

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 48 - 9th June 2004


First Published

June 2004

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

***** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 48, 9 June 2004) *****

My 48th knowledge-letter! I can hardly believe that I am entering
my 5th year. I published the first issue on 30th May 2000 and it went
out to about 300 friends and colleagues compared with over 11,000
people in 134 countries today.

I am still hugely enjoying writing them - they are as much a learning
tool for me as anything else.

I hope you continue to enjoy them too. If you do, could you I ask you
to do something in return for me - forward this letter on to a few
friends or colleagues or post it on your organizational intranet - I
would love to grow the membership some more this year.

Thank you. David :-)

*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

1 - Creativity and Innovation Conference
2 - Bill Gates gets Weblogs!
3 - Helping Children Prepare for their Work Future
4 - Social Tools for the Enterprise
5 - Knowledge Sharing at the World Bank
6 - Use travel to invigorate your creative spirit
7 - Thoughts On Schooling
8 - The Present and Future of Work
9 - Wikipedia in the news
10 - Email Survey Update
11 - London Knowledge Cafes
12 - Dave Snowden Masterclass CDs
13 - KM UK and KM Australia
14 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
15 - What's New?


My fourth Gurteen Knowledge Conference on Creativity and Innovation
is being run in London on 29th June. I feel I have some great
speakers lined up for the day including: Andy Burnett, Mark Turrell,
Richard Potter, Sheila Moorcroft, Victor Newman, Matt Mower and
Michael Stephenson.

So if you would like to explore the concepts of Creativity and
Innovation - how to generate ideas, capture them and act on them then
come along. It should prove a great event.

Gurteen Knowledge Conference:Creativity and Innovation

******************* BILL GATES GETS WEBLOGS! *******************

Well it had to happen sooner or later. Bill Gates at the recent
Microsoft CEO Summit described to his audience how blogs could be
used a tool for business to communicate with customers. Only seems
yesterday nobody had heard of them.

Bill Gates at the Microsoft CEO Summit 2004, May 20th 2004

And more and more companies are doing just that.

Microsoft Bloggers

Sun Bloggers


I have long been interested in children and their education and apart
from having once been a child; now a father and for a while a school
governor, I have never been directly involved in child education.

A little while ago, I noticed a woman sign-up for my
knowledge-lettter. Her name was Jo Singel and she was Vice President
for Leadership & Organizational Development at J.P. Morgan Chase &
Co. As I often do with seemingly interesting people I pop into Google
and do a search on their name to learn a little bit more about them.
In doing so, I found Jo's resumé on the web. This is one of the
things she had to say about herself:

"Her passion also includes working with children and schools,
bringing business professionals into classrooms and sharing knowledge
to help prepare children for their work future. She also works with
individuals, teams and not-for-profit organizations on leadership
development and personal mastery."

I was intrigued and so dropped her an e-mail to ask her more about
her work and to ask if I could publish something about it on my
website. It turned out that Jo had never documented anything and so
we agreed that I would interview her by e-mail.

I hope you find her work as fascinating as I do and that you might
even be inspired to do something of a similar nature.

Helping Children Prepare for their Work Future

**************** SOCIAL TOOLS FOR THE ENTERPRISE ****************

Can I suggest that you spend a little time to take a good hard look
at social networking and some of the new social network tools. This
really is a hot area.

If you are fascinated by what you find then on 29th June in London KM
Cluster is running a symposium on "Social Tools for the Enterprise".


This looks like being a really informative event with a great line up
of speakers. I will be there and even get to run a knowledge cafe :-)

You might also like to note that I'm in the early stages of planing a
Social Networking Conference on 12th July in London. Verna Allee
will be the keynote speaker and will be running a workshop the
following day.

Social Networking

Exploiting Social Networking in Organizations

Verna Allee

************** KNOWLEDGE SHARING AT THE WORLD BANK **************

I've mentioned Knowledge Management at the World Bank in previous
knowledge-letters. There are some great resources on their knowledge
sharing site.


Virtual Communities and "Low-Tech" Tools: Lessons Learned at the
World Bank



One of my favorite websites is "Innovation Tools". Here is what they
have to say about travel. No wonder I love travel so much :-)

"Venturing beyond your geographic comfort zone invigorates your
creative spirit. When you go somewhere you've never been before, your
brain becomes alive, and you become more acutely aware of your
surroundings. You notice things you might not observe at home, and
even the most commonplace objects -- road signs, storefronts,
telephone booths, coins -- are intriguing."

"Travel serves up a continually changing kaleidoscope of colors,
textures, smells and tastes that heighten all of your senses and
compel you to think and react in new ways. Travel jolts you out of
your normal habits and gives you a renewed sense of excitement about
the world that can refresh your creative wellspring."

"Perhaps more than any other tool, travel feeds your creative core
and strengthens your intelligences. Each time you observe an unusual
custom, hear a foreign language, listen to strange music, or walk an
unfamiliar path, you inject your mind with data that build your

Innovation Tools

Use travel to invigorate your creative spirit


********************* THOUGHTS ON SCHOOLING *********************

I love making connections. When browsing the web recently I came
across an excerpt of some thoughts by John Holt on education on
schooling. This in turn led me to similar views of Ivan Illich and
Alfie Kohn. I have profiles of all three of these 'thinkers' on my
website but I had never quite made the connection between their work
before. Here is what I blogged at the time:


John Holt

Ivan Illich

Alfie Kohn

**************** THE PRESENT AND FUTURE OF WORK ****************

Great webcast - a panel interview with Ray Ozzie, Tom Malone, John
Parkinson, John Stenbit and Chris Thomas on the future of work and
the role of technology. I highly recommended it.


Ray Ozzie

The Future of Work by Tom Malone

********************* WIKIPEDIA IN THE NEWS *********************

You may recall I spoke about Wikipedia - the open content
encyclopedia - in the April 2004 issues of this knowledge-letter.
Great to see an article in Business Week June 7, 2004 on Wikis and
Wikipedia too.

Looks like the corporate world are starting to wake up to some of
these new 'social tools' such as wikis and weblogs - about time too :-)



What's a Wkii

********************** EMAIL SURVEY UPDATE **********************

I am amazed - 380 of you completed the email survey last month -
thank you!

Edward Truch tells me that the results look very interesting and
contain a few surprises. He is still fully analyzing the responses
and will present them Henley KM Forum Conference on the 16th June. I
will publish the results on my website shortly after that and report
back in my next knowledge-letter.

******************** LONDON KNOWLEDGE CAFES ********************

I'm delighted to inform you of two upcoming knowledge cafes in London.

The first is a Knowledge BBQ to be held at the University of
Greenwich Business School on 27th July.


And on 7th September we have a more traditional knowledge cafe hosted
by the London South Bank University where Ruth Rikowski will take a
look at "the meaning of value".


***************** DAVE SNOWDEN MASTERCLASS CDS *****************

I have had a great amount of interest in Dave Snowden's CD-ROM

"Using narrative in organizational change" and "Emergent Knowledge

For more information:


******************** KM UK AND KM AUSTRALIA ********************

The Ark Group are now running several KM 'country' events each year.

KM UK is in London on the 14th to 16th June.

KM Australia in Sydney on 23 to 25 August.

And then KM Asia in Singapore and KM Europe in Amsterdam in early

All well worth a visit.


If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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