

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 19 - 7th January 2002


First Published

January 2002


Sheila Moorcroft

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.


Welcome to the year 2002. I hope you have all had time over the Christmas
break to reflect on 2001 and give some thought to your plans for the
coming year. Well have you?

I've had a little time to do this myself and have decided to enlarge and
restructure my website. I plan to turn it into a global community site as
this seems a great opportunity to draw like-minded people together from
around the globe to learn from each other about Knowledge Management.

I also plan to arrange for discounts on conferences and magazine
subscriptions for the community. You'll see below that I've already
arranged discounts for two conferences later in the year.

So watch this space! And if you have any ideas as to how I might improve
things - I'm always ready to listen.

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Knowledge Management 2002 Conference
2 - KM Resources
3 - The Joy of Work Conference
4 - Theodore Zeldin
5 - On Sharing Knowledge
6 - ECKM Call for Papers
7 - On Communication by David Bohm
8 - Global KM
9 - KM Event Calendar

************* KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 2002 CONFERENCE *************

An entry to christen your new 2002 diary is the Bizmedia Knowledge
Management 2002 Conference & Exhibition (now in its 5th year) scheduled
for the 16th and 17th April in London.

I chaired one of the streams at this event last year and will be leading a
panel session this year looking at knowledge futures with Sheila Moorcroft
of Business Futures, Geoff Smith of Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Ron Young of
Knowledge Associates and Colin Bainbridge of Digital Behaviour.

It looks like being an excellent event - the full programme has just been
published and there is a substantial (almost £100) discount for an
earlybird booking and if you add "DG Offer" after your name when you book
- you will receive a further £50 discount. Check it out ...

Knowledge Management 2002:

Knowledge Management Magazine:

************************* KM RESOURCES *************************

I've been working over the last month to improve the structure of my site
and the ability to navigate it in an even richer way than at present. It
still needs some cleaning up but take a look at some of my new KM Resource
views. You will also notice many more cross-links on each page.

If you are interested in KM Events in the New Year then take a good look
at my Events Calendar as I've added over 15 new events in the last few
weeks. There are some great events coming up in 2002 right across the

KM Magazines etc.:

KM Societies:

Full List of Views:

****************** THE JOY OF WORK CONFERENCE ******************

I know that many of you, like me, are inspired by the ideas and work of
Theodore Zeldin. Well, you have an opportunity to see him in person as he
is the key speaker at the "Joy of Work" conference by Ashby McAllistair in
London in March.

This is a full-day event with other key speakers such as Richard Reeves
of the Industrial Society and author of 'Happy Mondays' and follows a
successful similar conference in November of last year.

It seems that Dr Zeldin has some very interesting ideas about conferences
as places where strangers can have conversations with each other and the
organizers are planning to implement some of his suggestions at the
conference so it should prove an interesting event.

I plan to be there and have arranged a discount with the organizers. The
regular delegate fee for the conference is £395 + VAT but if you quote
"Gurteen Offer" as a reference you will receive a £45 discount.

The Joy of Work:

Theodore Zeldin:

Industrial Society:

************************ THEODORE ZELDIN ************************

If you have not heard of Theodore Zeldin before now - he is a very
interesting guy! He is a fellow and former dean of St Anthony's College,
Oxford. He has been hailed as "one of the forty world figures whose ideas
are likely to have lasting relevance to the new millennium" (Independent
on Sunday), an "international thought leader" (Fast Company, US), "one of
Britain’s leading intellects" (Management Today’s New Guru Guide 2001) and
"one of the hundred most important thinkers in the world" (Magazine
Litteraire, France).

He is best known as the author of An Intimate History of Humanity which
offers a somewhat different perspective on human history by focusing on
the evolution of feelings and personal relationships. He is also author of
a favorite book if mine "Conversation: How Talk Can Change Your Life"

For the past three years, he has been conducting what he calls "human
audits" of British workers across a spectrum of occupations and
professions. This work is part of a research project "The Future of Work",
funded by the European Commission, to create a new vision of work for the
new millennium.

You will find quite a bit more about him on my website.

Theodore Zeldin:


An Intimate History of Humanity:

********************* ON SHARING KNOWLEDGE *********************

I always have a bit of a problem with the term "knowledge sharing". It
reminds me of when my brother and I shared the contents of our money boxes
as children. The one of us with the most money would win out and the other
would lose.

I can still not quite figure out why we used to do it. You would expect
the one of us with the most money to say 'no way' but we did. So maybe
there is something in the act of sharing that we value even as children.
Maybe it was about building a relationship, maybe the enjoyment of the
game, maybe a quest for orderliness or maybe it was just that I was the
older brother and my brother usually had more money than me :-)

But to me 'knowledge sharing' is not about exchange - its about creating
new knowledge through the interaction of different minds bringing
different experiences and perceptions to the table. Its more about a
learning process. Peter Senge sums it up nicely in this quotation of his.

"Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting
something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing
knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one
another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning

On Sharing Knowledge

Peter Senge:

********************* ECKM CALL FOR PAPERS *********************

I am on the conference committee for "European Conference for Knowledge
Management" to be held at Trinity College, Dublin on 24th and 25th
September, 2002 and will most probably be attending the event - maybe even

A "call for papers" has just gone out - so if you are a KM practitioner
and would like to talk about your experiences and better still would like
to savor a few pints of Guinness with me this Autumn in Dublin then why
don't you propose a paper.

European Conference on Knowledge Management:

**************** ON COMMUNICATION BY DAVID BOHM ****************

Over the Christmas period, I picked up one of the many books on my
bookshelf that I never quite get around to reading - "On Dialogue" by
David Bohm. I had difficulty getting past the first chapter "On
Communication" however - as although its only four pages in length - it
impressed me so much that I must have read it 5 or 6 times. Here are a
couple of paragraphs from that chapter:

"It is clear that if we are to live in harmony with ourselves and with
nature, we need to be able to communicate freely in a creative movement in
which no one permanently holds to or otherwise defends his own ideas. Why
then is it so difficult actually to bring about such communication?

This is a very complex and subtle question. But it may perhaps be said
that when one comes to do something (and not merely to talk about it or
think about it), one tends to believe that one *already is* listening to
the other person in a proper way. It seems then that the main trouble is
that the other person is the one who is prejudiced and not listening.
After all, it is easy for each one of us to see that other people are
"blocked" about certain questions, so that without being aware of it, they
are avoiding the confrontation of contradictions in certain ideas that may
be extremely dear to them."

This is powerful stuff and to my mind right at the heart of personal
knowledge management. I've included a little more of the chapter on my
website ... I would have liked to have copied the whole chapter but that
would have probably been pushing the copyright laws too far :-(

On Communication:

On Dialogue:

David Bohm:

*************************** GLOBAL KM ***************************

I would like the Gurteen website to represent KM globally but at the
moment it is still rather UK centric. I have published links to resources
from a wide range of countries but not all.

So please take a look at my "Countries" view. If your country is not there
or if the entries are sparse then drop me a line and tell me about KM
resources in your country - particularly details of networks, and
societies that help bring KM practitioners together to share experiences.


*********************** KM EVENT CALENDAR ***********************

Here is a list of some of the more interesting KM related events coming up
in the coming year. Take a close look as I have recently updated the list
with over 15 new events around the globe. Coming soon:

* In the UK, take a look at the RSA events in January and February.

* In East Asia, we have the Knowledge Management Showcase in Hong Kong at
the end of January.

* In Pacific, we have a new Knowledge Management 2002 conference in Sydney
in April.

* And in the US we have Lotusphere at the end of January and BrainTrust
2002 in mid-February.

Full Event Calendar:

Corporate Portals Asia 2002
10 - 11 Jan 2002, Singapore

How Storytelling Ignites Action In Knowledge-Era Organizations
23 Jan 2002, London, United Kingdom

Harnessing the force of storytelling in the knowledge organisation
24 Jan 2002, Henley, United Kingdom

Knowledge Management Showcase 2002 (Hong Kong)
24 - 25 Jan 2002, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Lotusphere 2002
27 - 31 Jan 2002, Orlando FL, United States

Corporate Portals Europe
28 - 31 Jan 2002, London, United Kingdom

The Wealth of Knowledge
07 Feb 2002, London, United Kingdom

Braintrust 2002 - The Fourth Annual Knowledge Management World Summit
10 - 13 Feb 2002, San Francisco CA, United States

Technological Development & its Impact on Societies & Economies
11 Feb 2002, London, United Kingdom

The Impossibility of Managing Knowledge
27 Feb 2002, London, United Kingdom

Online Learning 2002 Europe
04 - 07 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

European Business Information Conference
06 - 08 Mar 2002, Madrid, Spain

Knowledge Technologies Conference 2002
11 - 13 Mar 2002, Seattle, United States

Divisions and Bridges
13 - 15 Mar 2002, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Gary Hamel - Leading Innovation in Turbulent Times
13 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

Dave Ulrich - Masterminding HR Practice to Create Real Business Value and
deliver Results
13 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

The Joy of Work (March 2002)
22 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge Strategies 2002
01 Apr 2002, Singapore

Knowledge Management 2002 Conference
02 - 04 Apr 2002, Sydney, Australia

Knowledge Management 2002
16 - 17 Apr 2002, London, United Kingdom

2002 Knowledge Management Conference
16 - 17 Apr 2002, Toronto Ontario, Canada

Knowledge Management
22 - 25 Apr 2002, Washington DC, United States

American Productivity & Quality Center's Seventh Knowledge Management
02 - 03 May 2002, Arlington VA, United States

Fourth Annual Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning Conference
10 - 13 Jun 2002, London, United Kingdom

The 10th International Conference on Thinking
15 - 19 Jun 2002, Harrogate, United Kingdom

Knowledge 2002 Summit
17 Jun - 19 Jan 2002, Monte-Carlo, Monaco

The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics
14 - 18 Jul 2002, Orlando FL, United States

KM Asia 2002
16 - 18 Jul 2002, Singapore

The 3rd European Conference on Knowledge Management ECKM 2002
24 - 25 Sep 2002, Dublin, Ireland

KMWorld 2002
29 - 31 Oct 2002, Santa Clara CA, United States

****************** SUBSCRIBING & UNSUBSCRIBING ******************

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***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based newsletter for
Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help you better manage your knowledge
and to stimulate thought and interest in such subjects as Knowledge
Management, Learning, Creativity and the effective use of Internet
technology. It is produced in association with the Knowledge Management
Forum of Henley Management College, Oxfordshire, England

You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for resale or
profit and the following copyright notice is included intact: "Copyright
2002, David Gurteen, All rights reserved."

David Gurteen
Gurteen Associates
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
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