

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 70 - 9th April 2006


First Published

April 2006

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

***** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 70, 9 April 2006) *****

I promised last month that I would be starting to release the video
conversations that I was recording with Brad Meyer.

Well this is coming together well but we have expanded our horizons
slightly - not only have we recorded two of the conversations but we
have also captured the 'provocations' from my last three London
Knowledge Cafes and interviews with the facilitators from the last two.

So we have a lot of material stored up for you but it is all taking a little bit
longer than planned to pull together.

This month we are releasing the provocation from my January 2006
Knowledge Cafe by Professor Bruce Lloyd of the London South Bank
University talking on "Knowledge Management: What has Wisdom got to
do with it?". This is in multi-media format. I hope you enjoy it. Its
also a good example of the technology that Brad has developed to
created these 'digital knowledge resources'.


*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Lesson of the Month from Fifty Lessons
2 - Gurteen Media Player
3 - RSS Feed for my website
4 - Quotations and Updates
5 - Knowledge & Content UK (KCUK)
6 - Gurteen Inspired Conversational Cafes
7 - Apple Computer is 30 years old this month!
8 - Foresight 2020: Economic, industry and corporate trends
9 - National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation
10 - Online Poll
11 - Gurteen Event Calendar
12 - What's New?

************ LESSON OF THE MONTH FROM FIFTY LESSONS ************

This month I have selected a lesson entitled “Passion” by Perween
Warsi, Founder and CEO of S&A Foods.

The theme of the lesson is that "communicating with passion inspires
employees and instills a real sense of ownership in a business".

The reason I chose this particular lesson is that a few years back I
had the pleasure to meet Perween when we were both speaking at the
same conference. I was impressed then with her passion and her
determination and fascinated by her story.

Perween started her company, S&A Foods - named after her sons Sadiq
and Abid by making and selling samosas and selling them from her home
in Derby in 1986. Today, she employs 1,300 people in four factories.
Her business has an annual turnover of more than £100 million and she
supplies Malaysian, Thai and Chinese food to British supermarkets.

Quite an achievement!


********************* GURTEEN MEDIA PLAYER *********************

Web video is fast maturing and with new services like Google Video
and YOUTube, as well as the more traditional formats such as Windows
Media Player , RealPlayer  and Apple's QuickTime  it is possible to
stream video content on the web both easily and inexpensively.

And as you can see above I am starting to take advantage of this
myself to pull together video and multimedia knowledge assets that I
hope you find both educational and entertaining.

In experimenting with this I have build a page on my website that I
have dubbed the "Gurteen Media Player". It is kind of unusual in that
it enables you to play video in a variety of formats through my site
from one page. Take a look. You will find some serious stuff and some
not so serious stuff. Asimo - Honda's humanoid robot is a must. When
Asimo runs it will send shivers down your spine - "he" (or is it a
"she"!) seems so human.

One of the great things about this page is that it will give you a
good feel new services such as the Google Video store. This service
is going to fundamentally change the web. Already I am uploading
video to the store and making it available via the store, through my
website and allowing other sites to embed my video on their pages.
Truly awesome!


******************** RSS FEED FOR MY WEBSITE ********************

A large number of you subscribe to my weblog via my RSS feed. But
these days I find less time to blog and my weblog is updated rarely.
On the other hand my website is updated with all sorts of information
and new features almost everyday.

In may ways my website is my weblog and I am consciously making it
more and more personal by the day. The actual weblog that is
integrated into the site is just one small part of it.

And so I have modified the RSS feed to my weblog to incude the daily
updates to me site. So by subscribing to this feed you get to see all
the new material and updates on my site.

I hope you find this useful.

RSS Feed to Gurteen Website

******************** QUOTATIONS AND UPDATES ********************

I mentioned last month that you could subscribe to a daily or weekly
email that sent you a quote from my website.

What I neglected to mention is that the e-mail containing the
quotation also gives you the last 10 updates on my site - so in
addition to the RSS feed it is also a good way of keeping up to date
on what's changed and what's new.


***************** KNOWLEDGE & CONTENT UK (KCUK) *****************

KCUK 2006 - the annual Knowledge & Content Conference & Exhibition
from the Ark Group has recently been announced and will be held in
London on 4-6th July.

I am delighted to be chairing the Knowledge Management Stream and
Dave Snowden will be kicking that stream into life on the Tuesday
with a keynote presentation: "KM: evolutionary dead end or the shape
of the future?".

As chair for this stream I will be doing my best to help make it as
participatory and as interactive as possible.



A few months ago, I ran a knowledge cafe at Cranfield University. One
of the people I met there was a young Portuguese woman called
Margarida Monteiro de Barros who was a doctoral researcher at the
Knowledge & Innovation Systems Centre.

She mailed me a few weeks later to say that she and a colleague had
so liked the kcafe format that they would like to start a
"Sustainability Cafe" based on my knowledge cafe process and could
she have my permission and a little support from me. This of course I
was thrilled to do.

But it got me thinking, as a number of people over the last few years
have asked if they could start knowledge cafes, and I did not really
have a good answer for them.

I now have a comprehensive answer:

Starting a Knowledge Cafe

The Sustainability Cafe

Report from the 1st Sustainability Cafe

Gurteen Inspired Conversational Cafes

********** APPLE COMPUTER IS 30 YEARS OLD THIS MONTH! **********

I am slowly building a timeline into my website where pages are
categorized by date. You can see the view that is under development


But to start to round this out - I have recently added a new type of
page to my website - an "Historic Event".

Although tempted to add items such as dates of battles, disasters and
the like, I plan to resist and add positive events in human history -
great achievements, personal breakthroughs, births of people who have
had a positive impact on the world and lesser but never the less
important events such as the start of interesting organizations or
shipment of new technolgies that have changed the world.

Here is one of the first events I have added:

Apple Computer was 30 years old on 1st April 2006. It was founded by
Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, to sell the Apple I
personal computer kit which they hand-built in Steve Jobs' parents'

Watch the embedded video - if you have grown up with the PC industry
as I have then I think you will enjoy it!



If you read anything today - this report should be it!

"Foresight 2020", a new research report written by the Economist
Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Cisco Systems, assesses likely
changes to the global economy, to eight major industries and to
corporate structures over the next 15 years.

More than 1,650 senior executives, analysts and policymakers from
across the globe took part in a survey and a series of in-depth
interviews conducted especially for the report.

You can download the report for free from:


This is the fact that grabbed my attenion. When senior managers were
asked "Which areas of activity offered the greatest potential for
productivity gains over the next fifteen years?" Guess what?
Knowledge Management came top!!

Here are some additional clips to wet your appetite :-)

"Knowledge workers will be companies’ most valuable source of
competitive advantage in 2020, whether in outward-facing functions
such as sales or inward-facing ones such as knowledge management."

"The focus of management attention will be on the areas of the
business, from innovation to customer service, where personal
chemistry or creative insight matter more than rules and processes".

“To be successful, companies have to invest in workers and
technologies that can drive collaboration and interactions inside and
outside the company across the entire value chain of customers,
partners and suppliers.”


The 2006 National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation will take
place in San Francisco, California August 4-6, with pre-conference
training on August 3rd.

Through their conferences, website, and other programs, the National
Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD) brings together and
supports people, organizations, and resources in ways that expand the
power of discussion to benefit society.

If you are dedicated to solving group and societal problems through
honest talk, quality thinking and collaborative action, we invite you
to join us at this innovative gathering.

NCDD’s conferences provide leaders and future leaders in dialogue &
deliberation a venue in which to share resources and strategies,
solve problems together, build relationships, and initiate
collaborative projects.


************************** ONLINE POLL **************************

Inspired by the Foresight 2020 survey I have posted a new on-line
poll this month asking "Which of the following offer the greatest
potential for productivity gains over the next 10 years?

1. Improved human resource management
2. New technologies
3. Improved organizational processes
4. Effective knowledge management
5. Better training

No prizes for guessing my vote!  See:


******************** GURTEEN EVENT CALENDAR ********************

My website contains such a comprehensive list of events that it is
no longer possible to display them all. The list below shows only the
major events or ones of special interest that will be held in the
next month or so.


There are two major events this month that I would like to draw your
attention to:

In the UK we have the Library + Information Show coming up late this

Library + Information Show 2006
26 - 27 Apr 2006, Birmingham, United Kingdom

and then in Las Vegas in early May we APQC's annual KM event.

APQC's Eleventh Knowledge Management Conference
04 - 05 May 2006, Las Vegas, United States

Gurteen Event Calendar:

Practical Knowledge Management
11 Apr 2006, Melbourne, Australia

Gurteen Knowledge Cafe, New York City
17 Apr 2006, New York City, United States

E-Gov Knowledge Management Conference 2006
19 - 21 Apr 2006, Washington DC, United States

Internal Search Engines
21 Apr 2006, London, United Kingdom

Enterprise Content Management Strategies for Information Sharing and
25 Apr 2006, London, United Kingdom

The Challenge of Working in Virtual Teams
27 Apr 2006, Widnes, United Kingdom

Information Architecture
28 Apr 2006, London, United Kingdom

Digital Regions -- Public Private Strategies for IT-Cluster
01 - 02 May 2006, Austin, United States

Knowledge management: on a quest for a new simplicity!
03 May 2006, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge Management in a Global Economy
04 - 05 May 2006, Las Vegas, United States

Becoming an effective knowledge worker
11 May 2006, London, United Kingdom

Meeting of the Adelaide Knowledge Cafe
11 May 2006, Adelaide, Australia

IADIS Health Informatics 2006 Conference
15 - 19 May 2006,

IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information
15 - 19 May 2006,

Unleashing potential: passion, creativity and execution
15 May 2006, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Tools & Techniques for Effective Knowledge Sharing
22 - 23 May 2006, London, United Kingdom

KMICE'06: Knowledge Management International Conference and
Exhibition 2006
06 - 08 Jun 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Knowledge Management for Professional Services
13 - 14 Jun 2006, London, United Kingdom

Collaborative Technologies Conference
19 - 22 Jun 2006, Boston, United States

***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help
you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and
interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning,
Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology.

It is produced in association with the Knowledge Management Forum of
Henley Management College, Oxfordshire, England.


You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for
resale or profit and I am attributed.

David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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