

Organization Design by Naomi Stanford

The Collaborative Approach (Nov 2004)



Naomi Stanford 





First Published

November 2004

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ISBN 0750663677 


Human Resources

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Organization Design 





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Organization Design by Stanford Naomi Stanford has produced the consummate guidebook for human resource professionals who are charged with shepherding a complex organization design project through to completion. It is full of useful tools to help manage the tricky but often overlooked "softer" aspects of organization change programs, such as communication plans, expectation management and rallying important stakeholders - Jay R. Galbraith, Senior Research Scientist, Center for Effective Organizations, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California<br><br>
Organization Design provides a highly informative and practical road map for HR professionals and line managers confronting the challenge of organization redesign, particularly at the business unit and divisional levels. - Jim Shillady, Partner with Kiddy and Partners, leads the UK Organization Design Group.<br><br>
'Naomi Stanford provides a fantastically rich source of ideas, tools and tips for managers, HR and OD practitioners and consultants alike. Grounded in real experiences of managing organisation design projects, she skilfully leads you through the often highly charged and complex issues involved - keeping your focus on the needs of the business when others are losing theirs! A valuable resource for anyone with responsibility for managing organisational change projects.' - Karen Giles, Organisational Change Manager, Energis. Formerly, Specialist Adviser, Organisation and Development at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.<br.<br><br>
<li> Demonstrates how HR practitioners can work across an organization to change the shape and structure in order to improve performance
<li> Provides tools and techniques that HR professionals need to fulfil their emerging role as business partners
<li> A well-structured approach which provides a framework adaptable to a variety of organizational situations
Organization Design: The Collaborative Approach looks at how the HR function can partner with management to help change the ways an organization operates in order to increase productivity, performance, and profit. Providing the knowledge and methods to handle the kind of recurring organizational change that all businesses face, those which do not involve transforming the entire enterprise but which necessitate significant change at the business unit, divisional, functional, facility or local levels. The problem lies in knowing what needs to change and how to change it. <br><br>

Taking the organization as a designed system, the book describes four major elements of organizations: (1) the work - the basic tasks to be done by the organization and its parts, (2) the people - characteristics of individuals in the organization, (3) formal organization - structures i.e. the organization hierarchy, processes, and methods that are formally created to get individuals to perform tasks, informal organization - emerging arrangements including variations to the norm, processes,(4) and relationships, commonly described as the culture or 'the way we do things round here'. The way these four elements relate, combine and interact affects productivity, performance and profit. <br><br>

This book is specifically written for HR practitioners and line managers working together to achieve the goal.It clarifies why and how organizations need to be in a state of readiness to design or redesign and emphasizes that people as well as business processes must be part of design considerations.

What is Knowledge Management? - Andrew Sinclair-Thomson

Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Andrew Sinclair-Thomson. What is Knowledge Management? Shot at the Henley Knowledge Management Forum in September 2006.

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  Organization Design (Nov 2004) by Naomi Stanford 
The Collaborative Approach

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
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