
Past Event

20th Knowledge Management Tracks

Infrastructure and application to managing and communicating organizational knowledge


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28 - 29 Oct 2015


Milano, Italy


Knowledge Management



Conference with speech about scenario, strategy, methodology, technology, application, infrastructure, process, case study, papers and knowledge management solution supporting organizational knowledge management and communication. And with points for material distribution and contact management.
Workshops with interaction between speaker/facilitator and participants.

Managing and communicating organizational knowledge is the way to increase the organization competitiveness and the people professionality by an approach of innovation from a cultural, organizational and technological point of view. The goal of the event is to collect the best original practice on knowledge management, talking about back office point view (managing knowledge) and front office point of view (communicating knowledge)

IT director, manager, specialist, generalist; knowledge manager and researcher of large and medium private and public organizations, operating in various sectors (such as Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Energy, Fashion & Luxury, Finance, Food & Beverage, Information technology, Media, Pharma, Public administration, Telco, Transportation); top management of SME
TOPICS (in progress)

KM Tracks
- Managing organizational knowledge: data, information, document, content & knowledge management; workflow management; big data & analytics; 3D printing
- Communicating organizational knowledge: unified communication & collaboration, web 2.0 (blog, forum, wiki, collaboration tool, social network) and real time applications (chat, audiovideo communication systems), cloud computing, internet of things

KappaeMme Magazine and Newsletter covers over 60.000 manager interested in managing and communicating organizational knowledge and related technologies supporting. KappaeMme Web covers over 500 daily unique visitors in working week. Telemarketing on target audience by our databases. Network partnership with community and relationship network. Media partnership.

The call for papers has the goal to collect the best original researches with a scientific approach on knowledge management, from a cultural, organizational and technological point of view through papers talking about knowledge management scenarios, strategies, methodologies, technologies, applications, processes, focus on, solutions, best practice, experiences able to increase the competitiveness of organizations and the expertise of his knowledge worker. This means presenting not commercial papers referring on technological and managerial directories of the knowledge management (km tracks).
The call for paper participation is free. Accepted paper will be free inserted in the proceedings and could be presented in Km Tracks Session by payment.
Best papers will be published on KappaeMme Digital Magazine.
To participate in this call for papers register on http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/privacy.htm indicating your personal data and the subject of your request (CFP KM20); then send the web form and you will get the documents to participate in cfp.

28th October - the conference

29th October - workshops

9.00 – 13.00

by David Gurteen
A Knowledge Cafè consists of a presentation on a topic of importance to the participants followed by three rounds of conversation in groups prompted by a question. Each round of conversation lasts 15-20 minutes. The group size, topic focus and and time limit mean conversations flourish and monologues perish. All the participants the sit in a circle for a whole group conversation for about 20 minutes. The session Is concluded with each person in the circle taking 1 minute to pledge a single action that they will undertake as a result of their conversations. Although the Knowledge Cafè can be put to a variety of purpose depending on the topic and the question, its fundamental strength is to bring the participants together to elarn from each other; to strengthen their relationships, make connections, glean insights and surface ideas and opportunities and encourage new ways of thinking.

14.30 – 18.30

by Marco Bettoni
Il workshop si propone di presentare il concetto di comunità di pratica visto nei suoi più recenti sviluppi e ne spiega sia le caratteristiche fondamentali sia l'importanza come metodo per gestire la conoscenza organizzativa. Verranno trattati esempi di comunità di pratica, i benefici che esse possono apportare all'organizzazione, il loro rapporto con l'apprendimento organizzativo, gli elementi che le costituiscono, principi e fasi di sviluppo come pure una breve guida pratica che sintetizza gli aspetti fondamentali di una implementazione in ambito organizzativo. Scopo del workshop è offrire ai partecipanti l'occasione di acquisire elementi conoscitivi e applicativi delle Comunità di Pratica come strumento di Knowledge Management; nonchè di condividere idee e progetti di Comunità di Pratica che si vorrebbero realizzare nella propria organizzazione.

What is Knowledge Management? - Robert Taylor

Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Robert Taylor. What is Knowledge Management? Shot at the Henley Knowledge Management Forum in September 2006.

Media Information: Image

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

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