
Blog Post

Writing about people we don't totally agree with

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 29 October 2018



Writing about people we don't totally agree with
WeblogGurteen Knowledge Log
Knowledge LetterAppears in the Gurteen Knowledge Letter issue: 220
Posted DateMonday 29 October 2018 11:42 GMT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen

In last month's newsletter I talked about Elon Musk and made reference to Prof. Jordan Peterson. I received two emails in response.

The first email said "Given Elon Musk's recent behaviour, I'm rather surprised to find him featured here!"

And the second, "Really disheartened that you would include a reference to Jordan Peterson, who has been accused of sexually misconduct. Have you heard him speak about women? He's atrocious. And his failure to acknowledge students who eschew binary pronouns? Disrespectful, to say the least." They then unsubscribed from my newsletter.

This was my reply to the second email.

A big thanks for your email,

It is giving me a massive amount of food for thought. Especially as I received this email the same day.

"Given Elon Musk's recent behaviour, I'm rather surprised to find him featured here!"

I have a particular way of looking at the world that I am going to try to write about at some point.

I have watched many of Jordan's videos and have read his new book, also read a lot of heated "fights" on discussion forums between people who love him and people who hate him.

He is a controversial figure indeed.

I personally think he is acting in good faith and that he has a lot of deep insights into what it means to be human. I think he is also often misunderstood.

Like all of us, he has his "demons" and I don't think he is always right. But interestingly - he admits that. He is trying to make better sense of the world and is a passionate believer in free speech.


I think we need to listen to and engage with such people - even if we do not like what they have to say at times. This is how we make progress in the world.

Once again a big thanks for provoking my thinking on this. David

I am sure not everyone will agree with me :-)

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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