If you have a willingness to be open and an approach that adds to others, this book will enhance both your reputation and future legacy. The international world allows you to explore and discover your potential at a greater rate. For it is within this arena where your comfort zone will be challenged and your ability to adapt and change becomes more immediate. Internationals delight in how others perceive, live and relate to the world in their own unique environment. You will find this book rich in resources and best practice strategies that will enhance your ability to adjust, cope and respond in an enriching way to the expectations of cross-cultural relationships.
David Gurteen's comments: I met Sally Rundle at a Cynefin meeting in Vienna and later in London where she gave me a copy of this book. I immediately took to the book as I read the passage above on the back cover. I have not travelled as widely or lived in as many different cultures as Sally and her co-author Gary Yardley but having spend almost 3 years as an ex-pat in Cambridge Mass, I understand the impact of living in another culture on your personal development. I certainly would not be doing what I am doing now if it wasn't for that experience and I would encourage anyone to get out in the world and become an "International".
What is Knowledge Management? - Evangelia Siachou
Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Evangelia Siachou. What is Knowledge Management? Shot at ECKM 2006 in Budapest in September 2006.
Lia Siachou is a PhD Candidate based at the Department of Business Administration of Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Athens, Greece.
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