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London Knowledge Cafe: Can you host a Knowledge Cafe in central London?

Posted to Gurteen Mail Log by David Gurteen on 1 May 2012



London Knowledge Cafe: Can you host a Knowledge Cafe in central London?
WeblogMail Log
Posted DateTuesday 1 May 2012 18:14 GDT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen
CategoriesKnowledge Cafe
CountryUnited Kingdom

To: London Knowledge Cafe Members

I am planning a few Knowledge Cafes oveer the coming months and am looking for hosts in central London.

Some of you will know Arthur Shelley from Australia of "Organizational Zoo" fame. Arthur will be speaking at KM UK in June and while he's here I would like to run a Knowledge Cafe with him on 2 July.

I also plan to run a Knowledge Cafe on the subject of "Passion". This KCafe will be a little different from the norm and ideally I need a wooden floor. I'll leave you guessing as to why :-)

To host a KCafe means providing a free room and tea/coffee for an evening from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. If you feel you might be able to do this - then please get in touch and I can send you full details.

I know that several of you have offered to host in the past. My apologies if I have not followed through with you - just remind me and I will be in touch.

Thanks David

Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom

Tel:       +44 1252 812 878
Mobile: +44 7774 178 650

PS. If you would like to continue to receive my monthly Gurteen Knowledge Letter but would rather not receive e-mails about the London Knowledge Cafe then please see here.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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