

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 81 - 12th March 2007


First Published

March 2007

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

**** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 81, 12 March 2007) ****

I had a great time in Washington DC a week or so back. I was there
mainly for the Braintrust International Conference in Cambridge,
Maryland where I was running a Knowledge Cafe Workshop.

But of course while there - I could not miss the opportunity to run a
Knowledge Cafe and meet up with a whole load of people who wished to
see me.

And of course also get to see a little of the Capital.

A huge thank you to everyone for making it such an enjoyable visit.

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - BrainTrust International
2 - ADVERTISEMENT: Knowledge Manager Training
3 - TEDTalks
4 - More Twittering
5 - Invite to Jakarta Knowledge Cafe
6 - My Mail Log
7 - Social Tools Conference
8 - Washington DC Knowledge Cafe
9 - Speed Networking
10 - Annual KM Conferences
11 - My Mini-Interviews on YouTube
12 - Knowledge Forum Update
13 - KM Event Highlights

******************* BRAINTRUST INTERNATIONAL *******************

The first morning of the conference I ran a Knowledge Cafe workshop
and it got off to a seemingly bad start as many people did not make
it because of the snow.

I ended up with a smaller group than anticipated - changed my plans -
and went for a open conversational session where we all sat at one
large round table.

It was a great session and when we learnt that the afternoon workshop
on Knowledge Retention had been cancelled - someone suggested that we
run it in a knowledge cafe format and discuss the theme without the

This single round-table cafe worked so well that I plan to write it
up and to run such sessions in future. Its funny how circumstances
can be the mother of invention.

The conference was pretty good for a large conference but as ever I
found myself frustrated by too many 'death by powerpoint' sessions
though the organizer had worked hard to make the conference more
interactive than most.

Lots of really good speakers - but the one that stood out for me was
"Do You Know Where Your Talent Is? Connecting Your Workforce for
Performance" - a great talk by Robin Athey and Adriaan Jooste of


Some photos:


23 – 27 April 2007; Basel, Switzerland

Join our unique class combining the leading certified knowledge
manager training program led by an international faculty of top
senior practitioners and including access to all KMI’s eCKM eLearning

The workshop week in Basel will be co-led by Beat Knechtli, Director
and CKO, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Pavel Kraus, President, Swiss
Knowledge Management Forum and Senior Partner, aht'intermediation
GmbH; Douglas Weidner, President, KM Institute; and Barry Hardy,
Founder and Director, InnovationWell.

Program Brochure:

*************************** TEDTALKS ***************************

Yes I know I have talked about TEDTalks before :-)

But if you haven't taken a look - you will deeply regret it when you
discover them in 12 months time. I cannot praise the talks too highly
- the quality of the speakers and the topics is OUTSTANDING!


I watched several on my iPod on my recent flight to the US -- my
favorite was this one from Robert Neuwirth


In it, Robert describes the cities of tomorrow - no not Dubai or
Shanghai - but the shanty towns outside Nairobi, Mumbai, Rio and
Istanbul - where a billion people live now and three billion (a third
of humanity) are expected to be living by 2050.

************************ MORE TWITTERING ************************

I just love Twitter - like most social tools - its value isn't
immediately apparent - you have to play with it to discover what it
can do for you.

What is it? - its a "presence/nano-blogging app" !!!

When I first started twittering I "followed" Euan Semple - learnt his
flight from JFK to Washington was grounded because of snow and he had
to take a bus. As I was travelling to Washington myself the following
week - this reminded me to check out the weather.

And then later I got to learn he was on his village green watching
his kids at play - so I knew he had arrived home safely which was
important to me as he was the keynote speaker at a conference I was
chairing a few days later.

More recently I have been following Robert Scolbe and learning all
sorts of tidbits about who he has been meeting and lots of exciting
new technologies like Joost.

People can now also "follow" me - mainly from the Twitter panel on my
website - so people knew not to call me when I was in Washington or
at least to take into account the time zone difference!

It is a very simple social tool - but I love it!

See what Roo Reynolds has got to say:

I met Roo at the Social Tools conference - he is a "Metaverse
Evangelist at IBM" - a whole other story there about Second Life and
Virtual Worlds!


Unlike others who twitter away all day about little things - I tend
to use Twitter as a means of easily posting on my website where I am
and what I am doing.

*************** INVITE TO JAKARTA KNOWLEDGE CAFE ***************

I will be in Jakarta from Monday 16th April to Saturday 21st April to
run a knowledge sharing workshop for a client.

While I am there I will also be running a Gurteen Knowledge Cafe for
my Community Members and anyone else who cares to attend.

This Knowledge Cafe will take place on the evening of Tuesday 17th
April from 6:00pm to 8:30pm.


************************** MY MAIL LOG **************************

I have created another weblog within my site. Its a "mail log". Now
when ever I mail members of my community about regional events I also
store the emails as webpages in this blog.

It then means I have a history file for my own record and other
people who may not be in the region get to see the e-mails also. Its
a great weblog application and one you might like to mimic.

My knowledge log

My news log (anyone can submit postings to this log)

My mail log

******************** SOCIAL TOOLS CONFERENCE ********************

A few weeks back I chaired the second UNICOM Social Tools conference
here in London. There is no doubt in my mind now (if there ever was)
that Social Tools are going to have an immense impact on the way we
work. Funny though - so many of the "working together" challenges
that the speakers spoke about were ones I faced almost 15 years ago
with Lotus Notes!

Roo Reynolds - blog comments

Tim Travers - blog comments

Lee Bryant - blog comments

Photos - I have posted on Flickr

Suw Charman - a Gurteen mini-interview video on deploying Social Tools


***************** WASHINGTON DC KNOWLEDGE CAFE *****************

I had a great Knowledge Cafe In Washington DC on the 1st March -
hosted by the "Federal CIO Council’s Best Practices Committee
Knowledge Management Working Group".

Zeke Wolfberg at the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Knowledge
Laboratory initiated exploration of the theme “Operationalizing Risk
in Knowledge Organizations” .

My huge thanks to Nancy Faget and Giora Hadar and everyone involved
for helping to organize the event.

About 30 people turn out and I would like to thank you all for making
it such a fun evening.

Washington DC Knowledge Cafe


You also might like to see this Wiki page on Zeke's work

*********************** SPEED NETWORKING ***********************

A couple of weeks ago I ran a Knowledge Cafe - hosted by UNICOM.

Photos here:

But as I always do - before we started I ran a Speed Networking event
and for the first time talk a short video of it.

I have added it to my Speed Networking page where I describe the


Its such a simple idea and works so well as you can see from the
video> People really do engage.

Gurteen Knowledge Cafes

********************* ANNUAL KM CONFERENCES *********************

As well as my calendar of KM related conferences around the globe:


You might also like to take a look at the list of annual conferences
that I have been adding to over the last year. It is now quite


If I have missed any let me know and remember that conference
organizers can submit events for posting on my website here:


***************** MY MINI-INTERVIEWS ON YOUTUBE *****************

When I decided where to load the mini-interview videos that I started
to take last year, I went for Google Video rather then YouTube as
Google seemed to cater for more professional stuff rather then the
fun videos of YouTube.

That was before YouTube took off and became the default port of call
for videos.

I'd hoped that there might be some signs of the two systems
integrating since Google's buy-out of YouTube but that does not seem
to be the case.

So only one thing for it - load all the videos up to YouTube as
well!! With about 80 videos and no batch uploader - this is a slow
task but I have 25 of them loaded so far.


Google Video

******************** KNOWLEDGE FORUM UPDATE ********************

There is lots of good discussion taking place in the Knowledge Forum
on the bottom line benefits of KM.

If you would like to join up and take part see:


********************** KM EVENT HIGHLIGHTS **********************

This section highlights some of the major KM events taking place
around the world in the next 3 months and ones in which I am actively
involved. You will find a full list on my website where you can also
subscribe to both regional e-mail alerts and RSS feeds which will
keep you informed of new and upcoming events.


RSS Feeds:

Buying & Selling eContent
25 - 27 Mar 2007, Scottsdale AZ, United States
I will be helping facilitate a series of knowledge cafes at this

E-Gov Knowledge Management Conference 2007
03 - 05 Apr 2007, Washington DC, United States
I might have got to this event if it wasn't for my Moscow trip :-)

KM Russia-2007
05 - 06 Apr 2007, Moscow, Russia
Running a knowledge cafe at this event. Raj Datta and Dave Snowden

Jakarta Knowledge Cafe
17 Apr 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia
Knowledge Cafe while I am in Jakarta for a few days running a private

Library + Information Show 2007
18 - 19 Apr 2007, Birmingham, United Kingdom
I am not involved this year as I will be abroad but should be a good

European Text Analytics Summit
26 - 27 Apr 2007, Amsterdam, Netherlands

APQC Knowledge Management Conference 2007
07 - 11 May 2007, Houston, United States
One of the best US conferences - I hope to get invited one day :-)

3rd annual Text Analytics Summit
12 - 13 Jun 2007, Boston, United States

Knowledge and Content UK 2007
26 - 27 Jun 2007, London, United Kingdom
I will be chairing the KM stream at this conference and running a
1/2day workshop.

KM Australia
25 - 27 July 2007, Sydney, Australia
The programme is starting to shape up and will include a Gurteen
Knowledge Cafe facilitated by Helen Paige who is the regional
director for the Gurteen Community in Adelaide.

ICKM 2007: Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Management
27 - 28 Aug 2007, Vienna, Austria
I have an invite to run a knowledge cafe at this event if they can
find a sponsor. Any one care to offer :-)

******* S U B S C R I B I N G & U N S U B S C R I B I N G *******

If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter or if you wish to
modify your e-mail address or make other changes to your membership
profile then please see here:


Also see this page if you wish to become a community member and
receive this monthly newsletter.

***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help
you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and
interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning,
Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology.

It is produced in association with the Knowledge Management Forum of
Henley Management College, Oxfordshire, England.


You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for
resale or profit and I am attributed.

David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

Follow me on Twitter

How to contact me

My Blog

Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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