
Past Event

The International Conference on Innovation & Knowledge Management (iKM2018)


Event Type

International Conference

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Research Center for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University 

Event Link

http://www.innovation.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/Events/ ... 


17 - 18 Mar 2018


Tsinghua Campus


Beijing, China


Innovation; Knowledge Management



The International Conference on Innovation & Knowledge Management (iKM2018) will be held in Beijing, China. The iKM is initiated by Prof. Chen Jin, who is the director of the Research Center for Technological Innovation (RCTI) of Tsinghua University. Prof. Ikujiro Nonaka is committed to chair this conference.
1. Time and location
Event time: March 17-18, 2018
Location: Tsinghua Campus, Beijing, China
2. Host Organizer
Research Center for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University, China
3. Co-organizers
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Shenzhen Landray Software Co.,Ltd
CNKI-Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology Co., LTD, (Beijing)
4. Supporting units
Tsinghua Business Review Press
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Technology Economics Editorial Office
5. Theme and Topics
Theme: Research on Knowledge Innovation
(1) Knowledge sharing and technology innovation
(2) Organized knowledge management
(3) Eco-system of knowledge management
(4) Strategy of knowledge management
(5) Architectures and design of KM systems
(6) e-Learning, m-Learning, Experiential Learning, and Gamification
(7) Global and Cross-Cultural Aspects of KM
(8) Human Computer Interaction, Multimedia, and Knowledge Visualization
(9) Information Society and Social Networks
(10) Integration of Knowledge
(11) Learning Organization & Organizational Learning
(12) Mobile and Ubiquitous Communications
(13) Organizational and Interorganizational KM
(14) Search, Semantics, and Content Management
6. Agenda
March 16, Registration
March 17 Morning, Theme speeches of iKM
March 17 Afternoon, Asian Knowledge Forum & Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise Award (MAKE2017)
March 18 Morning, Theme speeches of iKM
March 17 Afternoon, Forum of Enterprises' Applications in Innovation and Knowledge Management
The two-day event offers simultaneous interpretation of Chinese and English

What is Knowledge Management? - Evangelia Siachou

Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Evangelia Siachou. What is Knowledge Management? Shot at ECKM 2006 in Budapest in September 2006.

Lia Siachou is a PhD Candidate based at the Department of Business Administration of Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Athens, Greece.

Media Information: Image

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