
Past Event

International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2015

InPACT 2015


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02 - 04 May 2015




Ljubljana, Slovenia



International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2015 (InPACT 2015)
2 to 4 May – Ljubljana, Slovenia
= Conference Goals =
The goal for this conference is to offer a new approach to the discussion and presentation of the psychological science nowadays. We expect to engage and interact with authors and researchers from various countries, cultures and fields in the area. We provide the answer to expose new quality developments in research and theoretical findings in Applied Psychology. Some main areas are chosen and divided in more detailed sub-themes (see below), not omitting other topics regarding groundbreaking contributions that might benefit attendees at the conference.
= InPACT format =
The conference will cover many types of presentation formats, incorporating Invited Keynote Speakers, oral and thematic showcases. Among the conference materials, given to all registered attendees, a book will be published and provided with the Proceedings delivered at the conference. Publication opportunities will also be available from selected international journals.
= Themes of Interest =
To develop the conference program we have chosen five main broad-ranging categories in Applied Psychology, which also covers different interest areas:
- In CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY: Emotions and related psychological processes; Assessment; Psychotherapy and counseling; Addictive behaviors; Eating disorders; Personality disorders; Quality of life and mental health; Communication within relationships; Services of mental health; and Psychopathology.
- In EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Language and cognitive processes; School environment and childhood disorders; Parenting and parenting related processes; Learning and technology; Psychology in schools; Intelligence and creativity; Motivation in classroom; Perspectives on teaching; Assessment and evaluation; and Individual differences in learning.
- In SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: Cross-cultural dimensions of mental disorders; Employment issues and training; Organizational psychology; Psychology in politics and international issues; Social factors in adolescence and its development; Social anxiety and self-esteem; Immigration and social policy; Self-efficacy and identity development; Parenting and social support; and Addiction and stigmatization.
- In LEGAL PSYCHOLOGY: Violence and trauma; Mass-media and aggression; Intra-familial violence; Juvenile delinquency; Aggressive behaviour in childhood; Internet offending; Working with crime perpetrators; Forensic psychology; Violent risk assessment; and Law enforcement and stress.
- In COGNITIVE AND EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: Perception, memory and attention; Decision making and problem-solving; Concept formation, reasoning and judgment; Language processing; Learning skills and education; Cognitive Neuroscience; Computer analogies and information processing (Artificial Intelligence and computer simulations); Social and cultural factors in the cognitive approach; Experimental methods, research and statistics; and Biopsychology.
- In PSYCHOANALYSIS AND PSYCHOANALYTICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY: Psychoanalysis and psychology; The unconscious; The Oedipus complex; Psychoanalysis of children; Pathological mourning; Addictive personalities; Borderline organizations; Narcissistic personalities; Anxiety and phobias; Psychosis.
= Types of Contributions =
All submissions are subjected to a blind-review refereeing process and are divided in these categories:
- Oral Presentations
- Posters
- Workshops
- Virtual presentations
- Corporates can also showcase their products or services in the conference exhibitions area by contacting the secretariat or publicity email (provided below).
= Conference Date and Location=
InPACT 2015 will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in BEST WESTERN PREMIER HOTEL SLON, and will occur from 2 to 4 May 2015.
= Contacts =
Conference email: [email protected]
Publicity email: [email protected]
Clara Pracana,
InPACT 2015 Conference and Program Chair
Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Portugal

Video: David Gurteen on when innovation should take place

David Gurteen on when innovation should take place from iriss on Vimeo.

David Gurteen discusses when innovation should take place

David Gurteen on when innovation should take place.

The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS), Glasgow.

Media Information: Image

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
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Thursday 13 February 2025
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