
Past Event

Blockchain Discussion

The future of IKM



Noeleen Schenk And Sheila Moorcroft 

Event Link

https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/future-of-ikm-meetu ... 


Wed 28 Sep 2016


The Perseverance


London, United Kingdom


Knowledge Management



Are you interested in future developments in information and knowledge management and their impact?

You are not alone – on the 28th September, we will be hosting an open discussion forum in The Perseverance in Lambs Conduit Street, from 6:30 with like-minded friends and colleagues to talk about one of the most exciting and potentially game changing technologies – the BLOCKCHAIN.

At a time when organisations of many kinds are facing new challenges in data management and security, the blockchain is emerging as a way to let companies make and verify transactions on a network instantaneously without a central authority. Today, more than 40 top financial institutions and a growing number of firms across industries are experimenting with distributed ledger technology as a secure and transparent way to digitally track the ownership of assets, a move that could speed up transactions and cut costs while lowering the risk of fraud. Some companies see an opportunity to use the blockchain to track the movement of assets throughout their supply chains or electronically initiate and enforce contracts.

Many governments are also expressing interest. UK Government Chief Scientist, Sir Mark Walport, has been investigating how this technology could transform the delivery of public services and boost productivity.

You don't need to know anything about the blockchain – we will provide you with a short summary before the meetup.

The aim of the evening will be to have a broad-ranging discussion with colleagues considering and speculating consider how the blockchain will impact on our users and therefore how we manage information and knowledge.

Date and time: Wednesday, 28th September 2016 at 6:00pm for 6:30-8:30pm

Location: The Perseverance, 63 Lambs Conduit Street, London, WC1N 3NB

Booking: in advance through Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/future-of-ikm-meetup-blockchain-discussion-tickets-26071639977

Cost: £15 to cover the cost of the room and finger food

What is Knowledge Management? - Eduardo Tome

Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Eduardo Tome. What is Knowledge Management? Shot at ECKM 2006 in Budapest in September 2006.

Media Information: Image

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Sunday 27 October 2024
11:53 AM GMT