

The Effective Manager by Sarah Cook

(Feb 2009)



Sarah Cook 


IT Governance Publishing



First Published

February 2009

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ISBN 1905356889 


Human Resources; Intellectual Capital; Knowledge Management

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The Effective Manager by Sarah Cook The Effective Manager is intended to provide IT managers with practical advice and tips on how to become an effective manager.

Whether you are new to management, or have been a manager for some time, management is a skill that can be learned and developed in order to gain the trust and respect of your team members and to achieve team and organisational goals.

This book will help you develop your management skills. It is designed to assist you in understanding the characteristics of a high-performance manager, to help you assess where your strengths and development areas lie as a manager and to create a plan of action for realising your management potential.

Video: Social Networking in Plain English

A short explanation of social networking websites and why they are popular.

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  The Effective Manager (Feb 2009) by Sarah Cook 

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
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