

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 20 - 4th February 2002


First Published

February 2002


Sheila Moorcroft, Steve Denning, Theodore Zeldin

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.


I have always been interested in the future. In my youth I devoured Sci-Fi
books but today I am more interested in the near future - the next 10
years or so - what might change; how it might impact the business world
and what opportunities are presented. Its why I asked Sheila Moorcroft of
Business Futures to write each month about the subject.

Well in this issue Sheila reveals a little of the process that she uses
and I have put a few 'indicators of change' on my website - the one on
'Business Education' was pointed out to me in the Financial times by Mick
Cope and is quite fascinating.

The Asian institute of Management (AIM) is trying to change the face of
management and leadership education by overthrowing the traditions of
Harvard and the US business schools. Take a look!

Indicator of Change: Inside track business education


*************************** CONTENTS ***************************

2 - Theodore Zeldin on "Compensation"
3 - On Observation and Interpretation
4 - Creative Conversation
5 - Email Virus Hoaxes
6 - Steve Denning & Storytelling
7 - Scanning - a recipe for the future
8 - KM in Austria & the Netherlands
9 - Adopt the International Date Format
10 - The Key Components of Knowledge Management
11 - Lotus Notes & Domino 6.0 Release Date
12 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar

************* KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE 2002 *************

The programme for the Knowledge Management Conference in London from April
16 - 17 2002 has now been finalized and looks set to be inspiring,
interactive - and somewhat controversial - with speakers including the
US-based Communities of Practice guru Etienne Wenger; Dave Snowden of IBM,
Ibrahim Gogus of Oracle and Prof. Marco Bettoni of Basel University of
Applied Sciences.

There are now only a few weeks left to book at the Earlybird discounted
rate and there are also significant discounts for academic delegates. If
you click through from the link below, you can also receive an ADDITIONAL
GBP50.00 DISCOUNT by adding 'DG Offer' after your name when you book.

***************** THEODORE ZELDIN ON "COMPENSATION" *****************

I know, I know, I am always talking about Theodore Zeldin :-) but take a
look at this recent interview with him by Helen Trinca of the Australian
Financial Review and you may see why. Here's what he says about
compensation (read pay or reward)

"Compensation is a terrible word. Compensation implies that work is
something painful."

You have an opportunity to see Theodore Zeldin in March at the Joy of Work
seminar in London. If you are in HR and are still using that word
'compensation' maybe you should go along and listen to what he has to say
:-) And don't forget you will get a GBP45.00 discount if you quote
"Gurteen Offer" when booking.

The Outsider:

The Joy of Work:

Theodore Zeldin:

*************** ON OBSERVATION AND INTERPRETATION ***************

I have long felt that what we need in our business lives is not more
information or more knowledge but an improved awareness and a deeper
understanding of the world. Armed with this we can put our information and
knowledge to better use.

So its always nice when I stumble across someone else saying the same
thing but coming from a different background and mindset to me. Recently
in the Culture section of The Sunday Times I found a fascinating article
by the author Joanna Trollope. This is how she starts ...

"I am always fascinated by the idea of creative-writing courses. I
completely accept that you can teach the craft, that you can give
instruction how to structure a book, how to vary the pace and tension, how
to write dialogue. But what you can't teach, it seems to me, is the right
kind of observation or the right kind of interpretation of what has been
observed. It worries me to think of all those earnest pupils who have
diligently mastered the mechanics, wondering with varying degrees of
misery and rage why the finished recipe just somehow hasn't worked."

Like it? Its not just about writing is it? Its about knowledge and its
about wisdom. We focus too much on the mechanics of business life and in
Joanna Trollope's words - not enough on "observation and interpretation"
and in my words not enough on "awareness and understanding" :-)

Here is a link to the full article on the Sunday Times site ...


but be warned you will need to register to access it and they want to know
everything down to the size of your shoes!

On Change by Anthony de Mello:

********************* CREATIVE CONVERSATION *********************

I've been doing some research and writing on the role of conversation in
knowledge management this last month and have come across a number of
interesting articles - take a look at my Conversation category on my
website. Here are a couple of quotations that sum up 'conversation' for me:

"Conversation is a meeting of minds with different memories and habits.
When minds meet, they don't just exchange facts: they transform them,
reshape them, draw different implications from them, engage in new trains
of thought. Conversation doesn't just reshuffle the cards: it creates new
cards." - Theodore Zeldin

"Business is a conversation because the defining work of business is
conversation - literally. And 'knowledge workers' are simply those people
whose job consists of having interesting conversations." - Christoper


Theodore Zeldin:

Christoper Locke:

********************** EMAIL VIRUS HOAXES **********************

If I had a penny for every hoax e-mail warning me of a new computer virus
I'd be a rich man. A recent one (the sulfnbk.exe virus) instructs you to
look for a file on your hard disk and delete it as its a virus.
Unfortunately the file you are told to delete is not a virus - it is a
Windows system file. The e-mail instruction itself is the Virus!

So a tip - if you receive an e-mail warning you of a virus - check that it
is not a hoax or worse that you are not forwarding the virus itself! You
can check viruses at:


***************** STEVE DENNING & STORYTELLING *****************

I had the privilege of seeing Steve Denning twice recently. First at his
RSA lecture and again at the Henley Management College/Bizmedia seminar
the following day.

If I had any doubts about storytelling - I am now a convert. If you are
sceptical yourself - take a look at his site or read his book ...
storytelling is a very powerful technique for influencing people and for
sharing knowledge.

I now have a spare copy of his book - "The Springboard" - so here is a
little competition. The person who posts what I consider the best true
knowledge sharing story on my KM forum before the end of February gets my
spare copy.

Stephen Denning website:



************** SCANNING - A RECIPE FOR THE FUTURE **************

Change does not happen in a vacuum: it does not arrive complete and
ready-made like a ready to eat meal from the supermarket. The ingredients
of change are often there to see: signs that ‘something is going on’,
signs the significance of which is all too clear through the powerful lens
of hindsight, but which was ignored at the time. The power of hindsight is
that it supplies the ‘recipe’ for combining the important events
retrospectively: scanning provides a framework for trying out new recipes
in advance. In short, scanning helps us create new knowledge about the
potential of the future.

The Business Futures’ ScanningTM process integrates and capitalizes on
fragmented and diverse knowledge and perspectives to create new and
challenging insights about the future. It identifies signals of potential
change - events which are interesting in their own right, but which, more
importantly, can be seen as indicators of new and emerging trends.
Scanning also provides a framework for making connections between those
seemingly disparate events to look for the cumulative effects of potential

David has put one or two items which Business Futures have identified
through the ScanningTM process as potential indicators of change up on
his website. As you will see, they are very similar to any other abstract
in a database: the critical difference is that the comments are designed
to ask what if?. the abstracts are then used to stimulate discussions
based on combinations of items and are reviewed for patterns and links
which go beyond straight-line thinking.

Scanning integrates fragmented and dispersed knowledge, relies on a
combination of intuition and ‘naive experience’ and encourages open
minds. It also creates knowledge communities.

If you would like to put forward your own items as indicators of change,
highlighting why you think it is interesting and in what context, please
do so.

For a more extensive article about scanning, please email
[email protected] - we are currently radically overhauling our
website and have withdrawn many items as a result.

Sheila Moorcroft

Indicators of Change:

Business Futures:

Sheila Moorcroft:

**************** KM IN AUSTRIA & THE NETHERLANDS ****************

Last month I asked if anyone could tell me of KM resources in their
countries. Well thanks to Herwig Rollett in Austria and Christiaan Stam in
the Netherlands I have a few more interesting KM links for those two
countries. More useful links are welcome!

Country View:



************** ADOPT THE INTERNATIONAL DATE FORMAT **************

02/05/03 - is that the 2nd May 2003 or the 5th February 2003 or the 3rd
May 2002?

Well it all depends on your national date format convention. dd/mm/yy,
mm/dd/yy or yy/mm/dd. Confusing? Well yes. But not as confusing as some
websites that inadvertently mix the formats. I found a European conference
site recently that mixed the US and European date formats on their events
- very confusing indeed.

So a personal plea to all webmasters - could I suggest you adopt the
international ISO 8601 standard of yyyyy-mm-dd. In this case the 3rd
February 2002 would be written as 2002-02-03.

If this standard were globally adopted then there would be no more confusion.

There are many other advantages too - including that it sorts correctly. For
more information see:



Unicom Seminars are running a week long series of KM workshops entitled
"The Key Components of Knowledge Management" from 25 February - 1 March

+ Accelerated KM: Managing Knowledge for value in an uncertain climate

+ Towards Common Approaches & Standards in KM

+ Personal and Team KM

+ Knowledge Enhanced Government: The role of KM in the Public Sector

Speakers include: Ron Young, Rowan Wilson, Clive Holtham and Joe McCrea.
Well worth a look.

Unicom Seminars - The KEY Components of Knowledge Management:

************* LOTUS NOTES & DOMINO 6.0 RELEASE DATE *************

Lotus Software's Lotusphere event took place in Orlando last week and the
tentative date for release of Notes and Domino 6 (formerly known as Rnext)
was announced as "by the end of the third quarter 2002".

Lotus Software:

Lotus Notes:

Group Computing:

****************** GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-CALENDAR ******************

I have updated the calendar and you will now find icons to signify on
which events you may get discounts and on which there is a call for
papers. Coming soon:

* In the UK, take a look the free Coffeemachine lecture this Tuesday
evening (5th February) and the TFPL Tom Stewart Seminar on the 7th

* In Europe, we have EBIC in Madrid in early March

* In East Asia, we have Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning in
Shanghai at the end of March.

* In South-East Asia we have Knowledge Strategies 2002 in Singapore in
early April.

* In Pacific, we have a new Knowledge Management 2002 conference in Sydney
in April.

* And in the US we have BrainTrust 2002 in mid-February.

Data Visualisation: A Journey out of Flat Lands (FREE)
05 Feb 2002, London, United Kingdom

The Wealth of Knowledge
07 Feb 2002, London, United Kingdom

Braintrust 2002 - The Fourth Annual Knowledge Management World Summit
10 - 13 Feb 2002, San Francisco CA, United States

Technological Development & its Impact on Societies & Economies
11 Feb 2002, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge, People and Power (Quebec)
13 - 15 Feb 2002, Quebec, Canada

Accelerated KM
25 - 26 Feb 2002, London, United Kingdom

The Impossibility of Managing Knowledge
27 Feb 2002, London, United Kingdom

Towards Common Approaches & Standards in KM
27 Feb 2002, London, United Kingdom

Personal and Team KM
28 Feb 2002, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge Enhanced Government
01 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

Online Learning 2002 Europe
04 - 07 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

European Business Information Conference
06 - 08 Mar 2002, Madrid, Spain

Knowledge Technologies Conference 2002
11 - 13 Mar 2002, Seattle, United States

Divisions and Bridges
13 - 15 Mar 2002, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Gary Hamel - Leading Innovation in Turbulent Times
13 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

Dave Ulrich - Masterminding HR Practice to Create Real Business Value

and deliver Results
13 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

Enterprise Learning and Knowledge Exchange Summit
13 - 15 Mar 2002, Palm Springs CA, United States

Storytelling Masterclass
20 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

The Joy of Work (March 2002)
22 Mar 2002, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning
25 - 26 Mar 2002, Shanghai, China

Knowledge Strategies 2002
01 Apr 2002, Singapore

Knowledge Management 2002 Conference
02 - 04 Apr 2002, Sydney, Australia

3rd European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning &
05 - 06 Apr 2002, Athens, Greece

Knowledge Management for the Public Sector
09 - 10 Apr 2002, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge Management 2002
16 - 17 Apr 2002, London, United Kingdom

2002 Knowledge Management Conference
16 - 17 Apr 2002, Toronto Ontario, Canada

Knowledge Management
22 - 25 Apr 2002, Washington DC, United States

Information, Knowledge and Society
22 - 26 Apr 2002, Havana, Cuba

23 - 24 Apr 2002, Manchester, United Kingdom

Knowledge as an Engine for Growth
29 - 30 Apr 2002, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Lecture by Sheila Moorcroft of Business Futures (FREE)
30 Apr 2002, London, United Kingdom

American Productivity & Quality Center's Seventh Knowledge Management
02 - 03 May 2002, Arlington VA, United States

Mobilising Knowledge for Business Performance
08 May 2002, London, United Kingdom

Knowledge Management in Electronic Government (KMGov2002)
23 May - 24 Mar 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark

28 - 29 May 2002, London, United Kingdom

Fourth Annual Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning Conference
10 - 13 Jun 2002, London, United Kingdom

The 10th International Conference on Thinking
15 - 19 Jun 2002, Harrogate, United Kingdom

Storytelling Masterclass
17 Jun 2002, Brussels, Belgium

Global KM eXchange 2002
25 - 27 Jun 2002, New York, United States

The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics
14 - 18 Jul 2002, Orlando FL, United States

KM Asia 2002
16 - 18 Jul 2002, Singapore

The 3rd European Conference on Knowledge Management ECKM 2002
24 - 25 Sep 2002, Dublin, Ireland

The World Open Learning Conference and Exhibition (wolce 2001)
02 - 03 Oct 2002, Birmingham, United Kingdom

World Knowledge Forum 2002
16 - 18 Oct 2002, Seoul, South Korea

KMWorld 2002
29 - 31 Oct 2002, Santa Clara CA, United States

KM Europe 2002
01 Nov 2002,

****************** SUBSCRIBING & UNSUBSCRIBING ******************

If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter, please click the link below
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***************** THE GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE-LETTER *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based newsletter for
Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help you better manage your knowledge
and to stimulate thought and interest in such subjects as Knowledge
Management, Learning, Creativity and the effective use of Internet
technology. It is produced in association with the Knowledge Management
Forum of Henley Management College, Oxfordshire, England

You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for resale or
profit and the following copyright notice is included intact: "Copyright
2002, David Gurteen, All rights reserved."

David Gurteen
Gurteen Associates
Fleet, United Kingdom

Copyright 2002, David Gurteen, All rights reserved.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
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