
Blog Post

Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: July 2018

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 24 July 2018



Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: July 2018
WeblogGurteen Knowledge Log
Knowledge LetterAppears in the Gurteen Knowledge Letter issue: 217
Posted DateTuesday 24 July 2018 10:54 GDT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen
CategoriesSocial Networking

Here are some of my more popular recent tweets. Take a look, if you are not a Tweeter, you will get a good idea of how I use it by browsing the list of micro-posts.

  • The new business dynamics of a hyperconnected world https://buff.ly/2JJkKHi

  • William Isaacs: Conversations that change the world https://buff.ly/2qqb3sl #KnowledgeCafe #KM #KMers #ConversationalLeadership #dialogue

  • We have made debating all about winning https://buff.ly/2m9ozfg #ConversationalLeadership

  • Dissenters seem like a pain. But principled troublemakers who challenge prevailing groupthink create more space for all https://buff.ly/2KIjkP2 #ConversationalLeadership

  • Reviving the Dying Art of Meaningful Conversation https://buff.ly/2KPse0I #ConversationalLeadership

  • The Knowledge Cafe principles are at the heart of the Cafe. In a Knowledge Cafe, conversation is King. #KnowledgeCafe #KM #KMers #ConversationalLeadership https://buff.ly/2majt2l

  • It's not clear whether quality conversations actually make people happier, or if happier people are more likely to have quality conversations. https://buff.ly/2L5TXXa #ConversationalLeadership HT @klowey22

  • How best to bump: Designing spaces to encourage conversation https://buff.ly/2KXvaEu #ConversationalLeadership #KM #KMers

  • How might leaders be meaningfully attentive in order to bridge the requirements both to deliver and to care in the contemporary workplace? https://buff.ly/2MZSLVB /short write up of a recent London Knowledge Cafe by Mark Cole. #KM #KMers #ConversationalLeadership #KnowedgeCafe

  • Julian Treasure explains how to speak so that people want to listen https://buff.ly/2G7skys #ConversationalLeadership

  • Jim McCann talks about his book "Talk is (Not) Cheap" and the Art of Conversational Leadership https://buff.ly/2u2Mukd #ConversationalLeadership

  • Knowledge is not power. The will and the ability to act on knowledge and to influence people and events is power. #KM #KMers #ConversationalLeadership https://buff.ly/2t68Y3Y

If you like the Tweets then subscribe to my Tweet stream.

Video: Twitter in Plain English

Twitter in Plain English

Media Information: Image

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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