below
and follow the instructions:


or you can e-mail your request to subscribe or unsubscribe to
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***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help you
better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and interest in such
subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning, Creativity and the effective
use of Internet technology. It is produced in association with the
Knowledge Management Forum of Henley Management College, Oxfordshire,
England (

You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for resale or
profit and the following copyright notice is included intact: "Copyright
2002, David Gurteen, All rights reserved."

David Gurteen
Gurteen Associates
Fleet, United Kingdom

Copyright 2002, David Gurteen, All rights reserved.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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