

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 76 - 9th October 2006


First Published

October 2006

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

**** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 76, 9 October 2006) ****

Its a busy period for me as you can see from my public schedule:


So please forgive me for this month's newsletter being one of my
shorter ones. As most of you
know, what I try to do is create a
"smorgasbord" of 10-12 items each less than a page in length that
introduces you to something I have tripped over in the last month or
I think you will find of interest.

This month I am writing a little less but hopefully pointing you to
some useful material.

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - What is KM? Video Interviews.
2 - Social Tools, Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0
3 - Newsreaders
4 - The Whereabouts Clock
5 - What makes an effective knowledge worker?
6 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
7 - John Kay on Obiquity
8 - KM Event Highlights

***************** WHAT IS KM? VIDEO INTERVIEWS. *****************

Last month I told you about my short video interviews on "What is
Knowledge Management".

At the time I just had a few interviews from ECKM 2006 in Budapest
but I have been busy and now have several more interviews taken at
the Henley Knowledge Management Forum and also at the Osney Media
European Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Forum.

I also ask the questions "What are Social Tools?" and "What is Web

Take a look I think you will like them.


************* SOCIAL TOOLS, WEB 2.0, ENTERPRISE 2.0 *************

I chaired the two day Unicom Social Networking Tools conference a
week or so ago and although I felt I understood these tools before
the conference I came away on a high - far more excited about their
potential then when I went in.

At some point I will have much more to say on this but in the
meantime take a look here:

Social Tools:

Web 2.0

Enterprise 2.0

To my mind these tools are going to be BIG and help make KM a reality
by putting powerful inter-personal tools in the hands of the
individual knowledge worker.

************************** NEWSREADERS **************************

I am still surprised at the number of people who have not discovered
newsreaders. Quite simple a newsreader allows you to create your own
personalized newspaper - kept up-to-date in pretty much real-time on
the web. You subscribe to news feeds that interest you.

I use Bloglines and you can see my personal "newspaper" here:


And while I am talking about sharing - I store my bookmarks on
Del.icio.us. You can see these at:


I'd highly recommend both these 'personal knowledge sharing' tools.
You may have noticed I have added a Del.icio.us icon to most of the
pages on my website to make it easy for you to bookmark pages on my
site :=)

********************* THE WHEREABOUTS CLOCK *********************

It was great to meet up with Stowe Boyd again at the Unicom Social
Tools conference. I caught him on video here:


But he has a great weblog where I discovered the "Whereabouts Clock"


Not as much fun as the Nabastag Wifi Bunnies:


but a lot more practical.

I think we are going to see a lot more of these type of 'stand-alone'


At the Osney Media European Knowledge Management Thought Leaders
Forum in London recently we broke into several "discussion pods" to
discuss topics of interest. Earlier, I had proposed a theme of "What
are the habits of effective knowledge workers?" and was pleased that
this was one of the topics selected.

There were about five of us at our table and we started by getting
into a discussion about what were we talking about: habits; skills;
attitudes; behaviors; values; mindsets or what? We decided quite
quickly that we would run out of time if we focused on these
differences and decided just to brainstorm everything without
attempting to categorize them. As the others carried on a
conversation - I just scribbled down the key attributes - here they
are - pretty much in the order they arose and unedited.


An interesting set of attributes but by no means exhaustive. It will
be interesting now to analyze them and pull them into some sort of
structure and order. Seems to me though that many of these attributes
are 'soft' in nature and difficult to teach or learn. How does
someone learn 'not to need praise' for example and just how important
an attribute is it?

************ LESSON OF THE MONTH FROM FIFTY LESSONS ************

This month's 50lessons video is "The Benefits Of An Entrepreneurial
Economy" by Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou - the sole owner of easyGroup.

In this lesson he talks about how every entrepreneur must understand
the risks they are taking, have a contingency plan if things go
wrong, and be willing to change direction if necessary.


********************* JOHN KAY ON OBIQUITY *********************

I cannot recall who pointed me to this article by John Kay but well
worth a read. Here is how it starts:

"Strange as it may seem, overcoming geographic obstacles, winning
decisive battles or meeting global business targets are the type of
goals often best achieved when pursued indirectly. This is the idea
of Obliquity. Oblique approaches are most effective in difficult
terrain, or where outcomes depend on interactions with other people."


********************** KM EVENT HIGHLIGHTS **********************

This section highlights some of the major KM events taking place
around the world in the next 3 months and ones in which I am actively
involved. You will find a full list on my website where you can also
subscribe to both regional e-mail alerts and RSS feeds which will
keep you informed of new and upcoming events.


RSS Feeds:

CROinfo 2006 Knowledge Management Conference
11 - 13 Oct 2006, Porec, Croatia
I will be giving a keynote and running a knowledge cafe at this event.

KM Asia 2006
07 - 09 Nov 2006, Singapore
Its 3 years since I attended KM Asia so I am delighted to be visiting
Singapore again. I will be giving a talk at this event and running a
workshop. The National Library Board has also just agreed to host a
knowledge acfe on the evening of the 7th. More details later.

Online Information
28-30 November 2006, London
I will be chairing the Social Tools stream (Dave Pollard is one of
the speakers) and also giving one of the free short floor talks. If
you are at the event come along and say hello.

KMAP 2006
11 - 13 Dec 2006, Hong Kong, China
Looks like I will be getting out to Hong Kong too where I will be
running a conference knowledge cafe. My first time to China so eager
to meet lots of people.

Braintrust International 2007 - Annual Knowledge Sharing Summit
26 - 28 Feb 2007, Cambridge,Maryland, United States
A little ways off but I will be running a knowledge cafe workshop at
this event. This looks like being a great event - more on this later.
But their website is up - go take a look.

******* S U B S C R I B I N G & U N S U B S C R I B I N G *******

You may s u b s c r i b e to this newsletter here:


To u n s u b s c r i b e mail
mailto:[email protected]

***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help
you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and
interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning,
Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology.

It is produced in association with the Knowledge Management Forum of
Henley Management College, Oxfordshire, England.


You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for
resale or profit and I am attributed.

David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
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