

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 9 - 19th February 2001


First Published

February 2001

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.


You may have noticed the question "What have you achieved today?" on
my website banner. What's it about? Well it's primarily there to
prompt me to pause and reflect on the question. Sometimes the answer
is "not a lot" - so I re-ask it "What have you achieved this week".
If the answer is still "not a lot" then I start to worry!

At the beginning of the day - I interpret the question as "What do
you intend to achieve today?". I'm concerned - if I do not have at
least one key objective in mind.

So let me ask you - "What have you achieved today?". I hope you are
more satisfied with your answer than I am - so often with mine!


1 - Personal Knowledge Management
2 - Groove Update
3 - Quotation: On Children & learning
4 - iOra Mobile Intranet
5 - The Coffeemachine Lecture, 28th February, London
6 - Quick Clicks
7 - Gurteen Discussion Forums
8 - Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)
9 - The New Intermediaries
10 - Events


For sometime now I have been interested in the concept of "Personal
Knowledge Management" and have developed a 1 day workshop on the
subject that I ran for Unicom Seminars last year and will be running
again later this year.

Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) is about taking a personal or
individual perspective to Knowledge Management rather than an
organizational or corporate one.

PKM is a smorgasbord of principles, concepts, disciplines and tools
that we can all apply as knowledge workers to improve our ability to
meet our business objectives. In short - PKM is about taking
responsibility for what you know, who you know - and what they know.

PKM is an emerging discipline - you will not find any books on the
subject or much information on the web. I recently come across an
article however entitled "The Power of One" by Steve Barth which is a
good introduction to the subject. He also has a lot of additional
information on his site.

For more on PKM including the Steve Barth article:

Unicom PKM Event:


Over the last 10 years I have grown up with products such as Lotus
Notes and so called "collaborative technology" or CSCW (Computer
Supported Collaborative Work). This technology has fundamentally
changed the way that many large organizations work and slowly but
surely as company Intranets mature - it is entering the main stream.

To my mind the most exciting new product since Lotus Notes is Groove
from Groove Networks. Ray Ozzie - the developer of Lotus Notes -
founded Groove Networks. I am convinced Groove is set to be a huge
success and to have a far greater impact than Notes.

I am looking for 3 or 4 people who would like to form a virtual team
with me to play with Groove and more fully evaluate it. If you are
interested drop me an e-mail.

If would like to know more about Groove, its background and the new
field of P2P (Peer-to-Peer Networking) - a good place to start is the
recent article in the on-line version of Fortune Magazine.

Groove Networks:

Fortune Magazine Article:


Another of my favourite quotes from the educationalist John Holt:

"Children do not need to be made to learn to be better, told what to
do or shown how. If they are given access to enough of the world,
they will see clearly enough what things are truly important to
themselves and to others, and they will make for themselves a better
path into that world then anyone else could make for them"

More quotations from John Holt:

John Holt:


I recently came across an interesting company - iOra - and their main
product "iOra Mobile Intranet". Quite simply this product allows you
to access your corporate Intranet from a laptop or other mobile
device even when disconnected!

As I have always worked with Lotus Notes/Domino that is built on this
sort of replication technology I appreciate its value. All my files
(Word, Excel, program files, whatever) are stored in Notes databases
and are available off-line on my PCs and laptops. This includes my
website which is a single Domino database. I could never ever go
back to not having this capability - all my essential digital
information is always right at my fingertips - on-line or off-line!

iOra's technology provides this capability for any corporate
intranet. But what makes it outstanding is its download speed. The
replication technology behind it (called Epsilon Technology)
downloads only the parts of files that have not been downloaded
before. This means that when you modify files (e.g. a large Word
document or PowerPoint file), or even when you create new files based
on an existing file, the time to download is typically 10 to 100
times faster than downloading the whole file.

It is absolutely ideal - if not essential - for mobile workers such
as salespeople and consultants and its speed makes it practical.

iOra website:

Lotus Domino:


The first Coffeemachine event of 2001 is to be given by Jim Moffat of
Lotus Development on Wednesday, 28th February. Jim 's talk will
demonstrate the latest technologies that Lotus has developed for the
Knowledge Management market and he will give a guide to the Lotus
philosophy on Knowledge Management.

The doors will open from 6.00pm to allow for an opportunity to
network and there will be a post lecture drink at a local venue for
those interested in continuing the discussions.

Location: Room 1214, Level 7, City University Business School,
Frobisher Crescent, Barbican Centre, London,UK.

*** The session is free and anyone is welcome to attend. ***
*** RSVP to Angela Hector
mailto:[email protected] ***

Full information, including directions:

Other Knowledge Management events:


Mental Model Musings
- Full of interesting resources on "systems thinking" and KM.

The American Society for Information Science (ASIS)
- US society for information professionals.

- The Dilbert website!

Philosophy Pages
- Great website on Philosophy from Garth Kemerling


I have recently implemented two new features on my website. The first
is a feedback feature that allows visitors to post Comment documents
against every page on the site and effectively give feedback or
discuss the contents of each page. The second is a Discussion Forum
feature that allows me to host many discussion forms.

Both features are still being tested and incrementally improved. I'd
greatly appreciate any feedback that you might have. To kick things
off I have created 3 forums. Go take a look!

1. KM Forum - to discuss general KM issues.
2. PKM Forum - to discuss "Personal Knowledge Management".
3. NFO Forum - to discuss "New Forms of Organizing".

Gurteen Discussion Forums:

For the Feedback feature see my home page or:


The Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) project
led by Ariba, IBM, and Microsoft has the goal of creating a Web-based
business registry containing information on what a company does, what
software standards it uses, and how other companies can conduct
electronic transactions with them.

UDDI will be a comprehensive directory of business operating on-line
and the web-based services they offer - in other words - a "Global
Yellow Pages" for the web.

If you take a look at the Microsoft UDDI site below - you will not
only be able to find more information but also search the UDDI
registry and register your own business.

UDDI Community website:

Microsoft UDDI website:


The New Intermediaries is a UK based "community of practice" for
people who are working to bring about change, both those who are
inside and those outside organisations. They hold regular meetings,
host a website and have an on-line community to which you can

Their second event this year is an opportunity to explore how Masks,
as used in the theatre, can teach us about ourselves, the roles we
play and new ways to release creativity in organisations.

New Intermediaries website:

More information on the Masks event:

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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Friday 14 February 2025
11:59 AM GMT